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Short:Mount ADF, ISO and HDF disk images
Author:Roger Håseth
Uploader:panterhz yahoo no (Roger Håseth)
Download:disk/misc/ImageMount.lha - View contents

   --+  Introduction  +--

ImageMount is a requester driven script which allows you to mount ADF, ISO and
HDF image files in a really easy way with only a few mouse clicks, and you can
then treat the virtual devices  like any other storage  device  (copy, delete,
rename files etc.). It works on any Amiga with KS 2.04 or higher, but requires
minimum version 38.21 of the Mount command  (included in WB2.1).  ImageMount
uses filedisk.device for mounting virtual devices.

Unlike with similar type of solutions, there are no sort of "change disk" or
"eject disk" kind of functionality involved,  the mounted virtual drives will
remain mounted until the Amiga is rebooted.  When it comes to the  amount of
image files that can be mounted at any given time, there really are no limit-
ations other than the currently free RAM available.  ImageMount also handles
the mount files as well, where the script generates temporary mount files on
the fly (in T:), which are then used for mounting the image files.
One important thing to have in mind regarding HDF image files, is that they
must have been made by using the defaults in WinUAE, this means a block size
of 512 and a BlocksPerTrack value of 32.

When compared to other alternatives, ImageMount is a much more simpler and
less advanced solution,  but the advantages is that it works on 68000 CPU
Amigas, and that the required files are much more smaller in size.

   --+  Requirements  +--

Any Amiga with Kickstart 2.04 or higher.

This distribution now contains all files required by ImageMount. They were
gathered from the below archives, where only the most essential file from
each archive is included here. For more stuff, just download the following:

For Workbench 2.0 support: You will need minimum version 38.21 of the Mount
command, since it will not work with version 37.x. A workaround is possible
by having Mount 38.21 installed in C: under the name Mount21. Under WB2.0,
ImageMount will look for this file, and prefer to use it if it's found.

   --+  Installation  +--

This is really simple! Just copy ImageMount to wherever you like. A proper
location for it might be the System drawer on your Workbench partition. Then
use the Install_Files script for installation of certain files that's needed
by ImageMount. Have in mind that only files required for your system will be
copied, and that no existing files will be overwritten.

   --+  Version history  +--

V1.4 - Added support for CDFileSystem to be used for mounting ISO images. The
       reason for this is the much improved version included in AmigaOS 3.1.4
     - The functionality for generating ISO mountfiles has been optimized. 
     - ADZ & DMS files are now supported. This requires the xadmaster system,
       which will be used for converting them to ADF files before mounting.
V1.3 - Fixed a minor issue in order to make ImageMount work with AmigaOS 3.1.4

   --+  Background info  +--

The ImageMount script is something that originally was created for my Amiga911
Maker project, but I decided to release it as a seperate distribution as well.
This in case somebody will find it useful. The included version of ImageMount
has been slightly modified in order to make it somewhat more generic.

More info about the Amiga911 Maker project, and the various boot disks + packs
that can be created with it can be found at:

In addition, there is also my other site at:

Contents of disk/misc/ImageMount.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic]                 1055    2248  46.9% -lh5- 1bf7 Mar 30 09:58
[generic]                  771    1000  77.1% -lh5- 42d5 Dec 27  1996 ImageMount/C/RequestChoice
[generic]                 1021    1516  67.3% -lh5- f14b Feb  9  1994 ImageMount/C/RequestFile
[generic]                 1749    2668  65.6% -lh5- 3dca Sep 12  2005 ImageMount/Devs/filedisk.device
[generic]                 1062    2248  47.2% -lh5- 9b95 Mar 28 02:17 ImageMount/
[generic]                 1222    2272  53.8% -lh5- ce38 Nov 29  2015 ImageMount/Icons/
[generic]                  391    1231  31.8% -lh5- 6ed1 Jan 12  2016 ImageMount/Icons/
[generic]                  327     703  46.5% -lh5- 263a Nov 28  2015 ImageMount/Icons/
[generic]                 2789    9689  28.8% -lh5- 8a55 Feb 12 14:33 ImageMount/ImageMount
[generic]                 5109   12720  40.2% -lh5- 21f9 Mar 30 09:12 ImageMount/ImageMount.doc
[generic]                  975    1986  49.1% -lh5- 9f66 Mar 28 02:25 ImageMount/
[generic]                 1337    3458  38.7% -lh5- fc10 Jan 12  2016 ImageMount/
[generic]                 1783    3738  47.7% -lh5- b162 Mar 30 09:11 ImageMount/ImageMount.readme
[generic]                  978    1986  49.2% -lh5- 4440 Mar 28 02:25 ImageMount/
[generic]                  633    1681  37.7% -lh5- d0b2 Mar 27 00:04 ImageMount/Install_Files
[generic]                 1167    2029  57.5% -lh5- 6920 Mar 28 02:40 ImageMount/
[generic]                13512   22044  61.3% -lh5- 4c8c Dec 14  1997 ImageMount/L/AmiCDFS
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        17 files   35881   73217  49.0%            Apr  1 19:51
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