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Short:Great arcade puzzle game from 5DL
Author:Andrew Cashmore
Uploader:Phil ware5d demon co uk
Download:game/demo/JumpEm.lha - View contents

Guide a cute little yellow character called  Spud, along a path of tiles
to the exit, easy I hear you cry, but you'd be WRONG!! The idea is to
progress from level to level by jumping on and then off each tile. All
of the tiles must have disappeared before moving to the next and harder
level. Of course, there are tiles that need more than one jump to dissolve
them and some will teleport you across the screen. To help you on your way
free bridge-tiles are included, but don't get too excited, there's only
three per Spud. The action is all set against the clock. A password is
given at the start of each level, which can be used on starting up.

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    Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
    -------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
       13794    6092 55.8% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  BackIcons/backPIC0.ABK
        9170    2689 70.6% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  BackIcons/JUMP_ICONS0.ABK
          80      61 23.7% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  c/Button
         128     120  6.2% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  c/cls
       67136   48775 27.3% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  c/DIntro
        7804    5686 27.1% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Data/ad
       19826   12272 38.1% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Data/ad1
        7594    3522 53.6% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Data/coming
       11616    5242 54.8% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Data/entername
        4566    3227 29.3% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Data/gametitle
        2384    1060 55.5% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Data/panel.abk
        6228    5143 17.4% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Data/Samples.Abk
       14888    6415 56.9% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Data/share
       53660   14781 72.4% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Data/Sprites
        1132     592 47.7% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Data/EndText
        5920     993 83.2% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Data/Falltiles0
        6514    4529 30.4% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Data/fgame
       13570    6244 53.9% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Data/fgame2
        5232    2776 46.9% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Data/finipic
        5850    3817 34.7% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Data/gameover.pic
        7170    1047 85.3% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Data/highpic
       14448    9356 35.2% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Data/Maintitlep
        2092    1084 48.1% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Data/panel
        2076     229 88.9% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Data/sgsprites
        3614    2356 34.8% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Data/slogo
        1750     435 75.1% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Fonts/font.jump
        1110     305 72.5% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Fonts/font2.jump
        3992     651 83.6% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Fonts/font3.jump
          90      48 46.6% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Levels/L1.MAP
          90      56 37.7% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Levels/L10.MAP
          90      52 42.2% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Levels/L2.MAP
          90      53 41.1% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Levels/L3.MAP
          90      52 42.2% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Levels/L4.MAP
          90      49 45.5% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Levels/L5.MAP
          90      50 44.4% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Levels/L6.MAP
          90      52 42.2% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Levels/L7.MAP
          90      54 40.0% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Levels/L8.MAP
          90      58 35.5% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Levels/L9.MAP
       76850   55858 27.3% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Music/funkee
       48418   35017 27.6% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Music/Intro
        1789     458 74.3% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46
         848     503 40.6% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  instr
       82452   82452  0.0% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  JUMPEM
         803     490 38.9% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  JumpEm.readme
        1663     265 84.0% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46
       53538   36536 31.7% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Music/GAMEEND
       33568   18534 44.7% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Music/HighScore
       44196   30724 30.4% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  Music/Insong1
          47      43  8.5% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  s/startup-sequence
         232     126 45.6% 28-Aug-96 23:33:46  system-configuration
    -------- ------- ----- --------- --------
      638648  411029 35.6% 28-Aug-96 23:35:22   50 files

Contents of game/demo/JumpEm.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 6092   13794  44.2% -lh5- de4d Aug 28  1996 BackIcons/backPIC0.ABK
[generic]                 2689    9170  29.3% -lh5- dce9 Aug 28  1996 BackIcons/JUMP_ICONS0.ABK
[generic]                   61      80  76.2% -lh5- 1977 Aug 28  1996 c/Button
[generic]                  120     128  93.8% -lh5- c1bf Aug 28  1996 c/cls
[generic]                48775   67136  72.7% -lh5- 39bf Aug 28  1996 c/DIntro
[generic]                 5686    7804  72.9% -lh5- 0225 Aug 28  1996 Data/ad
[generic]                12272   19826  61.9% -lh5- 9e5b Aug 28  1996 Data/ad1
[generic]                 3522    7594  46.4% -lh5- a95c Aug 28  1996 Data/coming
[generic]                 5242   11616  45.1% -lh5- 1523 Aug 28  1996 Data/entername
[generic]                 3227    4566  70.7% -lh5- afaf Aug 28  1996 Data/gametitle
[generic]                 1060    2384  44.5% -lh5- 3c13 Aug 28  1996 Data/panel.abk
[generic]                 5143    6228  82.6% -lh5- 20dc Aug 28  1996 Data/Samples.Abk
[generic]                 6415   14888  43.1% -lh5- 36a2 Aug 28  1996 Data/share
[generic]                14781   53660  27.5% -lh5- 39bb Aug 28  1996 Data/Sprites
[generic]                  592    1132  52.3% -lh5- 1325 Aug 28  1996 Data/EndText
[generic]                  993    5920  16.8% -lh5- 84f6 Aug 28  1996 Data/Falltiles0
[generic]                 4529    6514  69.5% -lh5- 4b69 Aug 28  1996 Data/fgame
[generic]                 6244   13570  46.0% -lh5- ce89 Aug 28  1996 Data/fgame2
[generic]                 2776    5232  53.1% -lh5- 463d Aug 28  1996 Data/finipic
[generic]                 3817    5850  65.2% -lh5- 565c Aug 28  1996 Data/gameover.pic
[generic]                 1047    7170  14.6% -lh5- 1b00 Aug 28  1996 Data/highpic
[generic]                 9356   14448  64.8% -lh5- 7658 Aug 28  1996 Data/Maintitlep
[generic]                 1084    2092  51.8% -lh5- 73d6 Aug 28  1996 Data/panel
[generic]                  229    2076  11.0% -lh5- 9f7f Aug 28  1996 Data/sgsprites
[generic]                 2356    3614  65.2% -lh5- 30ee Aug 28  1996 Data/slogo
[generic]                  435    1750  24.9% -lh5- 14ad Aug 28  1996 Fonts/font.jump
[generic]                  305    1110  27.5% -lh5- 8215 Aug 28  1996 Fonts/font2.jump
[generic]                  651    3992  16.3% -lh5- f0fe Aug 28  1996 Fonts/font3.jump
[generic]                   48      90  53.3% -lh5- 9af1 Aug 28  1996 Levels/L1.MAP
[generic]                   56      90  62.2% -lh5- 194c Aug 28  1996 Levels/L10.MAP
[generic]                   52      90  57.8% -lh5- f8b2 Aug 28  1996 Levels/L2.MAP
[generic]                   53      90  58.9% -lh5- 52b8 Aug 28  1996 Levels/L3.MAP
[generic]                   52      90  57.8% -lh5- 6df2 Aug 28  1996 Levels/L4.MAP
[generic]                   49      90  54.4% -lh5- fa73 Aug 28  1996 Levels/L5.MAP
[generic]                   50      90  55.6% -lh5- 03f7 Aug 28  1996 Levels/L6.MAP
[generic]                   52      90  57.8% -lh5- 54f6 Aug 28  1996 Levels/L7.MAP
[generic]                   54      90  60.0% -lh5- 6346 Aug 28  1996 Levels/L8.MAP
[generic]                   58      90  64.4% -lh5- fc22 Aug 28  1996 Levels/L9.MAP
[generic]                55858   76850  72.7% -lh5- 25bc Aug 28  1996 Music/funkee
[generic]                35017   48418  72.3% -lh5- fe3b Aug 28  1996 Music/Intro
[generic]                  458    1789  25.6% -lh5- bcb2 Aug 28  1996
[generic]                  503     848  59.3% -lh5- d2f4 Aug 28  1996 instr
[generic]                82452   82452 100.0% -lh0- 52b5 Aug 28  1996 jumpem
[generic]                  490     803  61.0% -lh5- f7af Aug 28  1996 JumpEm.readme
[generic]                  265    1663  15.9% -lh5- 19f8 Aug 28  1996
[generic]                36536   53538  68.2% -lh5- 3c3f Aug 28  1996 Music/GAMEEND
[generic]                18534   33568  55.2% -lh5- 111f Aug 28  1996 Music/HighScore
[generic]                30724   44196  69.5% -lh5- 2696 Aug 28  1996 Music/Insong1
[generic]                   43      47  91.5% -lh5- f302 Aug 28  1996 s/startup-sequence
[generic]                  126     232  54.3% -lh5- 3586 Aug 28  1996 system-configuration
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        50 files  411029  638648  64.4%            Aug 30  1996
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