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This is an MHI driver for the MPEGit expansion module available for the
Prelude Z2 and the onboard MPEG decoder of the Prelude ZII+ soundcard.
To install, just copy mhimpegit.library into LIBS:MHI/
This version was created from the source code of version 1.0, kindly provided
by Thomas Wenzel (www.toms-home.de).
It was adapted to compile with vbcc (originally SAS/C), partially cleaned up,
extended and fixed by Oliver Gantert. There really wasn't a lot to do.
If you think you found a problem, please email me at the address given in the
"Uploader" line of this readme. Thanks!
Legal stuff
This driver is copyrighted freeware. It may be distributed freely as long
as no modifications are made to the executable and this document. A nominal
fee may be asked to cover distribution costs.
A Prelude soundcard, of course :-)
An MPEGit module installed on the Prelude soundcard (or a Prelude ZII+)
prelude.library v5.6 or higher
This driver has been successfully tested with
AmigaAMP 3.28 (68k/OS3.9)
Revision history
1.1 - Compiled with vbcc 0.9g
- Code cleanup
- Fixed potential memory leaks
- Added an error requester
1.0 - First release
Contents of driver/audio/mhimpegit.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[unknown] 1865 3012 61.9% -lh5- 2dc5 Oct 20 16:55 mhimpegit.library
[unknown] 784 1485 52.8% -lh5- 0254 Oct 20 16:54 mhimpegit.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 2 files 2649 4497 58.9% Oct 21 00:02
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