84799 packages online
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This archive contains 5 Files:
ARMALYTE.DIY - A must-have for all nostalgics ;-)
(requires C64DEFAULT.MNT)
CHESS.DIY - The game of kings and queens...
(nice look, but a slippy one)
GANJA.DIY - What you`ve all been waiting for! 8)
(Legalize it!)
64ARMALYTE.WRM16 - A custom level Armalyte-themed
(no dual-layer, requires C64DEFAULT.MNT)
C64DEFAULT.MNT - The default mountain Set, but with changed pixel
ratio (to fit in the theme... :)
All graphics were done by me using Brilliance2 and DPaint4...
The Armalyte-custom-level is planned to be the first in a row of
C64-classics-levels, but I`m not sure if I will do this (it`s a lot of work),
so tell me what you think about it!
If you REALLY don`t know how to install the files...
...you propably should sell your computer... ;-)
The files may not be used in commercial productions.
Any comments appreciated. (mail the author... :)
Archive Contents:
Listing of archive 'OLLO1_WDC.lha':
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
74854 35532 52.5% 06-May-97 15:39:22 64ARMALYTE.WRM16
65310 18180 72.1% 06-May-97 15:50:48 ARMALYTE.DIY
26720 8629 67.7% 06-May-97 15:44:14 C64DEFAULT.MNT
42912 14563 66.0% 28-Apr-97 16:30:28 CHESS.DIY
45388 18250 59.7% 23-Apr-97 20:36:58 GANJA.DIY
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
255184 95154 62.7% 08-May-97 18:57:04 5 files
Contents of game/data/ollo1_wdc.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 35532 74854 47.5% -lh5- c8c0 May 6 1997 64armalyte.wrm16
[generic] 18180 65310 27.8% -lh5- 5b67 May 6 1997 armalyte.diy
[generic] 8629 26720 32.3% -lh5- b47f May 6 1997 c64default.mnt
[generic] 14563 42912 33.9% -lh5- 978e Apr 28 1997 chess.diy
[generic] 18250 45388 40.2% -lh5- 93b9 Apr 23 1997 ganja.diy
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 5 files 95154 255184 37.3% May 9 1997
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