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disk/misc/DiskImageGui.lha |
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--+ Introduction +--
DiskImage is a concept that allows the user to mount any disk image file as a
DOS device. But with the included DiskImageGui script, this is limited to ADF
floppy images, ISO CD-ROM images and HDF harddisk images only. When a virtual
device is mounted, and a image file is "inserted", the user will be able to
copy files from/to the image, and it may also be possible to delete files from
the image as well. Basically, almost everything that can be done with real
devices can also be done with the virtual devices too.
One important thing to have in mind regarding HDF image files, is that they
must have been made by using the defaults in WinUAE, this means a block size
of 512 and a BlocksPerTrack value of 32.
DiskImageGui is a requester driven script, which controls the DiskImageCtrl
executable for easily inserting and ejecting image files. DiskImageGui also
handles the mount files as well, so if the virtual device has not yet been
mounted, the script will first generate a temporary mount file on the fly
(in T:), and then it will use this file for actually mounting the device.
Please note that by default, none of the virtual devices are mounted at
Some might say that this solution doesn't really use the full potential of
DiskImage, but if support for ADF, ISO and HDF image files is all you need,
it may just be the right one for you.
--+ Requirements +--
Amiga with Kickstart 2.04 and 68020 CPU as minimum.
This distribution now contains all files required by DiskImageGui. They were
gathered from the below archives, where only the most essential file(s) from
each archive is included here. For more stuff, just download the following:
Please note! Only Thore Böckelmann's original version of diskimage.device is
supported. Fredrik Wikstrom's OS3.x port from OS4 is NOT supported! The reason
for this is because it lacks some functionality needed by DiskImageGui script
(basically the ability of making a list over all mounted virtual drives).
Furthermore, DiskImageCtrl will only work with diskimage.device 37.7 or lower!
--+ Installation +--
This is really simple! Just copy DiskImageGui to wherever you like. A proper
location for it might be the System drawer on your Workbench partition. Then
use the Install_Files script for installation of certain files that's needed
by DiskImageGui. Have in mind that only files required for your system will
be copied, and that no existing files will be overwritten.
--+ Version history +--
V1.7 - Added support for CDFileSystem to be used for mounting ISO images. The
reason for this is the much improved version included in AmigaOS 3.1.4
- The functionality for generating ISO mountfiles has been optimized.
- Better support for ADZ & DMS files. This requires the xadmaster system,
which will be used for converting them to ADF files before mounting.
--+ Background info +--
The DiskImageGui script is something that I originally created for my Amiga911
Maker project, but I decided to release it as a seperate distribution as well.
This in case somebody will find it useful. The included version of the script
has been slightly modified in order to make it somewhat more generic.
More info about the Amiga911 Maker project, and the various boot disks + packs
that can be created with it can be found at: www.amiga911maker.site11.com
In addition, there is also my other site at: www.rhz1.com
Contents of disk/misc/DiskImageGui.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic] 1053 2248 46.8% -lh5- af29 Mar 30 09:58 DiskImageGui.info
[generic] 7353 12680 58.0% -lh5- 7026 Feb 3 2006 DiskImageGui/C/DiskImageCtrl
[generic] 771 1000 77.1% -lh5- 42d5 Dec 27 1996 DiskImageGui/C/RequestChoice
[generic] 1021 1516 67.3% -lh5- f14b Feb 9 1994 DiskImageGui/C/RequestFile
[generic] 4362 7036 62.0% -lh5- ec98 Feb 3 2006 DiskImageGui/Devs/diskimage.device
[generic] 2893 13608 21.3% -lh5- 7c3b Feb 13 14:30 DiskImageGui/DiskImageGui
[generic] 5315 13476 39.4% -lh5- cbb6 Mar 25 15:30 DiskImageGui/DiskImageGui.doc
[generic] 977 1986 49.2% -lh5- 9b49 Mar 28 02:27 DiskImageGui/DiskImageGui.doc.info
[generic] 1343 3466 38.7% -lh5- 6c17 Jan 12 2016 DiskImageGui/DiskImageGui.info
[generic] 1801 3814 47.2% -lh5- 00b1 Mar 25 14:49 DiskImageGui/DiskImageGui.readme
[generic] 978 1986 49.2% -lh5- c192 Mar 28 02:27 DiskImageGui/DiskImageGui.readme.info
[generic] 1060 2248 47.2% -lh5- 522d Mar 28 02:18 DiskImageGui/Icons.info
[generic] 1195 2255 53.0% -lh5- 7692 Dec 28 2015 DiskImageGui/Icons/DiskImageGui1.info
[generic] 359 1231 29.2% -lh5- 79f6 Jan 12 2016 DiskImageGui/Icons/DiskImageGui2.info
[generic] 309 703 44.0% -lh5- e48b Sep 10 2013 DiskImageGui/Icons/DiskImageGui3.info
[generic] 660 1856 35.6% -lh5- 9df4 Mar 25 23:39 DiskImageGui/Install_Files
[generic] 1175 2029 57.9% -lh5- 27ad Mar 28 02:39 DiskImageGui/Install_Files.info
[generic] 13512 22044 61.3% -lh5- 4c8c Dec 14 1997 DiskImageGui/L/AmiCDFS
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 18 files 46137 95182 48.5% Apr 1 19:51
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