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This archive contains 10 WORMS levels by Flender/TheSpookyFellows
and replaces the old aminet archive game/misc/Worms+2.lha.
As a bonus, you'll find an article by Maxime/TSF and an AGA picture
by Flender/TSF + a text file about our new homepage.
(@ @)
__________________oOO_(_)_OOo_____________________ ///
| . ____ ___ ________ ___ _______ ___ ____ .. | aMIGa /// oNLy
| : (_ U (___ \ ! /(__(_ U / __ \------------------------------.
| :. | / __ / \| | ( ____) :: nikdom@net1.tercom.it :: |
| :: |___Y__(_____(___i___|___|___Y___\______)----------------------------'
| :: :: | \\\/// .the
| `:. http://www.molisedati.it/~super/tsf.html .:' | \\// .spooky
`--------------------------------------------------' \/ ..fellows
Contents of game/data/TSF-Worms.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 19491 40184 48.5% -lh5- 62fe Mar 22 1996 worms+3/twcustom/CEMETERY.WRM
[generic] 6938 15316 45.3% -lh5- 8bec Sep 2 1992 worms+3/twcustom/COUNTRY.WRM
[generic] 17648 58774 30.0% -lh5- 1385 Sep 2 1992 worms+3/twcustom/GNAMM.WRM
[generic] 10201 22012 46.3% -lh5- ebf1 Sep 2 1992 worms+3/twcustom/HORROR.WRM
[generic] 18856 53560 35.2% -lh5- ed51 Sep 2 1992 worms+3/twcustom/KISS.WRM
[generic] 9081 28148 32.3% -lh5- 3097 Sep 2 1992 worms+3/twcustom/SHIP.WRM
[generic] 12954 39890 32.5% -lh5- 3f13 Sep 2 1992 worms+3/twcustom/TR.WRM
[generic] 176 379 46.4% -lh5- 94bf May 21 1996 File_Id.Diz
[generic] 76825 110594 69.5% -lh5- f5b1 Apr 25 1980 worms+3/incredible/Flender-ALIEN.iff
[generic] 1202 2367 50.8% -lh5- a51b May 20 1996 worms+3/incredible/INCREDIBLE.TXT
[generic] 838 3437 24.4% -lh5- 4f28 May 20 1996 worms+3/tsf-www/TSF-WWW.TXT
[generic] 8103 34474 23.5% -lh5- 2d2f Sep 2 1992 worms+3/twcustom/UFO.WRM
[generic] 6298 28716 21.9% -lh5- d137 Sep 2 1992 worms+3/twcustom/UFO2.WRM
[generic] 11881 24818 47.9% -lh5- 1d43 Sep 2 1992 worms+3/twcustom/VIETNAM.WRM
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 14 files 200492 462669 43.3% Jun 5 1996
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