In cooperation with Lightwave artist Michael Meshew, Amiga Library Services
is producing a new CD called "LIGHT-ROM". This is a 650 Mb CD-ROM dedicated
to 3D artists all over the world, and contains Lightwave objects, scene
files, textures, bump maps (JPEG, IFF, & TARGA), fonts, thumbnail
renderings, and text files with advice from the rendering pros. It also
contains a "Showcase Directory", displaying the talents of selected
Lightwave artists from all over the world.
LIGHT-ROM Volume 1 contains the following:
o Lightwave 3D scene files, objects, surface attributes, and image
sequences. All objects are also usable with trueSpace by
Caligari, for PC compatible systems.
o Imagine objects, surface attributes, and text files for Amiga and
IBM Imagine artists.
o Sculpt 3D objects, readable by Lightwave 3D and Sculpt, for Amiga
and Mac artists.
o GEO objects, readable by Lightwave 3D and Videoscape 3D, and can
also be used with Scenery Animator 4.0.
o A collection of textures, images and bump maps in IFF, TARGA, and
JPEG formats, for use in 3D packages such as Lightwave or Imagine.
They are also useful as backgrounds for desktop video applications.
o A collection of DEM's (Digital Elevation Maps) for use in Scenery
Animator or VistaPro. They can also be used in 3D translation
programs to convert to 3D landscapes.
o An exclusive "Showcase Directory", where Lightwave artists from
around the world can showcase their talents and skills to the rest
of the Lightwave community, and advertise their abilities to
potential employers.
o A collection of old style Toaster CG fonts and wipes.
o A collection of text files covering the Video Toaster and Lightwave,
from the Internet mailing lists and from various BBS systems. These
text files consist of advice and tips from some of the professionals
using the Toaster and Lightwave.
o Thumbnail renderings of Lightwave objects, images, textures and
bump maps, included for your convenience.
LIGHT-ROM is a multiplatform CD-ROM. It adheres strictly to level 1 of the
ISO-9660 standard, and thus can be read on almost any system that has CD-ROM
support. When Lightwave is released for Windows, Windows NT, and the SGI,
in late 1994, LIGHT-ROM will work immediately on those platforms.
LIGHT-ROM will be updated at approximately 6 month intervals. Contributors
to the Showcase Directory will be eligible for a free copy of LIGHT-ROM.
Write to Amiga Library Services for a submissions form if you have some
material you would like to have included.
The retail price of LIGHT-ROM is $39.95 plus $3.95 for shipping and
handling. Orders can be sent via mail, FAX, email, or voicemail to:
Mail: Amiga Library Services
610 N. Alma School Road, Suite 18
Chandler, AZ 85224-3687
FAX: (602) 491-0048
VOICE: (800) 804-0833