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________ __ ____ _ _
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/_____/_/\___/\___/_/ /_/\___/\___/|__/|__/\__,_/_/ \___/
1 Lower Mill Close
South Yorkshire
S63 9BY
Tel/Fax 01709 888127
E-Mail - phil@ware5d.demon.co.uk
Please format a disk and name it "ROTATOR1" unpack the archive onto it,
install it and bootup, easy :)
ROTATOR will work on any 1MB Amiga.
Please don't forget to buy the full game from the above address if you enjoyed
playing. The full game is supplied on two disks and is priced at just:
£3.95 +50p P&P
** Please make Cheques/Postal Orders payable to 5D Licenceware **
This demo is in the Public Domain, feel free to spread to all customers, BBSs,
and use on CD compilations.
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
17216 9859 42.7% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 C/MmPp
232 85 63.3% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 DEVS/System-configuration
2120 575 72.8% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 MAPS/DEMODISK/LEVEL4.MAP
2120 571 73.0% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 MAPS/DEMODISK/LEVEL5.MAP
2120 673 68.2% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 MAPS/DEMODISK/LEVEL6.MAP
2120 635 70.0% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 MAPS/DEMODISK/LEVEL7.MAP
2120 584 72.4% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 MAPS/DEMODISK/LEVEL8.MAP
2120 787 62.8% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 MAPS/DEMODISK/LEVEL9.MAP
4880 363 92.5% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 MAPS/DEMODISK/DEMO4.PATH
4946 387 92.1% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 MAPS/DEMODISK/DEMO5.PATH
4166 374 91.0% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 MAPS/DEMODISK/DEMO6.PATH
5220 367 92.9% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 MAPS/DEMODISK/DEMO7.PATH
2120 261 87.6% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 MAPS/DEMODISK/LEVEL0.MAP
2120 403 80.9% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 MAPS/DEMODISK/LEVEL1.MAP
2120 451 78.7% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 MAPS/DEMODISK/LEVEL2.MAP
2120 459 78.3% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 MAPS/DEMODISK/LEVEL3.MAP
851 105 87.6% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 MAPS/DEMODISK/DEMO0.PATH
2019 178 91.1% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 MAPS/DEMODISK/DEMO1.PATH
4153 269 93.5% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 MAPS/DEMODISK/DEMO2.PATH
2456 208 91.5% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 MAPS/DEMODISK/DEMO3.PATH
5118 448 91.2% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 MAPS/DEMODISK/DEMO8.PATH
8267 698 91.5% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 MAPS/DEMODISK/DEMO9.PATH
74390 57599 22.5% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 ROTATOR/SOUND_FX.ROT
57944 42298 27.0% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 ROTATOR/SOUND_FX2.ROT
18476 11698 36.6% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 ROTATOR/5D.ROT
6026 4672 22.4% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 ROTATOR/CREDITS.ROT
19954 12832 35.6% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 ROTATOR/FG1.ROT
4570 1660 63.6% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 ROTATOR/FONT.ROT
35366 24971 29.3% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 ROTATOR/PIC3.ROT
27390 13375 51.1% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 ROTATOR/PIC4.ROT
23300 12353 46.9% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 ROTATOR/PIC5.ROT
58362 25202 56.8% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 ROTATOR/SHIP.ROT
37368 20689 44.6% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 ROTATOR/TUNE_END.ROT
4446 2704 39.1% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 ROTATOR/WATERFALL.ROT
1789 457 74.4% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 Disk.info
2286 1767 22.7% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 ROTATOR/BANANA.ROT
544 277 49.0% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 ROTATOR/BANANA_SHADOW.ROT
28348 25014 11.7% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 ROTATOR/BG1.ROT
25422 12191 52.0% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 ROTATOR/BSFX1.ROT
256 24 90.6% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 ROTATOR/OPTIONS.ROT
28104 13375 52.4% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 ROTATOR/PIC1.ROT
22530 13559 39.8% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 ROTATOR/PIC2.ROT
4242 2771 34.6% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 ROTATOR/TITLE_DEMO.ROT
23 23 0.0% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 S/Startup-sequence
336 23 93.1% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 OPTIONS.ROT
1778 812 54.3% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 README
1615 601 62.7% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 README.info
195108 85648 56.1% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 ROTATOR_DEMO
696 365 47.5% 09-Jun-96 18:45:08 ROTATOR_DEMO.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
761393 405700 46.7% 09-Jun-96 18:46:52 49 files
Phil Wilkinson
Contents of game/demo/Rotator.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 9859 17216 57.3% -lh5- 8b91 Jun 9 1996 C/MmPp
[generic] 85 232 36.6% -lh5- 056f Jun 9 1996 DEVS/System-configuration
[generic] 575 2120 27.1% -lh5- d29e Jun 9 1996 maps/demodisk/level4.map
[generic] 571 2120 26.9% -lh5- e4a9 Jun 9 1996 maps/demodisk/level5.map
[generic] 673 2120 31.7% -lh5- 3aff Jun 9 1996 maps/demodisk/level6.map
[generic] 635 2120 30.0% -lh5- 9e4e Jun 9 1996 maps/demodisk/level7.map
[generic] 584 2120 27.5% -lh5- 3d84 Jun 9 1996 maps/demodisk/level8.map
[generic] 787 2120 37.1% -lh5- cbdd Jun 9 1996 maps/demodisk/level9.map
[generic] 363 4880 7.4% -lh5- f6ab Jun 9 1996 maps/demodisk/demo4.path
[generic] 387 4946 7.8% -lh5- cb0a Jun 9 1996 maps/demodisk/demo5.path
[generic] 374 4166 9.0% -lh5- 4c31 Jun 9 1996 maps/demodisk/demo6.path
[generic] 367 5220 7.0% -lh5- 5c03 Jun 9 1996 maps/demodisk/demo7.path
[generic] 261 2120 12.3% -lh5- 6307 Jun 9 1996 maps/demodisk/level0.map
[generic] 403 2120 19.0% -lh5- d434 Jun 9 1996 maps/demodisk/level1.map
[generic] 451 2120 21.3% -lh5- c403 Jun 9 1996 maps/demodisk/level2.map
[generic] 459 2120 21.7% -lh5- 141b Jun 9 1996 maps/demodisk/level3.map
[generic] 105 851 12.3% -lh5- 5018 Jun 9 1996 maps/demodisk/demo0.path
[generic] 178 2019 8.8% -lh5- c936 Jun 9 1996 maps/demodisk/demo1.path
[generic] 269 4153 6.5% -lh5- c859 Jun 9 1996 maps/demodisk/demo2.path
[generic] 208 2456 8.5% -lh5- faf3 Jun 9 1996 maps/demodisk/demo3.path
[generic] 448 5118 8.8% -lh5- a285 Jun 9 1996 maps/demodisk/demo8.path
[generic] 698 8267 8.4% -lh5- f526 Jun 9 1996 maps/demodisk/demo9.path
[generic] 20689 37368 55.4% -lh5- 268f Jun 9 1996 rotator/tune_end.rot
[generic] 2704 4446 60.8% -lh5- dd34 Jun 9 1996 rotator/waterfall.rot
[generic] 11698 18476 63.3% -lh5- f10b Jun 9 1996 rotator/5d.rot
[generic] 1767 2286 77.3% -lh5- 0063 Jun 9 1996 rotator/banana.rot
[generic] 277 544 50.9% -lh5- 0e25 Jun 9 1996 rotator/banana_shadow.rot
[generic] 25014 28348 88.2% -lh5- e913 Jun 9 1996 rotator/bg1.rot
[generic] 12191 25422 48.0% -lh5- 8999 Jun 9 1996 rotator/bsfx1.rot
[generic] 24 256 9.4% -lh5- 0515 Jun 9 1996 rotator/options.rot
[generic] 13375 28104 47.6% -lh5- d197 Jun 9 1996 rotator/pic1.rot
[generic] 57599 74390 77.4% -lh5- 0330 Jun 9 1996 rotator/sound_fx.rot
[generic] 42298 57944 73.0% -lh5- 626e Jun 9 1996 rotator/sound_fx2.rot
[generic] 2771 4242 65.3% -lh5- 2ea2 Jun 9 1996 rotator/title_demo.rot
[generic] 451 1789 25.2% -lh5- 29f8 Jun 9 1996 Disk.info
[generic] 23 336 6.8% -lh5- e1c7 Jun 9 1996 options.rot
[generic] 1723 5302 32.5% -lh5- 2a98 Jun 9 1996 readme
[generic] 4672 6026 77.5% -lh5- 95bc Jun 9 1996 rotator/credits.rot
[generic] 12832 19954 64.3% -lh5- 57ae Jun 9 1996 rotator/fg1.rot
[generic] 1660 4570 36.3% -lh5- b4d9 Jun 9 1996 rotator/font.rot
[generic] 13559 22530 60.2% -lh5- 192b Jun 9 1996 rotator/pic2.rot
[generic] 24971 35366 70.6% -lh5- b692 Jun 9 1996 rotator/pic3.rot
[generic] 13375 27390 48.8% -lh5- f8cf Jun 9 1996 rotator/pic4.rot
[generic] 12353 23300 53.0% -lh5- 6cc0 Jun 9 1996 rotator/pic5.rot
[generic] 25202 58362 43.2% -lh5- 2c62 Jun 9 1996 rotator/ship.rot
[generic] 23 23 100.0% -lh0- 5be7 Jun 9 1996 S/Startup-sequence
[generic] 604 1615 37.4% -lh5- 8275 Jun 9 1996 README.info
[generic] 85648 195108 43.9% -lh5- 328a Jun 9 1996 rotator_demo
[generic] 365 696 52.4% -lh5- 1d27 Jun 9 1996 ROTATOR_DEMO.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 49 files 406608 764917 53.2% Jun 10 1996
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