84782 packages online
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Short: | 2pl. snake-like racing game |
Author: | Joar Berntsen |
Uploader: | joar berntsen netcom no |
Type: | game/2play |
Version: | 1,13 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 2001-01-08 |
Replaces: | Game/2play/snace.lha |
Distribution: | mags, plz inform me and send the issue :) . |
Download: | game/2play/Snace.lha - View contents | Readme: | game/2play/Snace.readme |
Downloads: | 562 |
long short with boring s**t, also called history:
I made this in 95/96. so it doesnt represent my work today.
It was my first "big" idea/project and later based on another
game on aminet wich involved controlling your "car" on a few
coloured track.The game was playable, but it lacked versatility
mainly because it was turned based.
my "clone" is realtime and uses 16 colors, but has just 2 players.
On schartschtrue(something like that),u could have 4 or 6,
maybe 8 too(i dont remember).
1.13 update:
-changed engine and crash sound
-stable GUI, quits cleanly if any problems occur
-more tracks
-changed suffixes of tracks to prefixes instead with multirename(great prog)
because you have more overview that way
-and removed bug/feature that caused music in background(if any)
to change pitch with engine throttle if sounds where off
uses 16 colours , each color representing an effect (almost)
2 players
optional sound effects
control with port0 port1 and cursor keys + right alt
AGA colour fade on one colour (WOOOOW!!!)
the "snakes" have no limit in speed and direction
you can edit or create your own tracks with a paint package (dpaint)
it has an ugly but surprisingly useful GUI,not MUI
it multitasks (if you turn sounds off , you can listen to music instead)
conclusion - the game is unique and shi**y,but has cool sounds :].
hold in one direction, and the snake/car will go more in that direction
Fire=brake <-- its useful dont think otherwise
ESC or Help frees data and goes to Gui (ingame)
Del restarts track (ingame and finish)
the tracks you can select have different filename Prefixes(before filename)
wich means,
E - an easy track
M - a mediocre track (average)
H - a hard track
F - a fun track
T - a test track , to test new combinations and drawings
B - a bad track. u cant reach finish,
or my code doesnt handle the track the way its supposed to be
TUTORIAL - for beginners or when representing a new palette
I - a track with usefull info or other miscelaneous things
u may take this into consideration when creating\editing, you dont
have to ,but if\when you upload tracks to aminet(or me).
YOU can:
draw\edit in a paint program and change palette(except colour
register 5 !, hvite!)
name them whatever you like (preferably with extensions)
upload to Aminet(or send me a mail).I will upload new versions
if you send to me.
change\edit all or one sound
upload to aminet(game/data) or to my mail(but I will pick the
better ones to include)
dont rename!
this game is\was "fairly" easy to code in basic and does not
represent the quality of your Amiga
Contents of game/2play/Snace.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 705 1137 62.0% -lh5- 1616 Jan 7 2001 Snace.info
[generic] 46 46 100.0% -lh0- f8b9 Jan 7 2001 Snace/myadress.txt
[generic] 36425 81852 44.5% -lh5- 019b Jan 7 2001 Snace/snace
[generic] 254 383 66.3% -lh5- c880 Dec 7 2000 Snace/snace.info
[generic] 1590 3001 53.0% -lh5- fb2d Jan 7 2001 Snace/Snace.readme
[generic] 50515 68390 73.9% -lh5- b516 Jul 23 1999 Snace/snacedata/boom
[generic] 1466 1810 81.0% -lh5- c42d Jul 23 1999 Snace/snacedata/bounce
[generic] 8537 15324 55.7% -lh5- e7ba Jul 23 1999 Snace/snacedata/checkpoint
[generic] 3872 4590 84.4% -lh5- 26be Jan 1 1980 Snace/snacedata/crash
[generic] 14167 21190 66.9% -lh5- 301d Jul 23 1999 Snace/snacedata/crash.bak1
[generic] 1049 1904 55.1% -lh5- 7a72 Nov 5 1999 Snace/snacedata/engine
[generic] 236 458 51.5% -lh5- b718 Dec 12 2000 Snace/snacedata/engine.bak1
[generic] 2836 3210 88.3% -lh5- 4acd Jul 23 1999 Snace/snacedata/finish
[generic] 6435 11052 58.2% -lh5- 65b2 Jul 23 1999 Snace/snacedata/letsgo
[generic] 10797 14162 76.2% -lh5- ac8c Jul 23 1999 Snace/snacedata/mud
[generic] 8574 14496 59.1% -lh5- c6a1 Jul 23 1999 Snace/snacedata/mudfree
[generic] 2797 2916 95.9% -lh5- 0aab Jul 23 1999 Snace/snacedata/repair
[generic] 10351 18006 57.5% -lh5- 1c0c Jan 15 1997 Snace/snacedata/screech
[generic] 9288 18318 50.7% -lh5- 8465 Dec 21 2000 Snace/snacedata/Titlepic
[generic] 10795 16970 63.6% -lh5- 1053 Jul 23 1999 Snace/snacedata/wobble
[generic] 994 5128 19.4% -lh5- 463b Jan 7 2001 Snace/snacetracks/1MOVEMENT
[generic] 2214 10714 20.7% -lh5- f6ad Sep 27 2000 Snace/snacetracks/2COLOURS
[generic] 2983 10234 29.1% -lh5- e3ef Sep 27 2000 Snace/snacetracks/3EXPLANATION
[generic] 1875 7398 25.3% -lh5- cb19 Sep 15 2000 Snace/snacetracks/E.brake=fire
[generic] 7341 15514 47.3% -lh5- e8e8 Oct 5 2000 Snace/snacetracks/E.disturbing
[generic] 2676 10912 24.5% -lh5- 71fd Sep 15 2000 Snace/snacetracks/E.donow1
[generic] 3129 10040 31.2% -lh5- b5b2 Sep 15 2000 Snace/snacetracks/E.goonor
[generic] 4416 18446 23.9% -lh5- 2b9e Sep 23 2000 Snace/snacetracks/E.icearena
[generic] 4149 15120 27.4% -lh5- 92fd Sep 15 2000 Snace/snacetracks/E.mudway
[generic] 2646 12374 21.4% -lh5- 34ae Sep 15 2000 Snace/snacetracks/E.quitenormal
[generic] 1281 7928 16.2% -lh5- bbe6 Sep 15 2000 Snace/snacetracks/E.rightleftfin
[generic] 901 4282 21.0% -lh5- 6c6e Oct 5 2000 Snace/snacetracks/E.talk
[generic] 1772 8602 20.6% -lh5- 3adc Sep 15 2000 Snace/snacetracks/E.tvitchie
[generic] 3297 13276 24.8% -lh5- 687a Nov 8 2000 Snace/snacetracks/H.evilchoices
[generic] 2201 11546 19.1% -lh5- d241 Sep 15 2000 Snace/snacetracks/H.itsnoteasy
[generic] 6439 19292 33.4% -lh5- 057e Oct 5 2000 Snace/snacetracks/m.bigsolution
[generic] 930 12412 7.5% -lh5- e288 Jul 23 1999 Snace/snacetracks/M.bounceback
[generic] 579 12452 4.6% -lh5- 0fe1 Dec 14 2000 Snace/snacetracks/M.DontPanic
[generic] 4127 18912 21.8% -lh5- ed8f Sep 15 2000 Snace/snacetracks/m.embryos
[generic] 4348 9620 45.2% -lh5- a22c Jan 7 2001 Snace/snacetracks/M.LickTheWall
[generic] 3712 10074 36.8% -lh5- ba27 Oct 5 2000 Snace/snacetracks/m.longandmuddy
[generic] 7889 20402 38.7% -lh5- 5d48 Dec 14 2000 Snace/snacetracks/M.MissionEggpossible
[generic] 3011 15930 18.9% -lh5- 6894 May 10 2000 Snace/snacetracks/M.pasages
[generic] 4238 12720 33.3% -lh5- 1090 Dec 14 2000 Snace/snacetracks/M.remember?
[generic] 3685 10240 36.0% -lh5- 1a32 Jul 23 1999 Snace/snacetracks/M.smoooothh
[generic] 3313 9370 35.4% -lh5- e07b Sep 26 2000 Snace/snacetracks/M.soundcord
[generic] 3185 10310 30.9% -lh5- 7348 Sep 19 2000 Snace/snacetracks/M.stonevalley
[generic] 4476 12306 36.4% -lh5- 9854 Sep 23 2000 Snace/snacetracks/M.swirl
[generic] 1179 7778 15.2% -lh5- d07d Nov 8 2000 Snace/snacetracks/m.useless
[generic] 581 7450 7.8% -lh5- 8a35 Sep 15 2000 Snace/snacetracks/MB.hispeed
[generic] 2645 9928 26.6% -lh5- 0a8a May 10 2000 Snace/snacetracks/TE.just,,,
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 51 files 276947 659925 42.0% Jan 8 2001
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