This is a brilliant AMIGAGUIDE preview of the new NFA AGA-Only CDROM -
The AGA Experience! Includes Screen shots and also a run-down of most of
the contents.
NFA (famous for their 'Word' diskmag, and Bodyshop slideshows amongst
others) and SAdENESS are very proud to present their first Amiga CD-ROM
disc - The AGA Experience. This is the first CD dedicated to A1200/A4000
owners, and features the very best AGA-only software released over the
past 3 years. Some of the main features are as follows:
- EXCLUSIVE NFA PRODUCTIONS. These quality titles were created by leading
Amiga group NFA specifically for this CD. These titles include AGA
Slideshows, Klondike cardsets and others. The CD features every AGA
NFA release to date, including the brilliant 'Word' diskmag, 'Out of
Space' Alien multimedia diskmags, The entire collection of the popular
'Bodyshop' series of slideshows, including an EXCLUSIVE 'Bodyshop'
release! These titles are official NFA releases.
- READY-TO-RUN. Most of the contents run straight from the CD. There is
no need to spend ages extracting disks. Well over 300meg of
ready-to-run hot utilities, diskmags, text files, demos, games and much
more. Only those titles which NEED to be compressed have been, these
include Demos and slideshows which have to be stored in DMS format.
Extracting these is as simple as double-clicking an icon in Workbench.
- MAGIC WORKBENCH colour scheme and icons. We have spent months making
this CD the very smartest looking CD available today. Almost every
program has a suitable MagicWB icon. We have even created custom
Ray-Traced icons for the CD, any Amiga owner is guranteed to be impressed!
- OVER 80 Klondike cardsets. There is also a ready-to-run version of the
brilliant Klondike card game, with 10 built-in cardsets. These include
many quality cardsests we have created ourselves,and these are only
available on this CD. Featuring EXCLUSIVE 'Bodyshop' cardsets!
- LICENSED Amiga Report Diskmags. The entire 1995 collection so far -
ready-to-view. A great resource for any Amiga owner.
- LOADS of MagicWB icons, backdrops etc. All you need to add a professional
appearance to your Workbench.
- HUNDREDS of programs never before seen on CD. Mostly downloaded from BBS's
around the World, and straight from the Internet.
- ALL AGA Amiga Doom clones. If you thought Doom was impossible on the Amiga,
take a look at this CD for a real surprise!
- BRILLIANT Amiga-created images. We have created loads of very impressive
AGA pictures for this CD. These pictures are on no other CD, and show what
the Amiga is really capable of!
- THE LATEST AGA mega-demos. If you like being impressed by your Amiga,
you'll find a great selection of demos on offer. There are many which are
so new, that you won't have even heard of before - let alone seen!
- HIGH-QUALITY artwork and packaging. You'll be more than impressed with the
quality of the Amiga-created artwork and packaging!
- PLUS hundreds of demos, games, slideshows, utilities, diskmags, texts, fonts,
3D objects, music modules etc. etc.
For ordering details or more info, DOWNLOAD THE PREVIEW NOW! Or contact us:
13 Russell Terrace,
NR11 8LJ
Tel: +44 (01263) 722169