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Short:86 KhZ Monitor for P5 - CVPPC 8MB
Author: cynyc at (R. Gertner)
Uploader:cynyc gmx net (R Gertner)
Download:driver/moni/CVPPC86.lha - View contents

short discription of CVPPC 8MB - 86KHz Monitor
48 Modes available now ! + 17 Modes (15 Bit)

my Monitorvalues =
ViewSonic 21 PS:
PixFreq max 135 Mhz
Khz     30 - 86 Khz
Hz      50 - 160 Hz
Hsync   min time 2.0    VSync   min time 0.6
        min puls 1.0            min puls 0.04

ds = doublescan
ni = non interlace
i  = interlace (not used)

Reports > e-mail

now enjoy!

ResX   ResY   Bit       Khz     Hz      Mode    size

 320 x  160 x  8        35.6    108     ds      ?
 320 x  160 x 15/16     35.6    108     ds
 320 x  160 x 24        35.6    108     ds
 320 x  200 x  8        43.4    101     ds      A-NTSC
 320 x  200 x 15/16     43.4    101     ds
 320 x  200 x 24        43.3    101     ds
 320 x  256 x  8        55.1    104     ds      A-PAL
 320 x  256 x 15/16     55.1    104     ds
 320 x  256 x 24        55.1    104     ds
 640 x  200 x  8        41.9    100     ds      A-NTSC
 640 x  200 x 15/16     41.9    100     ds
 640 x  200 x 24        41.9    100     ds
 640 x  256 x  8        54.1    101     ds      A-PAL
 640 x  256 x 15/16     54.1    101     ds
 640 x  256 x 24        54.1    101     ds
 640 x  320 x  8        66.5    100     ds      ?
 640 x  320 x  15/16    66.5    100     ds
 640 x  320 x  24       66.5    100     ds
 640 x  400 x  8        86.1    100     ds      A-NTSC i
 640 x  400 x 15/16     86.1    100     ds
 640 x  400 x 24        86.1    100     ds
 640 x  480 x  8        51.8    102     ni      VGA
 640 x  480 x 15/16     51.8    102     ni
 640 x  480 x 24        51.8    102     ni
 640 x  512 x  8        54.3    100     ni      A-PAL i
 640 x  512 x 15/16     54.3    100     ni
 640 x  512 x 24        54.3    100     ni
 768 x  576 x  8        61.1    101     ni      VIDEO (max Overscan)
 768 x  576 x 15/16     61.1    101     ni
 768 x  576 x 24        61.1    101     ni
 800 x  600 x  8        62.6    100     ni      SVGA
 800 x  600 x 15/16     62.6    100     ni
 800 x  600 x 24        62.6    100     ni
1024 x  768 x  8        80.7    100     ni      SVGA
1024 x  768 x 15/16     80.7    100     ni
1024 x  768 x 24        54.2    65      ni
1120 x  840 x  8        84.1    95      ni      SUN
1120 x  840 x 15/16     84.1    95      ni
1120 x  840 x 24        57      65      ni
1152 x  864 x  8        84.8    91      ni      NEXT
1152 x  864 x 15/16     84.8    91      ni
1152 x  864 x 24        55.4    62      ni
1280 x  960 x  8        80.7    79      ni      SVGA
1280 x  960 x 15/16     80.7    79      ni
1600 x 1200 x  8        67.8    55      ni      SVGA
1600 x 1200 x 15/16     67.8    55      ni
1664 x 1248 x  8        65.2    50      ni      CVPPC :-)
1664 x 1248 x 15/16     65.2    50      ni

Contents of driver/moni/CVPPC86.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  819    2915  28.1% -lh5- 7633 Jul 17  1998 CVPPC86.readme
[generic]                  582    1674  34.8% -lh5- f2a2 Jul 16  1998 Monitor-86KHz
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         2 files    1401    4589  30.5%            Jul 17  1998
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