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Short:Amiga PPC port of ADoom v1.7
Author: jami.laakkonen at
Uploader:Jarmo Laakkonen (jami laakkonen kolumbus fi)
Download:game/shoot/ADoomPPC.lha - View contents

                         ADoom PPC 1.7

Version 1.7 by Jarmo Laakkonen ( based on
the version 1.3 by Joseph Fenton. Read the section "History" to see
what has changed since version 1.3.

Based on the code by Peter McGavin

Please do not contact Joseph Fenton about this version. He has nothing to
do with it. Contact only me (Jarmo Laakkonen) in case of problems.



This archive contains a PPC port of Peter McGavin's ADoom.

ADoom is a port of ID Software's Linux DOOM.  You can get the original
ID Software Linux DOOM source from:

Source code for ADoomPPC is in a seperate archive available on AmiNet
and Amiga DOOM sites.

ADoomPPC multitasks and complies with PowerUP and WarpOS PPC standards; it
uses an Amiga standard library for high-quality sound effects and music.

ADoomPPC uses ASL to request the screen mode unless overridden by
the user in the parameters.  ECS & OCS are not supported and AGA is
not recommended, but allowed.

ADoomPPC allows the selection of resolutions higher than 320x200.
Resolutions up to 1600x1280 are allowable, but require a fast PPC.
For people who really need the speed, low detail mode is also

All the features of ADoom 1.2 are supported by ADoomPPC; these
include: DeHackEd file support (.DEH config files), IPX, TCP/IP,
null modem cable link-up, frames-per-second display, and auto-map
on the heads-up display.

ADoomPPC 1.3 adds native AGA support; AGA graphics are nearly the
same speed as a video card! It also makes the save games compatible
with ADoom (and other DOOM conversions).

ADoomPPC 1.4 adds a WarpOS executable with chunkyppc.library suppport
and some bugfixes in the PowerUP version.

ADoomPPC 1.5 and 1.6 are mainly bug fix releases.


Copy ADoomPPC to any drawer you wish.  If you have gotten the MIDI
instruments file (available in another archive due to its size), copy
it to the same drawer.

Included are two libraries for playing music and sound effects.
Copy doomsound.library to your libs: drawer if you have a 68040/PPC
combo card; copy doomsound.library.060 as doomsound.library to your
libs: drawer if you have a 68060/PPC combo card.  The only difference
between the two is that the normal version uses a quad multiply for
pitch bending and the 060 version uses a floating point multiply.  The
normal version WILL work on the 060; it is just slightly slower.

If you do not copy one of the two libraries into the libs: drawer,
you will only get 4 channel, non-panned sound effects.

Copy a WAD file to the same drawer; if you wish to use the WAD file in
a different drawer, see the instructions concerning WAD files below.


ADoomPPC requires an Amiga PPC accelerator with ppc.library v45.13
or powerpc.library v15 and OS 3.0 or newer.

ADoomPPC requires AGA video or a graphics card (recommended).

ADoomPPC requires a WAD file compatible with DOOM for the PC or
Macintosh; Hastings is selling a compilation of The Ultimate DOOM,
DOOM II, and Final DOOM for around $20 (US); get it.  Only whimps
use the shareware wad file.

The WarpOS version of ADoomPPC supports chunkyppc.library, but it's
not required.

WAD Files

WAD files must be in the program directory or in the directory
specified by the environment variable DOOMWADDIR.  E.G.,


will check GAMES:DOOM/WAD_FILES/ for the WAD files.

The -waddir option can also be used to specify the directory of the
main WAD file.  E.G.,

   ADoomPPC -waddir WAD_FILES/

will check the directory WAD_FILES relative to the current directory
for a main WAD file.  The '/' is optional.  The path may also be an
absolute path like in the environment example above.

Some older Registered WAD files may not work due to later changes
made to the WAD file contents.

It is possible to upgrade at least some old main WAD files using
freely available patches from
You need a PC to apply the patches.

Playstation WAD files do not work as they are split by level and

WAD files from games derived from DOOM (such as Heretic or Hexen)
do not work due to differences in WAD contents.

The Ultimate DOOM WAD file must be named DOOMU.WAD to work.

Patch WAD Files

Patch WAD files are used to change graphics, sounds, and level
designs on DOOM; many are available on CDROM and the net.  A
patch wad file is specified with ADoomPPC using the -file option.
E.G., ADoomPPC -file DMINATOR.WAD (my personal favorite).
Patch wads can only be used with the appropriate Registered
WAD file (DOOM, DOOMU, or DOOM2).  Please read the readme that
accompanies the patch wad for more specific information on the
patch wad requirements.

A full path can be used with the -file option in case the patch
wad is in another drawer.  Multiple patch wads may be specified.

   ADoomPPC -file patch1.wad patch2.wad patch3.wad

Do not ask me about specific patch wads as I have neither to
time nor the inclination to bother with them.

Disk Loading

ADoomPPC is faster when some kind of disk cacheing is used. Either
a disk cache program such as DynamiCache, or the use of AddBuffers
make a tremendous difference in the performance of ADoomPPC.
AddBuffers is used as follows:

   AddBuffers GAMES: 1024

where you substitute the name of the partition ADoomPPC is on for
GAMES:.  I recommend adding at least 500 buffers; the more the
better.  In fact, if you have enough RAM, copy the WAD file to
RAM: for the best speed.

PPC Specifics

The bus clock controls the timing in ADoomPPC; if it is not set to
the right value, ADoomPPC may run funny and the FPS counter will be
inaccurate.  The bus clock is automatically computed at the start
using information supplied by the ppc.library.  If the information
is not correct (some versions of the ppc.library return the wrong
clock information on newer PPC accelerators), you can override the
computed value; to do this, specify -bus <frequncy>.  E.G.,

   ADoomPPC -bus 40000000

runs ADoomPPC with the bus clock set to 40MHz.


ChunkyPPC support can be activated with the option -chunkyppc.
ChunkyPPC support is only available in the WarpOS version of ADoomPPC.

chunkyppc.library supports the following enviroment variables,


Use Doublebuffering


If this is set, ScrollVPort will be used, else Triple Buffering using


If this is set, a Workbench Window will be used, not a screen


If this is set, a Picture in Picture will be used using the Picasso96API.library.
Note: Not all Graphics Boards Support this. Currently only P96 PIP is supported,
not CGX. Maybe in the future...


If this is set to 1, the PIP won't be cleared when opened.


Use rtgmaster Screenmode Requester instead of ASL one. rtgmaster.library
will only be opened when this option is set, so that rtgmaster.library
does not need to be installed to be able to use chunkyppc.library.


Set Resizing Factor of PIP (from 1.0 to whatever... does not need to be
an integer number...)


If you want CGX-like WB Window Support for P96 (Faster, but Window Borders
disappear). For CGX it is automatically set, as it is the only possible
method for CGX to reach (at least for 16 Bit) WB Window Support, for P96
it is optional.


Set this to 0 for best performance on gfx cards.


The default resolution for ADoomPPC is 320x200 and is the fastest
resolution to run in.  If you have more CPU power than you know
what to do with, you can run ADoomPPC in higher resolutions by
using the -width & -height options.  E.G.,

   ADoomPPC -width 640 -height 480

runs ADoomPPC in 640x480 resolution; select a 640x480 display
mode when the ASL screenmode requester appears.

The resolution must be a multiple of 64 for AGA graphics, and
32 for graphics cards.

Pressing F5 toggles between high detail and low detail in any

The maximum resolution is 1600x1280.  Don't bother unless you
have a 275MHz G3 PPC.

Note that certain resolutions may overflow the cache, slowing
the performance of the game.

The following table was done by Peter McGavin.  It shows for each
standard resolution how many pixels can be rendered vertically in
the cache and whether it's expected to be fast or not on a 603e or
604e. O means yes, x means no.

 Resolution  Pix in cache  Fast or not
   W    H     603e  604e   603e  604e
  320x 200     256   512     O     O
  320x 240     256   512     O     O
  352x 220     512  1024     O     O
  352x 264     512  1024     O     O
  384x 240     128   256     x     O
  384x 288     128   256     x     x
  416x 260     512  1024     O     O
  416x 312     512  1024     O     O
  448x 280     256   512     x     O
  448x 336     256   512     x     O
  480x 300     512  1024     O     O
  480x 360     512  1024     O     O
  512x 320      32    64     x     x
  512x 384      32    64     x     x
  544x 340     512  1024     O     O
  544x 408     512  1024     O     O
  576x 360     256   512     x     O
  576x 432     256   512     x     O
  608x 380     512  1024     O     O
  608x 456     512  1024     O     O
  640x 400     128   256     x     x
  640x 480     128   256     x     x
  672x 420     512  1024     O     O
  672x 504     512  1024     O     O
  704x 440     256   512     x     O
  704x 528     256   512     x     x
  736x 460     512  1024     O     O
  736x 552     512  1024     x     O
  768x 480      64   128     x     x
  768x 576      64   128     x     x
  800x 500     512  1024     O     O
  800x 600     512  1024     x     O
  832x 520     256   512     x     x
  832x 624     256   512     x     x
  864x 540     512  1024     x     O
  864x 648     512  1024     x     O
  896x 560     128   256     x     x
  896x 672     128   256     x     x
  928x 580     512  1024     x     O
  928x 696     512  1024     x     O
  960x 600     256   512     x     x
  960x 720     256   512     x     x
  992x 620     512  1024     x     O
  992x 744     512  1024     x     O
 1024x 640      16    32     x     x
 1024x 768      16    32     x     x
 1056x 660     512  1024     x     O
 1056x 792     512  1024     x     O
 1088x 680     256   512     x     x
 1088x 816     256   512     x     x
 1120x 700     512  1024     x     O
 1120x 840     512  1024     x     O
 1152x 720     128   256     x     x
 1152x 864     128   256     x     x
 1184x 740     512  1024     x     O
 1184x 888     512  1024     x     O
 1216x 760     256   512     x     x
 1216x 912     256   512     x     x
 1248x 780     512  1024     x     O
 1248x 936     512  1024     x     O
 1280x 800      64   128     x     x
 1280x 960      64   128     x     x
 1312x 820     512  1024     x     O
 1312x 984     512  1024     x     O
 1344x 840     256   512     x     x
 1344x1008     256   512     x     x
 1376x 860     512  1024     x     O
 1376x1032     512  1024     x     x
 1408x 880     128   256     x     x
 1408x1056     128   256     x     x
 1440x 900     512  1024     x     O
 1440x1080     512  1024     x     x
 1472x 920     256   512     x     x
 1472x1104     256   512     x     x
 1504x 940     512  1024     x     O
 1504x1128     512  1024     x     x
 1536x 960      32    64     x     x
 1536x1152      32    64     x     x
 1568x 980     512  1024     x     O
 1568x1176     512  1024     x     x
 1600x1000     256   512     x     x
 1600x1200     256   512     x     x

To avoid cache overflow, the -mmu option may be used to allocate
the screen buffers with the memory mapped as non-cacheable by
the ppc.library.  E.G.,

   ADoomPPC -width 640 -height 480 -mmu

allocates the screen buffers for a 640x480 display and makes it


ADoomPPC uses the doomsound.library to play music.  If the library
is not present, or if the MIDIInstruments file cannot be found,
music is not available in ADoomPPC.  The doomsound.library supports
16 stereo panned sound effects and 16 channels of stereo music;
if the library is not present; only 4 channel, non-stereo sound
effects will be played.  To get no sound effects or music, use
the -nosfx option.  To get only sound effects, do not use -nosfx
and -music; to get sound effects and music, use -music and do not
use -nosfx.

The MIDIInstruments file is very big and is in another archive.


The keys are generally mapped the same as on a PC.  On the Amiga,
use '[' or Del for F11, ']' for F12, and Help for Pause.

The keymap may be customized by changing the .doomrc file.

The Right Amiga key sends the same code as Ctrl and the Left Amiga
key is disabled so that Intuition commands (like screen flipping)
may be done without ADoomPPC trying to use the key.

By default, the numeric keypad controls the player movement;
4, 5, 6 and 8 control movement and turning; 1, 3, 7, and 9
are used for strafe.  '<', ',', '>', and '.' can also be used
for strafe.  All key mappings can be changed in the .doomrc.

Use the -rawkey option for use of raw keycodes rather than translated


To use the mouse with ADoomPPC, use the -mouse option.  This slows
the game down while enabled.

CD32 Joypad

If the lowlevel.library is present, the -joypad option enables the
CD32 joypad for ADoomPPC.  Red is Fire, Blue is Action, Yellow is
Fast, Green is Return, Start/Pause is Esc, and Forward & Reverse
are strafe.

SEGA Genesis Controller

To use a SEGA Genesis controller, use the -sega3 option for a three
button Genesis controller, and the -sega6 option for a six button
Genesis controller.

The button mapping is as follows:
Start = Space (Action)
A     = Strafe Right
B     = Fire
C     = Strafe Left
On the 6 button controller you also get
Mode  = Esc (Menu)
X     = Return (Enter/Show last message)
Y     = Shift (Fast/Run)
Z     = Tab (Map on/off)

A Sega Genesis controller may be use on the Amiga as long
as you swap lines 5 & 7, and put a 470 ohm resistor
between lines 5 & 7.

The controller plug pinout is:
     1   2   3   4   5
        6   7   8   9

The best way to switch the lines is to open up the
controller and change them on the circuit card.
Note: doing this will make the controller incompatible
with SEGA equipment; if you make the changes, you
are on your own; I will not be held responsible for any
damage incurred by performing the above procedure.
If you aren't comfortable doing your own conversion
and don't know anyone who can help, DON'T TRY IT!
Get yourself a CD32 joypad.  This is ONLY for people
who know what they are doing and want the range of
controllers available for SEGA equipment.

Disabling joystick

To disable joystick reading use the -nojoy option.
This should give a slight speed increase.

Specifying the Screenmode

If you do not want the ASL screenmode requester every time you run
ADoomPPC, you can specify the screenmode you want using the -screenmode
option.  E.G.,

   ADoomPPC -screenmode $40420007

If you are not sure what the screenmode ID is, run ADoomPPC without
the -screenmode option, select the screenmode you wish to use, then
check the mode ID printed to ADoomPPC's output window or the CLI if
you ran it from a CLI.


ADoomPPC automatically caches game information in a memory block
allocated when the program is run.  The default is to try to allocate
6MB of RAM.  You can override this with the -heapsize option.  E.G.,

   ADoomPPC -heapsize 2048

runs ADoomPPC with 2048KB (or 2MB for those not familiar with base
16); selecting less memory makes ADoomPPC go to the harddrive more
often, slowing down gameplay; selecting too little memory may cause
the game to error out.

FPS Counter

Use the -fps option to get a frames-per-second display in the upper
right hand corner of the display.  This shows the speed of rendering
at that particular moment.  The proper way to get the average speed
of DOOM is to do the following:

   ADoomPPC -forcedemo -timedemo demo3

with the DOOM window set to 2 steps below maximum.  The speed is
calculated using the formula:

   FPS = gameticks / realticks * 35

My 150MHz 603e+ gets about 28 FPS on my Spectrum card, and about 31
FPS on my CV3D card.

Remember, the FPS Counter will not be accurate if the bus clock is
not set to the proper value.

Rotating Map and Map On Heads Up Display

Use the -maponhu option to have the automap displayed on the main 3D
view window, and use the -rotatemap option to have the automap rotate
as the player turns.

You can toggle through various map types by pressing 'z' while the map
is displayed.


DeHackEd is a PC program that patches certain internal tables inside
DOOM so that certain effects can be achieved; these include, a rapid
fire shotgun, floating barrels, and many other things.

ADoomPPC supports the use of DeHackEd configuration files; they have
a .DEH extension on them.  To use them, use the -deh option. E.G.,

   ADoomPPC -deh TURBO.DEH

Many DEH files are available on the net.  Not all the features in DeHackEd
are supported.  Do not bug me about any additional features you want; I have
neither the time nor the inclination to add more features.  The original
author of the DeHackEd support is Cyril Deble <>.
Bug him about it. :^}


ADoomPPC supports three types of networking: TCP/IP, IPX, and raw null-
modem.  I have not had the chance to test these yet.

ADoomPPC generates ALOT of network traffic, so use a fast connection.
Having one slow machine connected slows everyone down.

The following is from the ADoom readme by Peter McGavin:


AmiTCP networking in ADoom is based on the Linux DOOM source code.  It
works between Amigas and also with Linux PCs using TCP/IP on a fast
network.  You need either AmiTCP or Miami on your Amiga for it to
work.  Make sure you are using a recent version of AmiTCP or Miami.
Fast Amigas and a fast connection help a lot too.  It's best over
ethernet and OK over AmigaLink.  It works over a serial line with SLIP
or PPP too, but people with 68030s reported unplayably poor

TCP/IP does not work to PCs running MSDOS or Win95, unless perhaps you
can find a PC version of DOOM compiled from the Linux source code
which supports TCP/IP.  Several people told me Win95Doom TCP/IP does
not work with ADoom.

To start ADoom across 2 computers called fred and bob, say:

  1:  Make certain both computers are using identical WAD files;

  2:  Make certain you can PING fred from bob and vice versa;

  3:  On bob, enter:    "ADoom -net 1 fred"

  4:  On fred, enter:   "ADoom -net 2 bob"

If there are 3 computers, called fred, bob and sue, say:

  1:  Make certain all 3 computers are using identical WAD files;

  2:  Make certain you can PING between all computers by name;

  3:  On bob, enter:    "ADoom -net 1 fred sue"

  4:  On fred, enter:   "ADoom -net 2 bob sue"

  5:  On sue, enter:    "ADoom -net 3 fred bob"

It's normal for screens to go blank sometimes during the startup phase.

On Linux I used DOOM compiled from the source code available from:

I don't know whether other Linux DOOM implementations are compatible.

So far I have tested up to 3 computers.  The code is pretty untested
and your mileage may vary.


IPX is the ethernet protocol used by MSDOS versions of DOOM.  ADoom
uses G.J.Peltenburg's amipx.library version 1.1 or higher for IPX.
You can get this library from Aminet.  After several evenings of
struggling with the library and with checksums and
big-endian/little-endian problems and with version number problems,
the protocol finally seems to work, sort of...

Unfortunately I did not foresee another problem.  The PC version of
the DOOM program I've tried so far does not exactly match Linux DOOM,
even when using exactly the same WAD file.  In my experience, the game
often gets out of sync (consistency failure) or quits unexpectedly.
So far I've only used DOOM2 version 1.666 on the PC.  Perhaps version
1.9 would work better, because that's the PC version recommended for
net-play with MacDOOM.

Between 2 fast Amigas, ADoom with IPX works reasonably well using
a2065.device.  Hopefully it also works using ariadne.device and other
Sana2 ethernet devices.

First you should install G.J.Peltenburg's amipx.library version 1.1 or
higher (from Aminet) and configure your Network number, Node, Device
driver, Unit number and Frame Type in amipx_prefs.  I use the Frame
Type "Ethernet 802.2" and just set everything else to 0.

Note that you need amipx.library at least version 1.1.  Version 1.0
doesn't work.  (Well, v1.0 might work with ariadne.device...)

The syntax for starting ADoom with IPX is:

  ADoom -netipx <number-of-nodes>

For example:

  ADoom -netipx 2

ADoom automatically waits until the number of nodes specified are
found on the local ethernet, then starts the game.  You should all
specify the same number of nodes and you should all use the same WAD
files and other options.

So far I have tested up to 2 Amigas and 1 PC all at once.  The code is
pretty untested and your mileage may vary.

If you try IPX between an Amiga and a PC, there are 2 more options you
MUST know about.

The -pcchecksum option tells ADoom to calculate net packet checksums
the same way the PC version does.  By default, ADoom calculates net
packet checksums the same way Linux DOOM does, which is different.
(Linux DOOM just sets the net packet checksum to 0.)  If you don't use
-pcchecksum, the PC will reject and ignore (nearly) all game packets.

The -forceversion <number> option fools a PC into thinking you are
running a particular version of DOOM.  I use -forceversion 106 with
DOOM2 version 1.666, for example.  The default is -forceversion 110
for version 1.10.  PC DOOM rejects any DOOM program that identifies
itself as a different version number.  Sorry I don't know an easy way
of working out what number you need after -forceversion to impersonate
a particular version of PC DOOM.  Try -forceversion 109 with DOOM2
version 1.9, perhaps.

I'm very interested to know your experiences with ADoom between PCs
and Amigas using IPX.

I'm told ADoom works with MacDOOM over IPX too, by the way.

Thanks to G.J.Peltenburg for sending me the freely available IPX
support source code from ID Software's ftp site, after modifying it
for his amipx.library.


So many people requested a raw null-modem protocol that I sat down and
implemented it for version 0.9.  Well it was mainly an exercise to
prepare myself for IPX.

It only works between 2 Amigas with the serial ports connected by a
null-modem cable.  It uses 7-wire CTS/RTS handshaking, so a simple
3-conductor cable won't work.  I'm pretty sure null-modem won't work
between an Amiga and a PC, because I made no attempt to match the
protocol.  In other words, it requires 2 Amigas.

I suppose it would work between 2 Amigas over a telephone line with
modems.  You would need to manually dial and make the connection
first.  Then you would need to shutdown the connection program before
starting ADoom.  The Hayes modem command at&d0 might be useful for
leaving the modem on-line between shutting down the connection program
and starting ADoom.

The ADoom syntax is:

  ADoom -netserial <node-number> <serialdevice> <unit> <speed>

For example, you could enter:

  ADoom -netserial 1 serial.device 0 38400

on one Amiga and

  ADoom -netserial 2 serial.device 0 38400

on the other.  One of the Amigas is always node 1 and the other one
is always node 2.

It is not necessary to use serial.device.  In fact artser.device or
8n1.device, if you have them, probably work more reliably or at higher
speeds than serial.device.

I think you should use the highest speed that both Amigas cope with.
My experience is that 38400 is about the limit for 68030 Amigas.  My
68040 WarpEngine works OK with artser.device at 57600.  If you set the
speed too high, ADoom will probably behave erratically or lock-up
after a while.  If you set the speed too low, I suspect the game will
run only very slowly.

The game tends to slow right down when there are lots of active
monsters anyway.  Try -deathmatch -nomonsters perhaps.

I recommend you start ADoom on node 2 first.  That's because node 2 is
the "listener" during the setup phase.  If you start ADoom on node 1
first, ADoom on node 2 is likely to open serial.device while node 1 is
part way through sending a setup packet.  That could lead to
synchronisation problems and possible lockups.


Several people reported their net games ended unexpectedly with a
message like: "Error: consistency failure (24805 should be 24806)"

What's going on is that DOOM calculates a kind of checksum of the
game's status --- player and monster positions and that kind of thing
--- and sends it to all the other players in every net packet.  If all
the programs and WADs are identical, then they all calculate exactly
the same checksum.  However, if someone is using a slightly different
WAD version or an incompatible version of DOOM, then a monster might
be one more pixel to the left, say, and the result is "consistency

The test is very precise.  All net nodes must run compatible versions
of DOOM and all must use exactly the same WAD file and game options.
To be compatible, 2 versions of DOOM must provide exactly the same
features.  Furthermore, they must use exactly the same random number
generator and they must round arithmetic calculations exactly the same

I have to be careful adding new features to ADoom.  For example, I
can't use the random number generator for anything new, nor can I add
any new features that might change player and monster positions.  If I
optimise anything, I can't make any approximations.  Otherwise ADoom
definitely won't work with PC DOOM any more.  Please keep this in mind
if you send me source code for inclusion in ADoom.

(The ideal solution would be to compile DOOM for all different
platforms, MSDOS, Win95, Mac, Linux, Amiga, PSX,... from a single
source.  Then new features can be added simultaneously on all
platforms.  Now there's a job for someone...)

I suspect "consistency failure" might also happen if you get network
errors, such as serial line overruns.  Try lowering your serial line
speed, and make sure hardware handshaking is working properly.  Also,
if you all specify -pcchecksum things might be more reliable.  That's
because the default Linux net packet checksum isn't really a checksum
at all.  It's always 0.  So any errors in the net packet are not
detected unless you all use -pcchecksum.  (The net packet checksum is
different to the consistency checksum.)

In the above, substitute ADoomPPC for ADoom.  I was too lazy to
retype all the above. :^}


ADoomPPC should work with the Picasso96 API as long as you don't
specify -directcgx.  In fact, -directcgx slows down ADoomPPC, so
don't use it unless you like running slower. :^}

Note from Jarmo Laakkonen:
At least on my setup (603e-240MHz+BVision) directcgx is faster.
ChunkyPPC is even faster than -directcgx when setting lockingmode
to 0.


The Graffiti card is not yet supported, but I have written drivers
for it for something else, so expect it in some revision of ADoomPPC.


If you use ELFLoadSeg (and you should), ADoomPPC can be run from Workbench.
To get the options, set the tooltypes EXACTLY like if you were using it
from a CLI.  E.G., if the CLI line is

   ADoomPPC -forcedemo -music -joypad -screenmode $40420007

the tooltypes should be


Options that take a value directly after them should have that value
in the tooltype IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING the tooltype specifying the option
(see -screenmode option above).


Peter McGavin reports that the IPX only works in ADoomPPC if the PPC
machine is the sender (lowest address on network).

You get one column of crap on the far left in the view for resolutions
wider than 320; some resolutions don't put the border patch between the
view and the status bar.

As far as I can tell, a bug in ppc.library v45.17 causes allocating
memory as non-cacheable not to work.  I am working with Phase 5
to fix the problem in a future revision of the library.  Until
then, stick to a resolution that has an O next to it for your
processor type.  Peter McGavin reports that this option DOES work
on his brother's 604 PPC Amiga; you'll just have to try it on your
own system to see if it works for you.

Also under v45.17, on my PPC (the developer card for the Mark 2 060),
ADoomPPC crashes if the PPC accesses memory at certain locations.  Use
the -heapsize option to lower memory if ADoomPPC crashes while doing
the R_Init routine (watch the cli output).

Both problems are probably PPC MMU mapping bugs in ppc.library.

WWW Sites

There are several web pages specialising in DOOM for the Amiga.  Some
good ones are:     has about 6 other Amiga DOOM ports    fast mirror of    the Amiga DOOM Bible    an ADoom-only page    for the latest speed benchmarks    some tested 3rd party WADs    for another PPC port of ADoom

and Aminet, of course.


1.7 November 7, 2000

New serial routines suplied by Arto Huusko which should work with PC-Doom
also. Let me know if it works or not.
Patch WADs and automap now work correctly with the WarpOS version. Thanks
to Achim Stegemann for finding these bugs.

1.6 October 5, 2000

Saving now works when using the WarpOS version.

1.5 October 3, 2000

Tooltypes are now supported in the WarpOS version.
Save games are now compatible to version 1.3. Old 1.4 saves won't work
any more. New option -nojoy disables joystick reading for a small speed

1.4 July 19, 2000

Added an WarpOS version with chunkyppc support. The WarpOS version supports
everything except tooltypes. Fixed the pll calculation code in the PowerUP
version. Fixed a possible crash under AGA.

1.3 April 9, 1998

Added native AGA support with triple buffering; I get 24 FPS under
NTSC Low-Res 320x200 and 9 FPS under NTSC High-Res 608x380.  Fixed
problem with the sky not being vertically centered.  Made ADoomPPC
save games compatible with the 68K version; this makes it incompatible
with ADoomPPC 1.2.x version save games.  Fixed problem with doom-
sound.library.060; you may or may not have noticed any trouble on
ADoomPPC, but 060 versions of DOOM had trouble with it.

1.2.6 April 6, 1998

First public release.  Added -waddir option.  Fixed PCX screenshot header.

1.2.5 April 5, 1998

Not publicly released.  Finally fixed AMIPX.

1.2.3 April 3, 1998

Not publicly released.  Made another fix for AMIPX.  Now using
ppc.library to set the bus clock instead of using a fixed default.
Prints cpu type, cpu clock, PLL divisor, and bus clock on startup.

1.2.1 April 2, 1998

Not publicly released.  Fixed a minor problem with low detail spans.

1.2  March 31, 1998

Not publicly released.  ADoomPPC uses the doomsound.library based
on the ADoom_SndSrvr by yours truely.  Fixed the clipped sfx problem
in the sound server and reversed the channels (had them backwards).

Fixed low detail problem with the Linux DOOM C code.  Tried PPC 
assembly for R_DrawColumn and found it was only 10 ticks faster;
went back to C code for column rendering.

Added -bus to set the bus clock for different PPC systems.

Added -mmu to allocate screen buffers as non-cacheable.  Thanks
to Peter McGavin for all his work on PPC caches.


My thanks go to Peter McGavin for one of the finest ports of DOOM
for the Amiga, and for making the code available so that I could do
this version for the PPC.

My thanks go to Peter's brother for getting a PPC for his Amiga
so that Peter could beta test ADoomPPC for me; especially all the

My thanks go to Frank Wille for hints on linking and using PASM.

Thanks also go to the people who contributed to certain features in
ADoom/ADoomPPC to help make it extra special.  You'll find them in
the source code archives of both ADoom and ADoomPPC.  If you contibuted
and want credit in this readme, email me. :^}

Thanks to John Carmack and ID Software for one of the best games ever!

Contents of game/shoot/ADoomPPC.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]               290823  676260  43.0% -lh5- 2268 Nov  7  2000 ADoomPPC/ADoomPPC
[generic]                  867    4017  21.6% -lh5- 6a19 Jul 19  2000 ADoomPPC/
[generic]                13098   33337  39.3% -lh5- bd8a Nov  7  2000 ADoomPPC/ADoomPPC.readme
[generic]               219002  477840  45.8% -lh5- d812 Nov  7  2000 ADoomPPC/ADoomWOS
[generic]                  878    4032  21.8% -lh5- 30ce Oct  3  2000 ADoomPPC/
[generic]                30434   80680  37.7% -lh5- 812e Jun 26  2000 ADoomPPC/chunkyppc.library
[generic]                 4899   14352  34.1% -lh5- 877f Mar 29  1998 ADoomPPC/doomsound.library
[generic]                 5018   14520  34.6% -lh5- 7155 Apr  9  1998 ADoomPPC/doomsound.library.060
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         8 files  565019 1305038  43.3%            Nov 30  2003
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