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25 years of coding experience in assembler on the Amiga by
---> dissident <---
After coding the Amiga for 25 years in assembler, I decided to collect
all my tips & tricks of this decade and to provide the Amiga publicity
my knowledge. I found out some things on my own, some things by analyzing
the code of demos and I read about some topics in a forum or in Amiga
magazines. Not to forget the hints of many persons, which I included as
For the second edition I've revised this guide completely, did many
corrections and added new experiences I've made since the last release.
I want to provide you a bound of different topics covering the peculiarities
of the amiga hardware and music software like the Protracker. Feel free
to browse through the paragraphs. I wish you lots of fun. :)
This document deals with the following topics:
-Peculiarities of the MC68020/60
-Peculiarities of the chipsets OCS & AGA
-Optimizing&tricks on the MC68000/20/60
-Optimizing&tricks on the chipsets OCS & AGA
-OCS/ECS/AGA and its differences
-Coding on the OCS with upward compability
-Programming the CIA on MC68020 or better machines
-Hardware bugs and their software solution
-Tricks using the Protracker and its replay routine
and many more interesting stuff.
Table "CACR of the 68040": Correction of the bit #15 description. Thanks to
fabiocrazy for this hint.
Many thanks for their hints go to: daxb, DrCinicus, frost242, galahad/FLT,
Jasmin68k, kolla, mark_k, McTrinsic, meynaf, modrobert, nogginthenog,
Photon, phx, rload, StingRay, Toni Wilen and winden.
And I also like to thank mGGk for checking the beta version of this guide
and for giving me a feedback.
Greetings go to the members of Resistance, Bytebreaker, Jasmin68k, Oriens
and to all I have forgotten.
For any comments, hints or questions contact me at: dissident.68k@web.de