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Short:GLquake & GLqwcl for 68K (MiniGL/Warp3D)
Author:Christian Michael
Uploader:Christian Michael (christian michael groenjord dk)
Requires:68060 with FPU, 64MB RAM, Warp3D v4.2
Download:game/shoot/BlitzQuake_68k.lha - View contents

BlitzQuake - GLQuake and GLQwcl ports by Christian Michael

GLqwcl/GLquake 68k (v1.0 - first Aminet-Release)

Based on quake/quakeworld by Frank Wille and Steffen Haeuser

Changes since beta4:

Recompiled with GCC V 2.95.3 (faster than vbcc)

IMPORTANT: needs at least 600K stack set manually

- Scripts for launching from quakedir: are included
- Demo and example-serverlist for GLqwcl included


- Added R5G6B5 lightmap format for better color-resolution
  Enable this new lightmap with startup-parameter -lm_RGB

- Discovered that additive beleding looks good on voodoo3
  Additive blending for lightballs was previously disabled.

Visuals (GLquake only):
- Added a new parameter -litfiles (enables colored lights)
  Litfiles archive, gl_flashblend 0 gl_fake_multitexture 1
  and r_litfiles 1 needed.

- Added new cvar: gl_glows.
  The effects are performance degrading but look very cool.

- Improved the look of fog (gl_fog 1)

- Added possibility to keep lightbulb-effects during dynamic
  lightmapping (gl_flashblend 0) if gl_glows is enabled.

  For best visuals try the combination of "gl_flashblend 0",
  "gl_glows 1" and "gl_fake_multitexture 1", "r_litfiles 1"
  and the startup-parameters "-litfiles -lm_RGB"

- large general speedup (partly due to GCC)

- Decided to make GL_POINTS the default primitive for
  particles and removed the standard method completely.

- Made "r_models_maxdist" affect standard model-drawing

- Replaced "r_vertexarrays 2" with "r_cull_aggressive 1"
  and ensured that it will only discard peripheral objects

- Models: Sacrificed pr primitive shadecolor in favor of
  pr model shadecolor (gl_smoothmodels 0)

Performance (geometrycache - GLqwcl only):
- Geometrycache (-cachearrays) was rewritten and optimized
  to use GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array which means almost
  same speed as the previous system, but with full clipping.

- Reduced requirements for cache indices by a factor 5,
  allowing for caching all aliasmodels in the new format.
  The cache currently uses around 8K/modelframe for remapped
  geometry and indices.

- model_LOD command removed. 
  Instead, I added a possibility to use lossy compression
  for model-geometry, in order to boost performance.
  This is a very simple form of LOD reduction. It works by
  allowing tolerance when searching for identical vertices.
  It can be enabled by the parameter -geometrycompress #,
  where # is in the range 1 to 8.

- The compiled arrays can be disabled with
  "gl_compiled_arrays 0", in which case it will use the
  standard glDrawElements pipeline (don't try - it is slower
  than normal vertexarrays without cache..)

- Fixed issues with alpha testing (ref value was too high)
- Fixed broken lightmap formats (GL_LUMINANCE/GL_ALPHA)
- Fixed details and controls submenus in GLquake
- Fixed bounding box culling for rotating models
  (bug in original src)
- Fixed memory bug and re-enabled default 2048 particles
- Fixed some rare crashes related to the experimental
  guardband-clipping in MiniGL

- removed local transformations "gl_local_transform" since
  it was of lower quality and only marginally faster than
  the current MiniGL pipeline.

Suggestions for further performance-improvements:

- Rewrite model loaders for compiled-vertexarrays
  (See gl_rmain.c in GLqwcl src for implementation)
- Rewrite inner loops in ASM (MiniGL and GLquake/GLqwcl)
- Rewrite particlesystem - current is slow and looks boring

Other suggestions:

- Fix AHI code
- Fix interpolation for shadows in GLquake
- Add some new funky effects :)
- Write fully OpenGL-compilant point-draw func for MiniGL
- Implement HalfLife bsp (see ThomazQuake/Darkplaces)

Contents of game/shoot/BlitzQuake_68k.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 1987    3972  50.0% -lh5- ca8c Dec  1  2002 BlitzQuake_68k/BlitzQuake_68k.readme
[generic]                  217     383  56.7% -lh5- a2b1 Nov 28  2002 BlitzQuake_68k/Configs/fastrender.cfg
[generic]                 1844    2802  65.8% -lh5- 2ad1 Jan 18  2002 BlitzQuake_68k/Docs/
[generic]                 1883    4178  45.1% -lh5- 41a1 Feb  1  2002 BlitzQuake_68k/Docs/GLQ-68K_MANUAL/console_and_param.readme
[generic]                 1782    3530  50.5% -lh5- 4035 Nov 27  2002 BlitzQuake_68k/Docs/GLQ-68K_MANUAL/GLQ_GLQW-68K.readme
[generic]                 2730    5715  47.8% -lh5- 86f0 Feb 19  2002 BlitzQuake_68k/Docs/GLQ-68K_MANUAL/performance.readme
[generic]                 5500   11929  46.1% -lh5- 8fb3 Oct 26  2001 BlitzQuake_68k/Docs/GLQ-68K_MANUAL/qwcl.readme
[generic]                  167     219  76.3% -lh5- afa4 Dec  1  2002 BlitzQuake_68k/glquake
[generic]                 1090    1666  65.4% -lh5- fcd7 Nov 30  2002 BlitzQuake_68k/
[generic]               328830  703376  46.8% -lh5- 9611 Dec  1  2002 BlitzQuake_68k/glquake68k_blitz
[generic]                  165     227  72.7% -lh5- 5bd9 Dec  1  2002 BlitzQuake_68k/glqwcl
[generic]                 1090    1666  65.4% -lh5- 9356 Nov 30  2002 BlitzQuake_68k/
[generic]               317067  686952  46.2% -lh5- 34a3 Dec  1  2002 BlitzQuake_68k/glqwcl68k_blitz
[generic]                81486  195756  41.6% -lh5- 0fe9 Dec  1  2002 BlitzQuake_68k/qw/crusher.qwd
[generic]                  163     289  56.4% -lh5- 507f Dec  1  2002 BlitzQuake_68k/qw/servers.txt
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        15 files  746001 1622660  46.0%            Dec 10  2002
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