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game/misc/CoqueAndKieaguaRally.lha |
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Coque And Kieagua Rally is a game I have made for my children which are 5 and
2 years old. It is a kids game where you have to break balloons using the car
you drive. There are no lives or shots and it was even planned that there
would be no game over.
In recent months, the possibility of sending it to the Capacitor Party
emerged and this changed the first idea a bit. Checkpoints were added and
that made it possible to lose (game over) if you run out of time. Even so,
the difficulty is low and it should be easy to finish the three levels that
How to play
To start choose a car, a color and a character. Each vehicle has its own
1. The 4x4 is very slow, but it has the ability to jump very high and does
better than the rest on oil spots.
2. The Sport car has intermediate characteristics compared to the other two.
3. The formula is very fast, jumps at low altitude and gets stuck in the oil.
The last option is the game type. The "Championship" mode, which is the
default mode for playing the game, allows you to play all the levels without
being affected by the checkpoints. After ending a level you will see the
results of the race and a second screen showing the championship table. To
win a race you have to explode more balloons than the other drivers and in
case of drawn the time will be deciding the winner.
In the "Adventure" mode, the challenge is to complete the four existing
routes. In all of them you will find balloons that you must explode, cones
you can collide and oil spots that will waste your time. The goal is to break
as many balloons as possible to appear in the record table. In case of a tie
in the number of balloons, the times are compared. In each level there are
two checkpoints and the final goal. Every checkpoint has a time limit that
you should not exceed. If you reach the finish line you will race on the next
The controls are very simple. You only need to move the joystick and the
buttons have no function.
Right: the car will go faster.
Left: the car will go slower.
Above: jump.
Coque & Kieagua Rally works on an Amiga 1200 with a 030 accelerator. As for
memory, 2 megabytes of chip and 4 fast should be enough.
Game idea and programming: Guillermo Amat (aka Deuteros)
Blast Off by GalgoX
Allsort by Greg of amw:
A little jummp by Greg:
Neon Techno by Drozerix:
Mom's hometown by RexyWood:
Sound effects selected from https://freesound.org
Graphics: Vehicles drawn using Inkscape by Deuteros. Characters, objects and
landscapes taken from real photographs and adapted with The Gimp.
Guest stars: Hugo as Coque and Paula as Kiegua.
Version 1.3.0
- New level cretated.
- Championship mode.
- Car features changed to give a better playability.
Version 1.2.0
- Copper gradients used to improve all levels.
- Optimizations to keep the game running at 50FPS on a 030 Amiga.
Version 1.1.0
- Color bars showing features of each vehicle in the menu screen.
- New text input in the menu. It is possible to introduce your name.
- Now the score board stores real player names if introduced at the
Contents of game/misc/CoqueAndKieaguaRally.lha
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[Amiga] 56974 75476 75.5% -lh5- b70e Dec 22 19:24 Coque and Kieagua Rally/img/background3.iff
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[Amiga] 49765 70008 71.1% -lh5- de42 Feb 23 16:05 Coque and Kieagua Rally/img/credits.iff
[Amiga] 35092 52726 66.6% -lh5- 0470 Oct 9 00:56 Coque and Kieagua Rally/img/introlevel1.iff
[Amiga] 52098 73576 70.8% -lh5- 150a Oct 9 14:36 Coque and Kieagua Rally/img/introlevel2.iff
[Amiga] 60845 80074 76.0% -lh5- 2fab Oct 19 14:30 Coque and Kieagua Rally/img/introlevel3.iff
[Amiga] 55530 79054 70.2% -lh5- 82cf Jan 29 22:11 Coque and Kieagua Rally/img/introlevel4.iff
[Amiga] 4503 10566 42.6% -lh5- c185 Dec 1 22:40 Coque and Kieagua Rally/img/level1_shapes.iff
[Amiga] 5627 14350 39.2% -lh5- 647e Dec 13 22:50 Coque and Kieagua Rally/img/level2_shapes.iff
[Amiga] 4214 12024 35.0% -lh5- a9a3 Dec 23 23:31 Coque and Kieagua Rally/img/level3_shapes.iff
[Amiga] 5185 12966 40.0% -lh5- 1403 Feb 22 17:01 Coque and Kieagua Rally/img/level4_shapes.iff
[Amiga] 3691 8526 43.3% -lh5- 5847 Oct 28 21:57 Coque and Kieagua Rally/img/loader.iff
[Amiga] 5965 13036 45.8% -lh5- ef04 Sep 26 2019 Coque and Kieagua Rally/img/logo_deuteros.iff
[Amiga] 37187 78340 47.5% -lh5- 6940 Feb 12 23:00 Coque and Kieagua Rally/img/menu.iff
[Amiga] 18492 40908 45.2% -lh5- 2f93 Dec 1 22:40 Coque and Kieagua Rally/img/scene1.iff
[Amiga] 11026 29570 37.3% -lh5- 9bcf Dec 13 22:50 Coque and Kieagua Rally/img/scene2.iff
[Amiga] 12345 31192 39.6% -lh5- 688b Dec 23 23:31 Coque and Kieagua Rally/img/scene3.iff
[Amiga] 16776 37210 45.1% -lh5- ec4c Jan 30 23:44 Coque and Kieagua Rally/img/scene4.iff
[Amiga] 44732 92604 48.3% -lh5- 3791 Oct 9 23:54 Coque and Kieagua Rally/img/sprites.iff
[Amiga] 3649 8268 44.1% -lh5- 1dc0 Jul 27 2019 Coque and Kieagua Rally/img/spritesmenu.iff
[Amiga] 45815 92626 49.5% -lh5- 4480 Oct 27 22:50 Coque and Kieagua Rally/img/sprites_green.iff
[Amiga] 46675 94080 49.6% -lh5- 8c53 Oct 27 22:45 Coque and Kieagua Rally/img/sprites_violet.iff
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[Amiga] 1519 2928 51.9% -lh5- 9088 Oct 27 23:00 Coque and Kieagua Rally/Leeme.md
[Amiga] 125 271 46.1% -lh5- 717a Dec 22 00:33 Coque and Kieagua Rally/level1score.txt
[Amiga] 131 265 49.4% -lh5- a830 Dec 22 00:35 Coque and Kieagua Rally/level2score.txt
[Amiga] 133 268 49.6% -lh5- fc11 Oct 28 22:51 Coque and Kieagua Rally/level3score.txt
[Amiga] 132 278 47.5% -lh5- 6bf3 Mar 29 12:36 Coque and Kieagua Rally/level4score.txt
[Amiga] 92434 134852 68.5% -lh5- f99f Oct 26 17:24 Coque and Kieagua Rally/mods/allsort-3ch.mod
[Amiga] 29382 61072 48.1% -lh5- 7013 Mar 7 15:07 Coque and Kieagua Rally/mods/drozerix_-_neon_techno-3ch.mod
[Amiga] 15020 67156 22.4% -lh5- c3b9 Aug 21 2019 Coque and Kieagua Rally/mods/galgox-blastoff.mod
[Amiga] 79786 114148 69.9% -lh5- d948 Feb 19 22:38 Coque and Kieagua Rally/mods/music-jump-3ch.mod
[Amiga] 48142 72878 66.1% -lh5- 4c1f Oct 27 16:24 Coque and Kieagua Rally/mods/rexywood_-_momhometown-3ch.mod
[Amiga] 2620 3592 72.9% -lh5- 2f0e May 25 2019 Coque and Kieagua Rally/snd/balloon.iff
[Amiga] 7633 14412 53.0% -lh5- db93 Oct 9 00:10 Coque and Kieagua Rally/snd/checkpoint.iff
[Amiga] 2369 5228 45.3% -lh5- b81d Aug 21 2019 Coque and Kieagua Rally/snd/conestroke.iff
[Amiga] 30876 83896 36.8% -lh5- 7e02 May 25 2019 Coque and Kieagua Rally/snd/crash.iff
[Amiga] 15335 63608 24.1% -lh5- 7af4 May 24 2019 Coque and Kieagua Rally/snd/explosion.8svx
[Amiga] 2061 5420 38.0% -lh5- e1da Aug 21 2019 Coque and Kieagua Rally/snd/menuchange.iff
[Amiga] 3290 4196 78.4% -lh5- f92a Aug 21 2019 Coque and Kieagua Rally/snd/menuclick.iff
[Amiga] 2369 5228 45.3% -lh5- b81d Aug 21 2019 Coque and Kieagua Rally/snd/mud.iff
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Total 52 files 1257299 2326391 54.0% Mar 29 14:40
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