This tool shows hardware and environmental information from sensors
connected to the I2C (TWI) bus. A number of hardware interfaces for I2C slave
devices have been available for decades (most notably the ICY Zorro board but
also a number of bitbang interfaces for Parallel/Serial and Floppy port).
Sensei shows data that can be gathered through different sensors on the
Workbench. A list of supported chipsets can be gathered from the current
state of the i2csensors.library distribution.
Sensei is a Commodity and can be controlled by the Commodities Exchange
Some of the customization options are available by the pull-down menu. There
are additional options available as tooltypes (colors, bevel box styles,
text pens).
- I2C hardware interface with matching i2c.library and one or more connected
sensors (see Aminet:docs/hard/icy.lzh, Aminet:docs/hard/i2clib40.lha or for potential options)
- i2csensors.library (V2+) alongside sensor definitions in devs:Sensors
(included here, Sources/SDK at
An installer script is provided that will install both i2csensors.library
and Sensei.
If you like to start Sensei at boot time, just put the program into
Sensei can be started directly from Workbench or CLI.
Troubleshooting and other tips:
First, make sure that your I2C interface is working. The i2clib distribution
contains a CLI tool called I2CScan. Once I2CScan finds the devices connected
to your I2C bus without complaints, you are probably good to go with basic
Next, verify that i2csensors.library (2.4 as of this writing) is installed
in LIBS: and sensor definitions matching the connected I2C devices are
present in DEVS:Sensors/. The CLI tool "simplesensors" supplied with the
library can poll and display data from sensors.
Sensei will filter out sensors that are defined in the configuration files
but don't respond. These will be shown by "simplesensors" with a zero
Known issues:
The two row display (SHOWTITLE) will work only if the font height is less
than half of the history box height. For large fonts, please adjust BOXH
The program options are the same for starting from CLI or Workbench.
In the latter case, the options are stored as Tooltypes within the icon.
CX_POPUP=YES or NO (def: YES) - Open Window on Start, if YES
CX_POPKEY - Keyboard combination to open main window (def: none)
PRIORITY - Priority of commodity (def: 0)
INTERVAL - update interval in seconds (def: 20)
WINX - window offset from left edge of screen
WINY - window offset from top edge of screen
WIDTH - width of history graphs (64,96,128,160)
FONTNAME - name of font in window (def: use system default)
FONTSIZE - height of font in window (def: use system default)
DISABLED - IDs of disabled sensors as hex string (def: none)
STARTDELAY - program start delay in seconds (def: 0)
BACKGROUND - either COPY =semi transparent window,
NONE =background color filled window,
TRANS =fully transparent window including
SHOWTITLE - 1 = show sensor information in two rows, include
sensor name in first row (requires
0 = show only values and units in a single row
TEXTPEN - foreground color index for text (def: system
SHADOWPEN - shadow color index for text (def: system
standard for highlights), in TRANS mode only
RECESSED - bevel box style
0 = outward (like buttons)
1 = recessed
2 = off
COLORT - color specification for the respective measurement
COLORV types, given as hexadecimal,
COLORC e.g. COLORV=FF00FF will show magenta voltages
BOXH - height of boxes (def: 30, min 20, max 100)
- Sensei no longer opens a backdrop window when
the Workbench is in Windowed mode
- Shows error message on window in case there
is no active sensor available or found
- updated i2csensors.library to 2.8
- updated i2csensors.library to 2.7
- updated TK060/BFG9060 config with
calibration option
- added support for ScreenNotify.library
- fixed Background=Trans in config
- added MISC sensor class
- added BOXH option (CLI or Tooltype)
- window no longer moves under the screen title bar
when it gets too large
- found some bugs in Window shutdown when done via Menu
- fixed Mungwall hit on memory free
- added PEN and COLOR options, as well as RECESSED option
- added full transparent mode
- some minor fixes and additional options
- changed icon to OS35 color icon type
- first release