84794 packages online
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First archive of levels made by Jeff (Dreamsoft). Content:
Listing of archive 'DS_WormsLevels1.lha':
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
43272 13398 69.0% 24-Dec-97 16:40:16 A1200.WRM
50346 41690 17.1% 24-Dec-97 16:39:48 Army.3377.WRM
36608 11539 68.4% 02-Feb-97 18:09:44 Arrows.WRM
43228 7308 83.0% 08-Jan-98 09:06:22 Basement.3351.WRM
51728 30829 40.4% 24-Dec-97 16:40:14 battle.3377.WRM
32336 12917 60.0% 24-Dec-97 16:40:16 battle2.3377.WRM
39236 16619 57.6% 24-Dec-97 16:40:14 Battle3.3347.WRM
17288 5798 66.4% 24-Dec-97 16:39:48 Beware.3209.WRM
23846 5389 77.4% 01-Mar-98 16:50:26 Blue.WRM
31516 6912 78.0% 01-Mar-98 16:51:40 Blue2.WRM
26806 8047 69.9% 01-Mar-98 16:52:08 Blue3.WRM
27772 7863 71.6% 01-Mar-98 16:52:44 Blue4.WRM
22584 3777 83.2% 24-Dec-97 16:39:46 Break.3322.WRM
28396 8543 69.9% 02-Feb-97 18:04:56 BRIDGE.WRM
41504 7830 81.1% 24-Dec-97 16:40:14 Briques.WRM
40162 4223 89.4% 24-Dec-97 16:40:16 Briques2.WRM
56228 9656 82.8% 24-Dec-97 16:40:16 Briques3.WRM
28518 10170 64.3% 24-Dec-97 16:40:16 Bureau.WRM
45442 11567 74.5% 24-Dec-97 16:39:50 C64.3351.WRM
27008 6890 74.4% 24-Dec-97 16:39:50 Cards.3322.WRM
30972 19667 36.5% 24-Dec-97 16:39:48 Cars.3383.WRM
73930 38257 48.2% 24-Dec-97 16:39:44 Castle.3307.WRM
28252 8508 69.8% 10-Jun-98 14:30:34 Caul22.wrm
30196 11099 63.2% 09-Jun-98 18:54:06 Cauldron2.wrm
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
877174 308496 64.8% 10-Jul-98 16:18:34 24 files
Contents of game/data/dsworms1.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 13398 43272 31.0% -lh5- f3ff Dec 24 1997 a1200.wrm
[generic] 41690 50346 82.8% -lh5- 2b65 Dec 24 1997 Army.3377.WRM
[generic] 11539 36608 31.5% -lh5- feb8 Feb 2 1997 Arrows.WRM
[generic] 7308 43228 16.9% -lh5- f8bd Jan 8 1998 Basement.3351.WRM
[generic] 30829 51728 59.6% -lh5- 667c Dec 24 1997 battle.3377.WRM
[generic] 12917 32336 39.9% -lh5- 2e6e Dec 24 1997 battle2.3377.WRM
[generic] 16619 39236 42.4% -lh5- 51a4 Dec 24 1997 Battle3.3347.WRM
[generic] 5798 17288 33.5% -lh5- 6b45 Dec 24 1997 Beware.3209.WRM
[generic] 5389 23846 22.6% -lh5- 1e80 Mar 1 1998 Blue.WRM
[generic] 6912 31516 21.9% -lh5- f684 Mar 1 1998 Blue2.WRM
[generic] 8047 26806 30.0% -lh5- c56a Mar 1 1998 Blue3.WRM
[generic] 7863 27772 28.3% -lh5- 2a29 Mar 1 1998 Blue4.WRM
[generic] 3777 22584 16.7% -lh5- 8267 Dec 24 1997 Break.3322.WRM
[generic] 8543 28396 30.1% -lh5- c0ef Feb 2 1997 bridge.wrm
[generic] 7830 41504 18.9% -lh5- c59b Dec 24 1997 Briques.WRM
[generic] 4223 40162 10.5% -lh5- 6f2e Dec 24 1997 Briques2.WRM
[generic] 9656 56228 17.2% -lh5- e684 Dec 24 1997 Briques3.WRM
[generic] 10170 28518 35.7% -lh5- d426 Dec 24 1997 Bureau.WRM
[generic] 11567 45442 25.5% -lh5- aa0e Dec 24 1997 c64.3351.wrm
[generic] 6890 27008 25.5% -lh5- 69e1 Dec 24 1997 Cards.3322.WRM
[generic] 19667 30972 63.5% -lh5- 539d Dec 24 1997 Cars.3383.WRM
[generic] 38257 73930 51.7% -lh5- 7683 Dec 24 1997 Castle.3307.WRM
[generic] 8508 28252 30.1% -lh5- 2403 Jun 10 1998 Caul22.wrm
[generic] 11099 30196 36.8% -lh5- 89d2 Jun 9 1998 Cauldron2.wrm
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 24 files 308496 877174 35.2% Jul 28 1998
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