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Short:Logic game ported from Atari XE/XL
Author: arkadiusz.lipiec at (Arkadiusz Lipiec)
Uploader:polluks sdf lonestar org (Stefan Haubenthal)
Download:game/misc/GNU_Robbo.lha - View contents

| About |

GNU Robbo is a free open source reimplementation of Janusz Pelc's
Robbo for the Atari XE/XL which was distributed by LK Avalon in 1989.

| History |

The first version of Robbo was released in 1989 by LK Avalon, and in a
short time became very popular in "little" Atari's world. Their main
developer Janusz Pelc did a very good job. There are rumours that he
wrote the game just three months before his graduation exam ;) In 1990
Janusz Pelc and LK Avalon released their next product Robbo Konstruktor
which enabled people to create their own levels.

In 1991, Maciej Miasik (
developed The Adventures of Robbo for XLanD Games -- an updated
PC-DOS port of the Atari version -- and published by Epic Games. In
2006 Maciej Miasik declared that the idea and code of the PC-DOS
version to be licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share
Alike 2.5 Generic licence

I (Alus) just ported it to Linux trying to set Robbo's behaviour as 
similar as it is possible. You can still buy Windows version of Robbo
in "LK Avalon", with better graphics and new objects and levels.
Thunor joined the project in 2007 and completely rebuilt first version.

| A More Complicated History, Allegedly :p |

Janusz Pelc's company XLanD Games created the Atari Robbo game and
it was distributed by LK Avalon, a promoter of independent developers.
In 1991 whilst working for XLanD Games, Maciej Miasik created the PC
version. In 1994 XLanD Games agreed to sell the rights to the PC
version to LK Avalon and then XLanD Games went out of business. Later
in 1996, Maciej Miasik joined LK Avalon and worked on several projects
until 2001. In 2006 with the permission of past and present LK Avalon
employees he released the PC version under a Creative Commons licence.

As far as licencing goes, any agreements between Janusz Pelc/XLanD
and LK Avalon regarding the Atari version disappeared with the demise
of XLanD Games, but the GNU Robbo team have been told that the Atari
Robbo game was the property of Janusz Pelc/XLanD Games and Janusz
Pelc has no problems with the existence of the GNU Robbo project.

| Requirements |

and accompanying devel packages.

Optional: libSDL_ttf and accompanying devel package.

Most Linux distributions come pre-installed with these libraries but
you will likely have to install the development versions yourself.

For more information about the SDL libraries, please visit

| Installation |


| Keys |

Default PC controls :-

    Enter               Confirm
    Cursors             Move
    Cursors + RShift    Shoot
    R                   Restart
    Escape              Exit

All keys are reconfigurable and are listed in Options. Digital and
analogue joysticks are also supported and it's possible to mix input

| Pointer Support |

The game can be controlled entirely with a pointing device (mouse or
stylus). By default the menu items throughout the game can be clicked,
and to activate the in-game control pad and toolbar you should simply
click anywhere on the screen. To shoot use either of these methods :-

* Drag from Robbo to a direction to shoot once and remain in walk mode.
* Click Robbo to toggle shoot mode on, press a direction to shoot one
  or more bullets and then click Robbo again to toggle shoot mode off.

| Music Support |

Now GNU Robbo supports playing music.

The way it does it, it plays ogg files during the game, if you go back
to the main screen, music stops, and it is resumed when you get back.
If music is on, volume keys control music volume, if it is disabled
they control sound fx volume.

If you want to have music, there are some things you should do:

First of all, music support must have been compiled in (the default is
to enable music support - see COMPILING), then find some music in ogg
format, you want to be played in the game. Place the ogg files in GNU
Robbo's data directory within the music folder and you should have
music playing.

| Level Designer |

Now GNU Robbo includes a level designer.

The level designer can be activated in-game via the Toggle Designer
control (PC default F9). Primarily it is mouse driven and there are a
set of icons top-right that control map scrolling, but you can also
scroll using the up, down, left and right controls. Additionally the
previous level, next level, previous pack and next pack controls
function as expected.

The most effective way to use the designer is to use a high resolution
video mode with a maximised viewport, or by forcing the smaller 16x16
tile set to utilise lower resolutions. Try any of the following:

    gnurobbo -800x600 -vpx -ts 16
    gnurobbo -1152x864 -vpx
    gnurobbo -1280x1024 -vpx

It has pretty basic functionality:
    * User can edit existing levels or add new levels to existing
      level sets
    * User can create/edit levels in two sizes - 16x31 and 32x31
    * User can add GNU Robbo specific objects such as rotating laser /
      blaster guns, shooting vertical birds, moving and rotating guns
    * User can add shots that will be shot at level start

It has some limitations:
    * User cannot create new level sets
    * User cannot edit the level author information
    * User cannot edit the level colors
    * User cannot edit the level set name

Currently the above limitations can be overcome by manually creating
empty level files outside of the game, and by editing them with your
favourite text editor.

Whether or not the user has permission to write to the packaged level
files depends on the target platform and the installation location,
but the level file "MyLevels" is always maintained to be writable.

Designer Usage Example
Whilst in-game, press the Toggle Designer control (PC default F9).
Now the user can edit the existing level or add a new one at the end
of the level set.

If the user wants to add a new level, they should double-click on the
"clean page" icon.

If the user wants to clear the level, they should double-click on the
"eraser" icon.

If the user clicks certain icons once (such as clear/insert) then a
hint is displayed that explains that the user should click again to
trigger the action (nothing will be committed until selecting "save").

To test the level, the user should save it first and then exit the
designer by using either the keyboard (PC default ESC) or by clicking
the "X" in the top-right upper corner (black cross on red background).

The icons on purple backgrounds are control icons, and they are:
    * Gun type (laser/blaster/regular)
    * Guns movable, rotable or movable and rotable
    * Direction - this controls direction of bears, birds, shots, and
      gun movement
    * Eraser (double-click) - clears current level
    * New level (double-click) - clears level data and triggers that
      the level will be appended to the level set
    * Save level (double-click)
    * Reload level
    * Level size 16x31 or 32x31

| Command Line Options |

GNU Robbo version 0.xx
Usage: gnurobbo [options]

    -XRESxYRES    e.g. -800x480
    -ts n         Tile size 16 or 32
    -vpx          Maximise the viewport
    -f            Run the game fullscreen

The tile size of 16 is used in video modes less than 480x480.
On suitably large video modes, maximising the viewport will enable you
to see more of the level but this is considered cheating and is only
meant for level design and testing. If you are interested in
designing levels then please see the Level Designer section above.

Homepage of this game is available at:

-- The GNU Robbo Team

Contents of game/misc/GNU_Robbo.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 4524    4648  97.3% -lh5- 100c Sep 15  2007
[generic]                 1274    2852  44.7% -lh5- f266 Nov  9 18:31 gnurobbo-0.66/AUTHORS
[generic]                16095   70999  22.7% -lh5- 4d1d Aug 31 15:17 gnurobbo-0.66/board.c
[generic]                 2684    6825  39.3% -lh5- 52b1 Aug 30 17:43 gnurobbo-0.66/board.h
[generic]                 5109   11950  42.8% -lh5- 6f86 Dec 25  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/Bugs
[generic]                10291   27495  37.4% -lh5- 931e Nov 12 19:05 gnurobbo-0.66/ChangeLog
[generic]                 1489    3195  46.6% -lh5- 8118 Aug 24 22:57 gnurobbo-0.66/COMPILING
[generic]                10731   51431  20.9% -lh5- 6dc1 Oct 27 13:43 gnurobbo-0.66/controls.c
[generic]                 1595    4246  37.6% -lh5- 389c Jan  5  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/controls.h
[generic]                 6991   17982  38.9% -lh5- 5360 Nov 27  2008 gnurobbo-0.66/COPYING
[generic]                 3012    9934  30.3% -lh5- f364 Aug 23 21:41 gnurobbo-0.66/data/levels/alex01.dat
[generic]                 5339   23339  22.9% -lh5- cc7d Mar 24  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/levels/boss.dat
[generic]                 1048    3109  33.7% -lh5- 005e Jan 16  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/levels/demo.dat
[generic]                 3128    9906  31.6% -lh5- 70e6 Feb 28  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/levels/designer.dat
[generic]                13884   46936  29.6% -lh5- c4a3 Jan 16  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/levels/forever.dat
[generic]                21524   84741  25.4% -lh5- e68c Dec  5  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/levels/k-robbo.dat
[generic]                  678    1367  49.6% -lh5- 1d21 Jan 16  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/levels/millenium_demo.dat
[generic]                13334   50039  26.6% -lh5- b587 Sep  3 17:06 gnurobbo-0.66/data/levels/original.dat
[generic]                 8351   29626  28.2% -lh5- 0ecd Jan 16  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/levels/rob653924.dat
[generic]                11064   43288  25.6% -lh5- 0b7b Mar 24  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/levels/robbo01.dat
[generic]                20388   74094  27.5% -lh5- fbc4 Dec  5  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/levels/robbo02.dat
[generic]                12925   45652  28.3% -lh5- df41 Jan 16  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/levels/robbo03.dat
[generic]                11868   49120  24.2% -lh5- a753 Jan 16  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/levels/robbo04.dat
[generic]                18832   74829  25.2% -lh5- a94f Dec  5  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/levels/robbo05.dat
[generic]                 5136   17312  29.7% -lh5- 23b5 Jan 16  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/levels/robbo07.dat
[generic]                 1264    3650  34.6% -lh5- 11d6 Dec  5  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/levels/robbo08.dat
[generic]                 7955   28949  27.5% -lh5- 2d14 Dec 28  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/levels/robbo09.dat
[generic]                 9999   34898  28.7% -lh5- cb6e Dec  5  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/levels/robbo10.dat
[generic]                 8283   38369  21.6% -lh5- 2c18 Jan 16  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/levels/robbo11.dat
[generic]                 6660   26183  25.4% -lh5- 98ee Jan 16  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/levels/robbo12.dat
[generic]                 7154   26462  27.0% -lh5- f204 Jan 16  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/levels/robbo13.dat
[generic]                 3355   13735  24.4% -lh5- 67c0 Jan 16  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/levels/robbo2001.dat
[generic]                 6146   17962  34.2% -lh5- 7465 Dec  5  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/levels/robbo2009.dat
[generic]                11664   45588  25.6% -lh5- fe14 Jan 16  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/levels/robbo3cs.dat
[generic]                25794   96885  26.6% -lh5- 7e5a Jan  5  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/levels/robbo97.dat
[generic]                17208   73014  23.6% -lh5- 780d Feb 18  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/levels/robbo98.dat
[generic]                 5825   19548  29.8% -lh5- f9e5 Dec 21  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/levels/robbo_b.dat
[generic]                 8687   39494  22.0% -lh5- 1e6e Dec 28  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/levels/warsaw.dat
[generic]                   57      57 100.0% -lh0- a2f2 Feb 22  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/locales/cz_CZ/localerc
[generic]                 3551   10679  33.3% -lh5- e47b Sep  1 13:33 gnurobbo-0.66/data/locales/cz_CZ/text
[generic]                   65      65 100.0% -lh0- 90f8 Aug 28 00:32 gnurobbo-0.66/data/locales/de_DE/localerc
[generic]                 3526   10170  34.7% -lh5- b0a1 Sep  1 13:33 gnurobbo-0.66/data/locales/de_DE/text
[generic]                   37      37 100.0% -lh0- d4c7 Feb 19  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/locales/en_GB/localerc
[generic]                 3063    9640  31.8% -lh5- b9cb Sep  1 13:33 gnurobbo-0.66/data/locales/en_GB/text
[generic]                    1       1 100.0% -lh0- 0780 Feb 22  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/locales/es_ES/text
[generic]                   48      48 100.0% -lh0- 215b Mar  1  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/locales/es_ES/_localerc
[generic]                   68      69  98.6% -lh5- 2425 Dec 25  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/locales/id_ID/localerc
[generic]                 3197    9818  32.6% -lh5- 4cf8 Sep  1 13:33 gnurobbo-0.66/data/locales/id_ID/text
[generic]                   46      46 100.0% -lh0- c81e Feb 26  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/locales/pl_PL/localerc
[generic]                 3556   10154  35.0% -lh5- b43f Sep  2 17:56 gnurobbo-0.66/data/locales/pl_PL/text
[generic]                   54      54 100.0% -lh0- 166c Dec 25  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/locales/ru_RU/localerc
[generic]                 3908   12134  32.2% -lh5- f738 Sep  1 13:33 gnurobbo-0.66/data/locales/ru_RU/text
[generic]                   59      59 100.0% -lh0- d60a Mar  7  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/locales/sk_SK/localerc
[generic]                 3511   10665  32.9% -lh5- 1a48 Sep  1 13:33 gnurobbo-0.66/data/locales/sk_SK/text
[generic]                   57      57 100.0% -lh0- 2823 Mar 10  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/locales/sv_SE/localerc
[generic]                 3435   10266  33.5% -lh5- 9a9a Sep  1 13:33 gnurobbo-0.66/data/locales/sv_SE/text
[generic]                  138     370  37.3% -lh5- 7a76 Apr 25  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/rob/robsprites.bmp
[generic]                  951    2074  45.9% -lh5- e9f8 Feb 21  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/oily/alpha16.bmp
[generic]                 3017    7886  38.3% -lh5- ea9e Feb 22  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/oily/alpha32.bmp
[generic]                13220   13509  97.9% -lh5- bca0 Dec 30  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/oily/background16.png
[generic]               143335  143335 100.0% -lh0- 03c8 Dec 30  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/oily/background32.png
[generic]                  631     886  71.2% -lh5- 3bba Feb 21  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/oily/ciphers16.bmp
[generic]                  886    3026  29.3% -lh5- f50c Feb 22  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/oily/ciphers32.bmp
[generic]                 1991   22846   8.7% -lh5- 3fac Apr  2  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/oily/font12x16.bmp
[generic]                 2462   91050   2.7% -lh5- c2a6 Apr  2  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/oily/font24x32.bmp
[generic]                31747   31752 100.0% -lh5- 24e3 Feb 28  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/oily/icons16.png
[generic]               123170  123170 100.0% -lh0- df8e Mar 30  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/oily/icons32.png
[generic]                25790   25879  99.7% -lh5- 7327 Feb 19  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/oily/k_icons16.png
[generic]                78681   78681 100.0% -lh0- 4f96 Feb 19  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/oily/k_icons32.png
[generic]                26948   41400  65.1% -lh5- b0b9 Oct 20  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/oily/robbo.ttf
[generic]                  379     751  50.5% -lh5- 4c8d Sep  3 17:06 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/oily/skinrc
[generic]                  220     594  37.0% -lh5- 9155 Dec 19  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/oily/wm_icon.bmp
[generic]                  414    2050  20.2% -lh5- 7226 Nov 27  2008 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/original/alpha16.bmp
[generic]                  456    7874   5.8% -lh5- ad89 Nov 27  2008 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/original/alpha32.bmp
[generic]                  186     834  22.3% -lh5- 70bd Nov 27  2008 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/original/ciphers16.bmp
[generic]                  232    3010   7.7% -lh5- eeb6 Nov 27  2008 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/original/ciphers32.bmp
[generic]                 1991   22846   8.7% -lh5- 3fac Apr  2  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/original/font12x16.bmp
[generic]                 2462   91050   2.7% -lh5- c2a6 Apr  2  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/original/font24x32.bmp
[generic]                 6948    6948 100.0% -lh0- 7af5 Feb 28  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/original/icons16.png
[generic]                 6585    6628  99.4% -lh5- a5c8 Feb 28  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/original/icons32.png
[generic]                21725   21742  99.9% -lh5- 9559 Dec 30  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/original/k_icons16.png
[generic]                76080   76080 100.0% -lh0- 1b48 Dec 30  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/original/k_icons32.png
[generic]                26948   41400  65.1% -lh5- b0b9 Nov 27  2008 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/original/robbo.ttf
[generic]                  334     687  48.6% -lh5- 323a Jan  3  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/original/skinrc
[generic]                  120     582  20.6% -lh5- 822c Dec 19  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/original/wm_icon.bmp
[generic]                  412    2054  20.1% -lh5- d4e5 Jan 29  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/tronic/alpha16.bmp
[generic]                  464    7878   5.9% -lh5- e31e Jan 29  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/tronic/alpha32.bmp
[generic]                  441     441 100.0% -lh0- bb41 Dec 12  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/tronic/background16.png
[generic]                  605     605 100.0% -lh0- cf1b Dec 12  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/tronic/background32.png
[generic]                  235     838  28.0% -lh5- f32e Jan 29  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/tronic/ciphers16.bmp
[generic]                  262    3014   8.7% -lh5- d769 Jan 29  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/tronic/ciphers32.bmp
[generic]                 1991   22846   8.7% -lh5- 3fac Apr  2  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/tronic/font12x16.bmp
[generic]                 2462   91050   2.7% -lh5- c2a6 Apr  2  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/tronic/font24x32.bmp
[generic]                 5085    5085 100.0% -lh0- 73ae Aug 28 00:32 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/tronic/icons16.png
[generic]                 6503    6596  98.6% -lh5- 6195 Aug 28 00:32 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/tronic/icons32.png
[generic]                 2429    2429 100.0% -lh0- f3b7 Jan  1  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/tronic/k_icons16.png
[generic]                 3284    3308  99.3% -lh5- ef52 Jan  1  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/tronic/k_icons32.png
[generic]               290029  541504  53.6% -lh5- 7102 Oct 24  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/tronic/robbo.ttf
[generic]                  898    6057  14.8% -lh5- 6406 Nov 12 01:04 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/tronic/skinrc
[generic]                  180     602  29.9% -lh5- ca0f Dec 19  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/skins/tronic/wm_icon.bmp
[generic]                14692   15441  95.1% -lh5- a4b8 Dec  6  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/default/ammo.ogg
[generic]                 5285    6192  85.4% -lh5- bb22 Dec  6  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/default/bird.ogg
[generic]                16719   17564  95.2% -lh5- 289d Dec  6  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/default/bomb.ogg
[generic]                 9242   10039  92.1% -lh5- c65d Dec  6  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/default/box.ogg
[generic]                11336   12275  92.4% -lh5- d710 Dec  6  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/default/capsule.ogg
[generic]                10391   11169  93.0% -lh5- c8d9 Dec  6  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/default/door_default.ogg
[generic]                13546   14378  94.2% -lh5- e7b9 Dec  6  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/default/end_default.ogg
[generic]                 8896    9684  91.9% -lh5- 1c0f Dec  6  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/default/gun_default.ogg
[generic]                13345   14305  93.3% -lh5- 3d61 Dec  6  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/default/key.ogg
[generic]                 8142    8928  91.2% -lh5- 48b5 Dec  6  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/default/kill.ogg
[generic]                 9643   10529  91.6% -lh5- bf19 Dec  6  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/default/magnet.ogg
[generic]                 8532    9659  88.3% -lh5- 37ff Dec  6  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/default/screw.ogg
[generic]                 7973    8772  90.9% -lh5- fada Dec  6  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/default/shoot_default.ogg
[generic]                13683   14550  94.0% -lh5- 60ba Dec  6  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/default/teleport.ogg
[generic]                 8668   10394  83.4% -lh5- 0a21 Dec  6  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/default/walk_default.ogg
[generic]                30921   32936  93.9% -lh5- 21eb Feb 21  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/free/ammo2.ogg
[generic]                18937   20914  90.5% -lh5- f6a5 Feb 21  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/free/bomb2.ogg
[generic]                 6123    7034  87.0% -lh5- e6c6 Feb 21  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/free/box2.ogg
[generic]                 5727    6725  85.2% -lh5- 651f Feb 21  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/free/capsule2.ogg
[generic]                23982   26488  90.5% -lh5- a2fa Feb 21  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/free/door2.ogg
[generic]                27022   29320  92.2% -lh5- 95da Feb 21  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/free/exit2.ogg
[generic]                14524   16322  89.0% -lh5- 0ca7 Feb 21  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/free/key2.ogg
[generic]                 6609    7401  89.3% -lh5- b778 Feb 21  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/free/kill2.ogg
[generic]                 5367    6310  85.1% -lh5- 6aee Feb 21  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/free/magnet.ogg
[generic]                 9758   11562  84.4% -lh5- 6f04 Feb 21  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/free/screw2.ogg
[generic]                 7879    8918  88.3% -lh5- cebc Feb 21  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/free/shoot2.ogg
[generic]                12886   14632  88.1% -lh5- 4f49 Feb 21  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/free/shoot3.ogg
[generic]                19287   21955  87.8% -lh5- 5e3f Feb 21  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/free/teleport2.ogg
[generic]                 7367    9147  80.5% -lh5- 557d Feb 21  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/free/walk2.ogg
[generic]                20387   22124  92.1% -lh5- 0ba6 Dec  6  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/oily/door.ogg
[generic]                 8057    9433  85.4% -lh5- 1ccd Dec  6  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/oily/end.ogg
[generic]                 4852    6029  80.5% -lh5- 70f1 Dec  6  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/oily/gun.ogg
[generic]                 8837   10695  82.6% -lh5- 2427 Dec  6  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/oily/shoot.ogg
[generic]                 4288    5133  83.5% -lh5- a959 Dec  6  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/oily/walk.ogg
[generic]                  198     540  36.7% -lh5- 8ebe Dec  6  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/skins/default.dat
[generic]                  170     413  41.2% -lh5- bd8e Feb 21  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/skins/free.dat
[generic]                  184     455  40.4% -lh5- 1e94 Aug 25 22:08 gnurobbo-0.66/data/sounds/skins/oily.dat
[generic]                 6077   30460  20.0% -lh5- 3c1d Apr  2  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/font.c
[generic]                  634    1164  54.5% -lh5- 647b Jan  5  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/font.h
[generic]                  224     555  40.4% -lh5- e75c Oct 27 13:43 gnurobbo-0.66/fremantle/debian/changelog
[generic]                    2       2 100.0% -lh0- 5797 Aug 24 22:57 gnurobbo-0.66/fremantle/debian/compat
[generic]                  891    1241  71.8% -lh5- 4f8a Oct 27 13:43 gnurobbo-0.66/fremantle/debian/control
[generic]                  664    1144  58.0% -lh5- 3c17 Aug 24 22:57 gnurobbo-0.66/fremantle/debian/copyright
[generic]                    5       5 100.0% -lh0- f0da Aug 24 22:57 gnurobbo-0.66/fremantle/debian/gnurobbo.substvars
[generic]                  808    1816  44.5% -lh5- b0cc Aug 24 22:57 gnurobbo-0.66/fremantle/debian/rules
[generic]                  166     223  74.4% -lh5- e85b Oct 27 13:43 gnurobbo-0.66/fremantle/gnurobbo.desktop
[generic]                 1270    4176  30.4% -lh5- 8a66 Nov  9 17:19 gnurobbo-0.66/fremantle/Makefile
[generic]                19521  108032  18.1% -lh5- db4f Jan 11 15:43 gnurobbo-0.66/game.c
[generic]                19477  107940  18.0% -lh5- 86d7 Sep  3 17:06 gnurobbo-0.66/game.c.bak
[generic]                 2079    5530  37.6% -lh5- 92a4 Aug 31 15:17 gnurobbo-0.66/game.h
[generic]               172901  448120  38.6% -lh5- 2540 Jan 11 15:47 gnurobbo-0.66/gnurobbo
[generic]                  438     438 100.0% -lh0- 75d4 Jan  7  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/
[generic]                 1791    4457  40.2% -lh5- 2e28 Jan  9  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/gnurobbo.spec
[generic]                 1098    6093  18.0% -lh5- 958c Nov 12 19:05 gnurobbo-0.66/gp2x/build-gnurobbo
[generic]                   69      78  88.5% -lh5- eced Sep  3 17:06 gnurobbo-0.66/gp2x/gnurobbo.gpe
[generic]                  438     438 100.0% -lh0- 75d4 Jan  7  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/icon32.png
[generic]                11439   48745  23.5% -lh5- ea21 Sep  1 13:33 gnurobbo-0.66/konstruktor.c
[generic]                 1444    3305  43.7% -lh5- 42ee Jan 16  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/konstruktor.h
[generic]                 8154   33082  24.6% -lh5- 34b4 Aug 30 17:43 gnurobbo-0.66/levels.c
[generic]                 1197    2577  46.4% -lh5- 48f1 Aug 24 22:57 gnurobbo-0.66/levels.h
[generic]                 1017    2675  38.0% -lh5- 755b Aug 25 22:08 gnurobbo-0.66/LICENSE-sound
[generic]                 1567    4816  32.5% -lh5- 5b3f Mar 27  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/LICENSE-ttf
[generic]                 7125   37356  19.1% -lh5- 04dd Nov 12 01:04 gnurobbo-0.66/locales.c
[generic]                 2108    9071  23.2% -lh5- a1ec Sep  3 17:06 gnurobbo-0.66/locales.h
[generic]                 1291    4354  29.7% -lh5- 4919 Aug 23 21:41 gnurobbo-0.66/Makefile
[generic]                  278     481  57.8% -lh5- ee07 Aug 24 22:57 gnurobbo-0.66/Makefile.fremantle
[generic]                  742    1464  50.7% -lh5- ebd7 Nov 12 19:05 gnurobbo-0.66/Makefile.gp2x
[generic]                  745    1387  53.7% -lh5- 5f8d Nov 12 19:05 gnurobbo-0.66/Makefile.open2x
[generic]                  594    1157  51.3% -lh5- 022a Aug 23 21:41 gnurobbo-0.66/Makefile.psp
[generic]                 1343    2682  50.1% -lh5- aa33 Nov 12 19:05 gnurobbo-0.66/Makefile.zaurus
[generic]                 1159    2619  44.3% -lh5- b13e Nov 12 19:05 gnurobbo-0.66/NEWS
[generic]                 4375   24688  17.7% -lh5- fc73 Jan 16  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/pointer_controls.c
[generic]                  879    2432  36.1% -lh5- 1807 Jan 16  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/pointer_controls.h
[generic]                 6738   42573  15.8% -lh5- 6827 Jan 18  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/rcfile.c
[generic]                  712    1528  46.6% -lh5- a5a3 Aug 24 22:57 gnurobbo-0.66/rcfile.h
[generic]                 3496    8236  42.4% -lh5- 14f3 Apr  2  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/README
[generic]                  386     689  56.0% -lh5- 7547 Dec 19  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/README.gp2x
[generic]                 7155    7293  98.1% -lh5- ab90 Dec 24  2003 gnurobbo-0.66/
[generic]                  439     815  53.9% -lh5- af7d Dec 12  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/README.psp
[generic]                  411     860  47.8% -lh5- 1bcb Jan  6  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/README.win32
[generic]                  953    1986  48.0% -lh5- d2d9 Dec 20  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/README.zaurus
[generic]                11379   54696  20.8% -lh5- 5774 Aug 23 21:41 gnurobbo-0.66/ROB_engine.c
[generic]                 1803    4695  38.4% -lh5- 107e Jan 16  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/ROB_engine.h
[generic]                25828  160765  16.1% -lh5- 8292 Sep  1 13:33 gnurobbo-0.66/screen.c
[generic]                 1306    3257  40.1% -lh5- df67 Mar 30  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/screen.h
[generic]                 9658   41654  23.2% -lh5- 4c98 Aug 23 21:41 gnurobbo-0.66/skins.c
[generic]                 1230    3105  39.6% -lh5- 87d5 Jan  5  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/skins.h
[generic]                 5591   18819  29.7% -lh5- 8a3b Aug 23 21:41 gnurobbo-0.66/sound.c
[generic]                 1460    3634  40.2% -lh5- 9153 Feb 20  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/sound.h
[generic]                    9       9 100.0% -lh0- 1be0 Nov 27  2008 gnurobbo-0.66/TARGET
[generic]                 7730   19076  40.5% -lh5- c73d Aug 25 13:33 gnurobbo-0.66/TODO
[generic]                    5       5 100.0% -lh0- 853e Aug 23 21:41 gnurobbo-0.66/VERSION
[generic]                  960    2839  33.8% -lh5- 4f52 Dec 24  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/win32/dirent.h
[generic]                 1915    6058  31.6% -lh5- 865c Dec 24  2009 gnurobbo-0.66/win32/dirent.lib
[generic]                 1446    6400  22.6% -lh5- 8cc9 Jan  6  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/win32/gnurobbo.dsp
[generic]                  208     541  38.4% -lh5- 563b Jan  6  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/win32/gnurobbo.dsw
[generic]                19542  154544  12.6% -lh5- 1f6b Jan  6  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/win32/gnurobbo_tlo.bmp
[generic]                  719    1736  41.4% -lh5- 8994 Jan  6  2010 gnurobbo-0.66/win32/setup.iss
[generic]                 1101    3668  30.0% -lh5- b4de Nov 12 19:05 gnurobbo-0.66/zaurus/build-gnurobbo
[generic]                  188     254  74.0% -lh5- 810a Aug 30 17:43 gnurobbo-0.66/zaurus/control
[generic]                  130     158  82.3% -lh5- e7cb Nov 27  2008 gnurobbo-0.66/zaurus/gnurobbo.desktop
[generic]                 1656    4208  39.4% -lh5- cfc4 Nov 12 19:05 gnurobbo-0.66/zaurus/ipkg-build
[generic]                   22      22 100.0% -lh0- 113f Nov 27  2008 gnurobbo-0.66/zaurus/rungnurobbo
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 Total       203 files 2064495 4784209  43.2%            Jan 11 17:49
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