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Short:Shoot soldiers and tanks with your cannon
Author: kulkanie at (Michael Speck)
Uploader:lanch tiscali it (Fabrizio Bartoloni)
Download:game/shoot/barrage-mos.lha - View contents

Note from uploader: I've repacked Louise port that wasn't available anymore as his
 site shut down, changes are:

- rearchived from tgz to lha;
- fixed protection bits;
- fixed the starting script;
- added an icon to the starting script;
- added this readme;

I hope somebody can remake soon the portage linking it to a more up-to-date PowerSDL

Short:      Barrage is a rather violent action gam

20040509	Release #2 with some mouse/window fixes...


                     a game by  Michael Speck

Barrage is a rather violent action game with the objective to kill
and destroy as many targets as possible within 3 minutes. The player
controls a gun that may either fire small or large grenades at
soldiers, jeeps and tanks. It is a very simple gameplay though it is
not that easy to get high scores. 

I wrote this game ''by accident''. I created a little particle system
just because I never did this before and I had read somewhere that it
allows nifty effects for games. Okay, but of course I needed an
enviroment to test it so I started with a background... than I defined
the grenade explosions... but what's an explosion without something
that is destroyed by it? So little inanimate soldiers followed...
and soon I wanted some moving targets... then why not adding scores
to the whole thing? Plus a little menu and a highscore chart and than
there it was. I know a one-gun barrage is not really a barrage but
I like the title, so what? :)

The gun is located at the left side of the screen and has an ammunition
of 36 shots. Aiming is done by simply moving the mouse pointer which is
a crosshair above a target and left-click it for example. A shot is then
fired and an angle of 60 degrees and it will exactly hit the spot you
aimed at. The meaning of the mouse buttons is as follows:
	Left Button		Fire a large grenade.
	Middle Button or
	Ctrl + Left Button	Fire a small grenade.
	Right Button		Reload gun to full 36 rounds.
Similiar to Ctrl+LeftButton being an alternative to MiddleButton
you can use the SpaceBar to reload the gun. ESC quits the game
without checking the highscore. To enter the highscore you'll have
to play a full game of 3 minutes. 'f' switches between 
Fullscreen/Window and 's' enables/disables sound. By default the 
program starts with sound and fullscreen enabled.

Whenever you fire a large grenade the crosshair will turn red for
0.5 seconds. In this time you cannot shoot. Small grenades can be
fired so fast that the crosshair will not change its appearance.
If you run out of ammo the crosshair becomes a triple of red rounds
indicating that you have to reload either by pressing SPACE or 
clicking the right mouse button. Note, that reloading ALWAYS costs
36 points of your score (which cannot drop below 0) no matter how
may rounds where actually reloaded! 

Small grenades cannot damage a tank. Use large ones and aim carefully
you have to hit quite exactly. Also try to prevent jeeps and tanks
from escaping. Tanks come from the bottom and jeeps come from the top
of the screen and for any vehicle that makes it safe through the 
battlefield you will loose half the score you would have received 
for destroying it. Soldiers do not have such a penalty.

Target Scores are:
Soldier		 5 points	(no penalty)
Jeep		20 points	(10 points escape penalty)
Tank		50 points	(25 points escape penalty)

Also keep an eye at the ammo to see wether you have to reload. If you
aimed at a target and clicked, just to realize you have no rounds left,
the target may be out of sight before you can try to fire a second 

Good luck! Dismissed.

Michael Speck

Contents of game/shoot/barrage-mos.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 5005    5025  99.6% -lh5- 0e46 Aug 30 12:32
[generic]                 1954    4077  47.9% -lh5- 7cbe Dec  4 17:36 barrage/barrage-mos.readme
[generic]                 7161    7298  98.1% -lh5- fb01 Apr 29  2005 barrage/
[generic]               337005  794900  42.4% -lh5- 27ce May  9  2004 barrage/bin/barrage
[generic]                  130     165  78.8% -lh5- 90f7 Apr 22  2003 barrage/doc/AUTHORS
[generic]                   97     125  77.6% -lh5- ba6e Apr 21  2003 barrage/doc/BUGS
[generic]                  192     338  56.8% -lh5- 1deb Apr 23  2003 barrage/doc/ChangeLog
[generic]                 7014   17992  39.0% -lh5- 4902 Apr 16  2003 barrage/doc/COPYING
[generic]                  549    1070  51.3% -lh5- 6e66 May  1  2003 barrage/doc/INSTALL
[generic]                 1636    3448  47.4% -lh5- 6bd7 May  9  2004 barrage/doc/README
[generic]                  910   21174   4.3% -lh5- 53f6 Apr 17  2003 barrage/gfx/ammo.bmp
[generic]                  833    1014  82.1% -lh5- fb8e Apr 16  2003 barrage/gfx/crater.bmp
[generic]                 1189    6966  17.1% -lh5- 11a8 Apr 21  2003 barrage/gfx/cursors.bmp
[generic]                26540   79654  33.3% -lh5- 3914 Apr 20  2003 barrage/gfx/ft_neon.bmp
[generic]                20728  105334  19.7% -lh5- 5ca2 Apr 21  2003 barrage/gfx/ft_red.bmp
[generic]                17578  170346  10.3% -lh5- ca42 Apr 20  2003 barrage/gfx/ft_red14.bmp
[generic]                23495  105334  22.3% -lh5- 4a22 Apr 21  2003 barrage/gfx/ft_yellow.bmp
[generic]               141043  921654  15.3% -lh5- 60d7 Apr 21  2003 barrage/gfx/ground.bmp
[generic]                 6818   20790  32.8% -lh5- 0363 Apr 22  2003 barrage/gfx/gun.bmp
[generic]                 2698    8214  32.8% -lh5- 9bec Apr 21  2003 barrage/gfx/icons.bmp
[generic]                17470   43878  39.8% -lh5- 0d92 Apr 21  2003 barrage/gfx/logo.bmp
[generic]                  360    5238   6.9% -lh5- 0250 Apr 21  2003 barrage/gfx/particles.bmp
[generic]                  125     582  21.5% -lh5- c56b Apr 21  2003 barrage/gfx/shots.bmp
[generic]                  270     310  87.1% -lh5- ff57 Apr 16  2003 barrage/gfx/small_crater.bmp
[generic]                 1873    5390  34.7% -lh5- 11f9 Apr 19  2003 barrage/gfx/trees.bmp
[generic]                 1829   10074  18.2% -lh5- 0589 Apr 23  2003 barrage/gfx/units.bmp
[generic]                 1636    3448  47.4% -lh5- 6bd7 May  9  2004 barrage/README
[generic]                 8029    9190  87.4% -lh5- cee3 Apr 16  2003 barrage/sounds/autocannon.wav
[generic]                 1094    1126  97.2% -lh5- 4cc7 Apr 18  2003 barrage/sounds/click.wav
[generic]                23215   42058  55.2% -lh5- c924 Apr 16  2003 barrage/sounds/expl1.wav
[generic]                12701   42058  30.2% -lh5- 1198 Apr 16  2003 barrage/sounds/expl2.wav
[generic]                23618   65932  35.8% -lh5- 8c1b Apr 16  2003 barrage/sounds/expl3.wav
[generic]                 8175   29108  28.1% -lh5- 038e Apr 16  2003 barrage/sounds/gunfire.wav
[generic]                 2886    3558  81.1% -lh5- 629b Apr 18  2003 barrage/sounds/highlight.wav
[generic]                23553   32744  71.9% -lh5- 0f55 Apr 16  2003 barrage/sounds/scream1.wav
[generic]                18848   22316  84.5% -lh5- f83f Apr 16  2003 barrage/sounds/scream2.wav
[generic]                   83      95  87.4% -lh5- ce53 Dec  4 17:21 barrage/start
[generic]                 5174    5174 100.0% -lh0- 9264 Dec  4 17:28 barrage/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        38 files  753514 2597197  29.0%            Dec  4 23:46
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