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Short:Legions Of Dawn preview
Author:Andrew Campbell
Uploader:steve f1lw demon co uk (Steve Bye)
Download:game/role/lodawn.lha - View contents

This is probably the best ever Black Dawn game.
If you like the Black Dawn series this one
will blow you away, many high ratings in the
Amiga press.
Requires Workbench 2 or higher.

To run Legions:

* Download lodawn.lha
* de-arcive to a formatted & installed floppy disk
* copy following libraries from your Workbench disk to the floppies 'Libs' 


* Boot the floppy.
Sorry for the inconvience for not being able to supply the libraries
not my fault.

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    1022    1022  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:35:06 +OBJECTS.DAT
     232     117 49.5% 26-Feb-92 08:35:04 +System-Configuration
     264      22 91.6% 26-Feb-92 08:34:52 +2001.font
    1832     772 57.8% 26-Feb-92 08:35:00 +8
     524      46 91.2% 26-Feb-92 08:34:52 +Condensed60.font
     856     548 35.9% 26-Feb-92 08:35:00 +6
     524      45 91.4% 26-Feb-92 08:34:52 +dpaint.font
     640     344 46.2% 26-Feb-92 08:34:54 +5
   15597    6623 57.5% 26-Feb-92 08:34:48 +Manual.DAWN
    8808    5850 33.5% 26-Feb-92 08:34:22 +CrM.library
    4080    2000 50.9% 26-Feb-92 08:34:40 +rtdd
  103344  103200  0.1% 26-Feb-92 08:29:44  LoD
     376     376  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:33:42 +DECK1
     126     126  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:33:44 +DECK1cols
      86      86  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:33:44 +DECK1prefs
     392     392  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:33:48 +DECK2
     124     124  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:33:52 +DECK2cols
     158     158  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:33:52 +DECK2prefs
     404     404  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:33:56 +DECK3
     126     126  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:33:56 +DECK3cols
     194     194  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:33:58 +DECK3prefs
     344     344  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:34:02 +DECK4
     124     124  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:34:02 +DECK4cols
      46      46  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:34:06 +DECK4prefs
     402     402  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:34:06 +DECK5
     124     124  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:34:10 +DECK5cols
     108     108  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:34:14 +DECK5prefs
      14      14  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:33:36 +startup-sequence
  161266  161266  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:30:20 +CORE.DAWN
   24736   24736  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:32:22 +CREDITS.DAWN
   14132   14132  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:32:26 +CTRL2.DAWN
   26984   18052 33.1% 26-Feb-92 08:32:34 +F.DAWN
   18002   18002  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:32:42 +GAME-OVER.DAWN
    9730    9730  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:32:46 +GAME-WON.DAWN
     658     658  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:32:48 +MISSION-BOBS.DAWN
   35896   35896  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:32:58 +MISSION-GROUND.DAWN
   15536   15536  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:33:06 +MISSION-PANEL.DAWN
    5364    5364  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:33:10 +PANEL-HEADER.DAWN
    2502    2502  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:33:14 +PLAYERS.DAWN
   15644   15644  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:33:22 +SHAREWARE1
   10378   10378  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:33:26 +SHAREWARE2
    7398    7398  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:33:32 +SHAREWARE3
     140     140  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:30:58 +DECK2prefs
   17562   17562  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:31:08 +F.DAWN
    6326    6326  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:31:12 +INDAWN1.DAWN
   18422   18422  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:31:18 +INDAWN2.DAWN
   35796   35796  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:31:28 +INDAWN3.DAWN
    9988    9988  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:31:36 +INDAWN4.DAWN
   55484   55484  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:31:48 +MOD.DAWN
   23942   23942  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:31:58 +MOD.GAMEOVER.DAWN
   24530   24530  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:32:06 +MOD.GAMEWON.DAWN
   10400   10400  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:30:30 +BD1.DAWN
    8918    8918  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:30:36 +BD2.DAWN
   10490   10490  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:30:44 +BD4.DAWN
   12748   12748  0.0% 26-Feb-92 08:30:50 +BD6.DAWN
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  723843  697777  3.6% 15-Apr-96 16:56:48   55 files

Contents of game/role/lodawn.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 1022    1022 100.0% -lh0- 3450 Feb 26  1992 DATA/OBJECTS.DAT
[generic]                  117     232  50.4% -lh5- f478 Feb 26  1992 devs/System-Configuration
[generic]                   22     264   8.3% -lh5- f240 Feb 26  1992 Fonts/2001.font
[generic]                  772    1832  42.1% -lh5- eec3 Feb 26  1992 Fonts/2001/8
[generic]                   46     524   8.8% -lh5- 4a81 Feb 26  1992 Fonts/Condensed60.font
[generic]                  548     856  64.0% -lh5- 4c22 Feb 26  1992 Fonts/Condensed60/6
[generic]                   45     524   8.6% -lh5- 13df Feb 26  1992 Fonts/dpaint.font
[generic]                  344     640  53.8% -lh5- 53dd Feb 26  1992 Fonts/dpaint/5
[generic]                 6623   15597  42.5% -lh5- 1d00 Feb 26  1992 Instructions/Manual.DAWN
[generic]                 5850    8808  66.4% -lh5- ff93 Feb 26  1992 libs/CrM.library
[generic]                 2000    4080  49.0% -lh5- f9f8 Feb 26  1992 libs/rtdd
[generic]               103200  103344  99.9% -lh5- ff4e Feb 26  1992 LoD
[generic]                  376     376 100.0% -lh0- c855 Feb 26  1992 NEWDECKS/DECK1
[generic]                  126     126 100.0% -lh0- 55e4 Feb 26  1992 NEWDECKS/DECK1cols
[generic]                   86      86 100.0% -lh0- 435a Feb 26  1992 NEWDECKS/DECK1prefs
[generic]                  392     392 100.0% -lh0- a185 Feb 26  1992 NEWDECKS/DECK2
[generic]                  124     124 100.0% -lh0- 380a Feb 26  1992 NEWDECKS/DECK2cols
[generic]                  158     158 100.0% -lh0- 270c Feb 26  1992 NEWDECKS/DECK2prefs
[generic]                  404     404 100.0% -lh0- 0685 Feb 26  1992 NEWDECKS/DECK3
[generic]                  126     126 100.0% -lh0- d1dc Feb 26  1992 NEWDECKS/DECK3cols
[generic]                  194     194 100.0% -lh0- a34f Feb 26  1992 NEWDECKS/DECK3prefs
[generic]                  344     344 100.0% -lh0- 1069 Feb 26  1992 NEWDECKS/DECK4
[generic]                  124     124 100.0% -lh0- e04f Feb 26  1992 NEWDECKS/DECK4cols
[generic]                   46      46 100.0% -lh0- a16a Feb 26  1992 NEWDECKS/DECK4prefs
[generic]                  402     402 100.0% -lh0- ab4c Feb 26  1992 NEWDECKS/DECK5
[generic]                  124     124 100.0% -lh0- 4c5c Feb 26  1992 NEWDECKS/DECK5cols
[generic]                  108     108 100.0% -lh0- d0ed Feb 26  1992 NEWDECKS/DECK5prefs
[generic]                   14      14 100.0% -lh0- 8147 Feb 26  1992 s/startup-sequence
[generic]               161266  161266 100.0% -lh0- 5740 Feb 26  1992 TEMPGFX/CORE.DAWN
[generic]                24736   24736 100.0% -lh0- ee3a Feb 26  1992 TEMPGFX/FRONT/CREDITS.DAWN
[generic]                14132   14132 100.0% -lh0- 184e Feb 26  1992 TEMPGFX/FRONT/CTRL2.DAWN
[generic]                18052   26984  66.9% -lh5- 2f7f Feb 26  1992 TEMPGFX/FRONT/F.DAWN
[generic]                18002   18002 100.0% -lh0- a181 Feb 26  1992 TEMPGFX/FRONT/GAME-OVER.DAWN
[generic]                 9730    9730 100.0% -lh0- 7dce Feb 26  1992 TEMPGFX/FRONT/GAME-WON.DAWN
[generic]                  658     658 100.0% -lh0- a2a9 Feb 26  1992 TEMPGFX/FRONT/MISSION-BOBS.DAWN
[generic]                35896   35896 100.0% -lh0- 09f6 Feb 26  1992 TEMPGFX/FRONT/MISSION-GROUND.DAWN
[generic]                15536   15536 100.0% -lh0- 42fe Feb 26  1992 TEMPGFX/FRONT/MISSION-PANEL.DAWN
[generic]                 5364    5364 100.0% -lh0- 9671 Feb 26  1992 TEMPGFX/FRONT/PANEL-HEADER.DAWN
[generic]                 2502    2502 100.0% -lh0- 9f77 Feb 26  1992 TEMPGFX/FRONT/PLAYERS.DAWN
[generic]                15644   15644 100.0% -lh0- f122 Feb 26  1992 TEMPGFX/FRONT/SHAREWARE1
[generic]                10378   10378 100.0% -lh0- a94f Feb 26  1992 TEMPGFX/FRONT/SHAREWARE2
[generic]                 7398    7398 100.0% -lh0- 4c52 Feb 26  1992 TEMPGFX/FRONT/SHAREWARE3
[generic]                  140     140 100.0% -lh0- 0bc9 Feb 26  1992 TEMPGFX/SOUND/DECK2prefs
[generic]                17562   17562 100.0% -lh0- fe6c Feb 26  1992 TEMPGFX/SOUND/F.DAWN
[generic]                 6326    6326 100.0% -lh0- add3 Feb 26  1992 TEMPGFX/SOUND/INDAWN1.DAWN
[generic]                18422   18422 100.0% -lh0- 212c Feb 26  1992 TEMPGFX/SOUND/INDAWN2.DAWN
[generic]                35796   35796 100.0% -lh0- 69f2 Feb 26  1992 TEMPGFX/SOUND/INDAWN3.DAWN
[generic]                 9988    9988 100.0% -lh0- 0f42 Feb 26  1992 TEMPGFX/SOUND/INDAWN4.DAWN
[generic]                55484   55484 100.0% -lh0- 46da Feb 26  1992 TEMPGFX/SOUND/MOD.DAWN
[generic]                23942   23942 100.0% -lh0- fb85 Feb 26  1992 TEMPGFX/SOUND/MOD.GAMEOVER.DAWN
[generic]                24530   24530 100.0% -lh0- a917 Feb 26  1992 TEMPGFX/SOUND/MOD.GAMEWON.DAWN
[generic]                10400   10400 100.0% -lh0- 4b8f Feb 26  1992 TEMPGFX/TEXTURES/BD1.DAWN
[generic]                 8918    8918 100.0% -lh0- cfe5 Feb 26  1992 TEMPGFX/TEXTURES/BD2.DAWN
[generic]                10490   10490 100.0% -lh0- 288c Feb 26  1992 TEMPGFX/TEXTURES/BD4.DAWN
[generic]                12748   12748 100.0% -lh0- 2ad2 Feb 26  1992 TEMPGFX/TEXTURES/BD6.DAWN
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        55 files  697777  723843  96.4%            Apr 28  1996
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