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Short:Full Version of a Multiplayer-ShotEmUp
Author: stefan.cbyte at
Uploader:Thomas Schulze (stefan cbyte sz-online de)
Download:game/2play/Crossfire.lha - View contents

                        Crossfire V1.69.1 FULL!!

                   © by Chaotic Byte Productions 1997

This is the registered version, and it's MAILWARE. It originally was Shareware,
but nearly nobody seemed to be interested in.

If you still want to register, just do as it is written later.

A huge Guide to explain everything is included (only german, sorry :-()

Crossfire is a very variable 2-4 Player Shoot`emUp-Game including:

       - 20 Weapons 
       - 15 other Items
       - up to 25 rounds to fight
       - Highscores
       - Prefs-Program to configure (nearly) everything you want to

To register:     

       Send 20 german Marks (or the aquivalent in your currency) to:

                Thomas Schulze
                An der Winkelwiese 2
                01109 Dresden

       If you want to get the game per Email (fast and easy), add your

       If you have any comments or suggestions, email me:


       At this moment I don`t have a web-page, but maybe later...

Installing Crossfire:

       Simply copy all the files anywhere to your harddisc,
       change to this directory and start Crossfire (or the

Minimum Configuration:

       Any Amiga with at least 2 MB CHIP-Ram, a 020 CPU and PAL!!!
       I'll soon upload a patch to make it work on a 68000 CPU.
       It`s very difficult code the game NTSC-compatible,
       so don`t await a patch soon. Maybe I add a couple of lines 
       that force PAL, but NTSC-User will need a Multiscan-Monitor 
       to use it.

Recommended Configuration:

       030/50 MHz, 2 MB Chip, 2 MB Fast

The Game is tested with: 

       - Amiga 1200, 030/50, 4 MB Fast, OS 3.0
       - Amiga 1200, 030/50, 16 MB Fast, OS 3.0
       - Amiga 1200, 060/50, 16 MB Fast, OS 3.0 
       - Amiga 4000, PPC604e/180 & 060/50, 64 MB Fast, OS 3.1 (my Amiga)

Switching of my turboboard, the Game runs correctly, so I think, it
also should work with a unexpanded A1200 (don`t expect fast action at
such a lame machine (and by such an idiotic BASIC-Coder;))

A500-Users: Don`t blame me, buy a computer!


First: I`m a coder, not a artist, so don`t blame me about the graphics,
------ draw better graphics!

       I`m german, so my English-knowledge isn`t very good.
       If you have found some mistakes, please email me,
       I`ll correct it as fast as possible.  


       Start Game...........:   I don`t now :)
       Options..............:   options
       Show Replay..........:   shows replays
       Save Options.........:   Saves the Options
       Quit.................:   Quit

Select with Joy or the Cursorkeys and Space.


       Global Options.......:   misc options
       Names................:   names
       Controls.............:   controls
       Armor................:   armor
       Colours..............:   colours
       Back to Main.........:   back


       Players..............:   the number of players
       Items................:   How often items appear
       max Rounds...........:   Number of rounds
       Teammode.............:   On/Off, only available with 4 players
       Areas................:   in random or continous order
       Game Mode............:   Normal..... Normal
                                Space...... Space
                                Senior..... Everything is slower
                                Death...... First hit counts!
       Back.................:   Back

Don`t use mode Senior so often, it is very easy to overload the 
Bullet-Routines in this mode.


       Joy 1................:   Joy in Gameport
       Joy 2................:   Joy in Mouseport

       Keys 1...............:   RShift/RAlt to accellerate forward/backward
                                1/5 (NP) to rotate left/right
                                - (/) to fire weapon

       Keys 2...............:   LCtrl/LShift to accellerate forward/backward
                                LAlt/LAmiga to rotate
                                Tab to fire weapen

       Keys 3...............:   Cursorkeys to accellerate/rotate
                                RAlt to fire weapon

Use Keys 3 only, of only one player uses keyboard or you own a A4000.
There are some problems with the keyboard-controller of the A1200, so don`t
blame me for these horrible key-combinations.


The year 68030: Some scientists discover the remains of an old civilisation
                inside some asteroids far away from earth. The government
                of earth decides to research this technologie.

The year 68060: Now, the government has stopped its financial support.
                Money is needed. To finance the further research, the 
                scientists decide to use this technologie in a game show.
                This game show is called CROSSFIRE.


       HELP.................:   Pause
       ESC..................:   Back to Main Menu

After several Info-Screens (switchable with the Prefs-Prog), the spaceships
start inside a asteroid. Sometimes some spheres are beamed into the arena, 
they may activate a special ability if collected, explode or shot back.

The more damage you inflict, the more points you get. Killing a enemy ship 
scores 20 Points, getting to the end of a round alive scores 30 Points.

The round ends, if less than 2 players are alive.

Player 1 and 2 are Team 1, Player 3 und 4 are Team 2.
Its impossible to hit the teampartner by shooting at him, player mines 
doesn`t react to teampartners, but explosions damage all players.

Round ends, if both players of one team are killed. Every ship of the
winning team scores 20 Points.

Hiscores are impossible with Teammode.

At the end of every round a (switchable) Infoscreen appears, informing
about the scores of the round. 
Pressing "S" at this screen saves the fight for Replay (only registered


A requester appears asking you for the name of the replay.
It can be stopped by pressing ESC. You can press "R" at any time of the
Replay and play the rest again. 


The first lines of this game were written in october of 1996, I typed
it three times (somewhat with the power-supply-cabel). Every try the
source gets shorter and faster.
At this moment it was a game for 2 Players, a bullet like an apple and 
the ships had only 16 directions. 
For nearly 14 months I tested the game with everyone I was able to convince to,
adding everything I ever wanted to have in such a game. I never made a list
of features the game should have.

Now this game reflects very accuratly what I think a Multiplayer-Game have
to be. (For example, the ships now have 64 directions to shot!)

When ever I thought, the game is complete, something new comes into
mind, which the game should have. When ever I wanted the kick the f**king
game far away, some people encouraged me to do go further. These people
I want to thank for their suggestions, ideas and their mental support:

        My brother Stefan for many ideas, testfights and his moral
                   support ("Code, or I`ll kick you in your ...!" ;))
                   Maybe you`ll get 10%.

        My brother Uwe for some ideas, some testfights and some
                   moral support
                   Maybe I`ll invite you to McDonalds ;)

        Dirk Böhme for being my second Backup-Harddisc, many Testfights
                   and some ideas

        All the people who had to test the game (everyone is (still) alive)

        Some Shareware-Games, which have earned my respect and which have
                   given me some inspiration.

        Many Games (Shareware or Full Price), where I thought, the coders
                   never played their own games. Some ... really BAD 
                   mistakes in such fundamental things like the Controls,
                   I thought, there a mistake is found at FIRST! 
                   Even in Full-Price-Games I saw problems I solved in
                   version V1.08! 
                   I don`t wonder about the dying of the AMIGA with such
                   an lack of motivation...

PS: There is a SPECIAL MODE hidden somewhere in the game, try to find it!

Contents of game/2play/Crossfire.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]               240895  358256  67.2% -lh5- f477 Apr 30  1997 crossfire/gfx/Intro3.anim
[generic]                41047   50974  80.5% -lh5- bb04 Feb 17  1997 crossfire/gfx/Sieg.iff
[generic]                60400   63130  95.7% -lh5- 8f29 Feb 17  1997 crossfire/gfx/Sieg2.iff
[generic]                 3623    8671  41.8% -lh5- 7a93 May 10  1998 crossfire/Readme
[generic]                  299     932  32.1% -lh5- 10d1 May 10  1998 crossfire/XFire.hsc
[generic]                   70     375  18.7% -lh5- 5dad May 10  1998 crossfire/XFire.prefs
[generic]                49931   87876  56.8% -lh5- aea9 May 10  1998 crossfire/XFirePrefs
[generic]                  413    1122  36.8% -lh5- ebda May 10  1998 crossfire/
[generic]                56093   61182  91.7% -lh5- e9e7 Feb 17  1997 crossfire/gfx/Anfang.iff
[generic]                 2682   13184  20.3% -lh5- 2591 Feb 17  1997 crossfire/gfx/
[generic]                 2954   12948  22.8% -lh5- fcdf Feb 17  1997 crossfire/gfx/
[generic]                 1873    8832  21.2% -lh5- 1903 Apr 30  1997 crossfire/gfx/
[generic]                 3284   23628  13.9% -lh5- 620e Feb 17  1997 crossfire/gfx/Font.abk
[generic]               369824  528262  70.0% -lh5- ea57 Apr 24  1997 crossfire/gfx/Intro1.anim
[generic]               271347  378716  71.6% -lh5- a115 Feb 17  1997 crossfire/gfx/Intro2.anim
[generic]                 2972    7551  39.4% -lh5- 1b00 Jun 21  1996 crossfire/AFD-COPYRIGHT
[generic]                43728  103366  42.3% -lh5- d366 Feb  7  1998 crossfire/gfx/Graph.abk
[generic]                13639   23606  57.8% -lh5- a3b2 Sep 24  1997 crossfire/gfx/Vorbild.iff
[generic]                13075   26288  49.7% -lh5- 9c81 Apr 29  1997 crossfire/levels/Area24.iff
[generic]               124870  181030  69.0% -lh5- 2ee0 Feb 17  1997 crossfire/sfx/Intro.trk
[generic]                38340   67000  57.2% -lh5- 7d1a Feb 17  1997 crossfire/sfx/Logo.trk
[generic]               114357  145330  78.7% -lh5- cf18 Aug 25  1997 crossfire/sfx/Sounds.abk
[generic]                74667  131150  56.9% -lh5- d87f Feb 17  1997 crossfire/sfx/Titel.trk
[generic]                 1277    4770  26.8% -lh5- a1f2 May 30  1997 crossfire/levels/Area21.coliff
[generic]                14698   22712  64.7% -lh5- aee6 May 30  1997 crossfire/levels/Area21.iff
[generic]                  944    4218  22.4% -lh5- 8024 Sep 25  1997 crossfire/levels/Area22.coliff
[generic]                13500   41146  32.8% -lh5- e03a Aug 24  1997 crossfire/levels/Area22.iff
[generic]                  672    3956  17.0% -lh5- a40f Apr  2  1997 crossfire/levels/Area23.coliff
[generic]                  601    3574  16.8% -lh5- c92d Apr  2  1997 crossfire/levels/Area24.coliff
[generic]                20070   29638  67.7% -lh5- 303b Apr 29  1997 crossfire/levels/Area17.iff
[generic]                 1232    4258  28.9% -lh5- bb3d Apr  2  1997 crossfire/levels/Area18.coliff
[generic]                16208   22438  72.2% -lh5- 819b Apr 29  1997 crossfire/levels/Area18.iff
[generic]                  918    4090  22.4% -lh5- ec25 Apr  2  1997 crossfire/levels/Area19.coliff
[generic]                19594   30526  64.2% -lh5- 3123 Apr 29  1997 crossfire/levels/Area19.iff
[generic]                  704    3558  19.8% -lh5- 0e29 Apr  2  1997 crossfire/levels/Area20.coliff
[generic]                16789   27064  62.0% -lh5- 41c7 Apr 29  1997 crossfire/levels/Area20.iff
[generic]                16772   27958  60.0% -lh5- 77b4 Apr 29  1997 crossfire/levels/Area14.iff
[generic]                  732    2094  35.0% -lh5- 8251 Sep 22  1997 crossfire/levels/Area15.coliff
[generic]                14337   26472  54.2% -lh5- d40d Sep 22  1997 crossfire/levels/Area15.iff
[generic]                 1199    4404  27.2% -lh5- 52ed Apr  2  1997 crossfire/levels/Area16.coliff
[generic]                16478   27960  58.9% -lh5- 9895 Apr 29  1997 crossfire/levels/Area16.iff
[generic]                 1282    4946  25.9% -lh5- 728a Apr  2  1997 crossfire/levels/Area17.coliff
[generic]                 1269    4342  29.2% -lh5- f8e4 Apr  2  1997 crossfire/levels/Area11.coliff
[generic]                17099   27206  62.9% -lh5- cea2 Apr 29  1997 crossfire/levels/Area11.iff
[generic]                  110     704  15.6% -lh5- c48b Aug 25  1997 crossfire/levels/Area12.coliff
[generic]                 1229    4270  28.8% -lh5- e376 Apr 21  1997 crossfire/levels/Area13.coliff
[generic]                15829   27468  57.6% -lh5- 83b2 Apr 29  1997 crossfire/levels/Area13.iff
[generic]                  932    3620  25.7% -lh5- b38d Apr  2  1997 crossfire/levels/Area14.coliff
[generic]                18621   27104  68.7% -lh5- c638 Apr 29  1997 crossfire/levels/Area05.iff
[generic]                  790    4544  17.4% -lh5- ecd3 Apr  2  1997 crossfire/levels/Area08.coliff
[generic]                20752   32198  64.5% -lh5- 44b7 Apr 29  1997 crossfire/levels/Area08.iff
[generic]                 1413    5188  27.2% -lh5- 46fe Apr  2  1997 crossfire/levels/Area09.coliff
[generic]                16361   24206  67.6% -lh5- 5bb4 Apr 29  1997 crossfire/levels/Area09.iff
[generic]                 1025    4156  24.7% -lh5- aab5 Apr  2  1997 crossfire/levels/Area10.coliff
[generic]                17873   27894  64.1% -lh5- a57f Apr 29  1997 crossfire/levels/Area10.iff
[generic]                17408   26320  66.1% -lh5- 0531 Apr 29  1997 crossfire/levels/Area02.iff
[generic]                  750    2394  31.3% -lh5- 4edf Aug 24  1997 crossfire/levels/Area03.coliff
[generic]                12005   18546  64.7% -lh5- 1600 Sep 25  1997 crossfire/levels/Area03.iff
[generic]                 1274    3854  33.1% -lh5- 5e6b Apr  2  1997 crossfire/levels/Area04.coliff
[generic]                23319   32324  72.1% -lh5- 497c Apr 29  1997 crossfire/levels/Area04.iff
[generic]                 1280    4190  30.5% -lh5- bdce Apr  2  1997 crossfire/levels/Area05.coliff
[generic]                 8887   17828  49.8% -lh5- 6000 Aug 25  1997 crossfire/levels/Area12.iff
[generic]                 1477    5128  28.8% -lh5- 5610 Apr  2  1997 crossfire/levels/Area00.coliff
[generic]                23062   33774  68.3% -lh5- e759 Apr 29  1997 crossfire/levels/Area00.iff
[generic]                 1586    5436  29.2% -lh5- c2ff Apr  2  1997 crossfire/levels/Area01.coliff
[generic]                19922   29982  66.4% -lh5- 4ccc Apr 29  1997 crossfire/levels/Area01.iff
[generic]                 1377    4878  28.2% -lh5- aee2 Apr  2  1997 crossfire/levels/Area02.coliff
[generic]                18277   29836  61.3% -lh5- d6b5 Apr 29  1997 crossfire/levels/Area07.iff
[generic]                 3231    7814  41.3% -lh5- 7068 Jul  8  1995 crossfire/
[generic]                30538   74529  41.0% -lh5- b4d1 May 10  1998 crossfire/
[generic]                 1221    4312  28.3% -lh5- 8cd4 Apr 20  1997 crossfire/levels/Area06.coliff
[generic]                15796   27796  56.8% -lh5- b2c4 Apr 29  1997 crossfire/levels/Area06.iff
[generic]                 1228    4534  27.1% -lh5- 1140 Apr 20  1997 crossfire/levels/Area07.coliff
[generic]                12341   26500  46.6% -lh5- 7154 Apr 29  1997 crossfire/levels/Area23.iff
[generic]                99696  254656  39.1% -lh5- cffc Feb  7  1998 crossfire/XFire
[generic]                  894    1526  58.6% -lh5- 495a May  5  1998
[generic]                  844    1611  52.4% -lh5- eaf5 Nov 30  1997 crossfire/
[generic]                  844    1611  52.4% -lh5- eaf5 Nov 30  1997 crossfire/
[generic]                  776    5163  15.0% -lh5- da88 Dec 24  1997 crossfire/
[generic]                 1238    2441  50.7% -lh5- 3d93 May  5  1998 crossfire/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        80 files 2100964 3399074  61.8%            May 10  1998
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