sdlroids - an enhanced shoot-the-asteroids game.
Copyright (C) 1991 Edward Hutchins.
Unix/Linux port by Russell Marks, 2000.
SDL port by David Hedbor <>
Amiga os3.x port by Wawa.
Yet another Asteroids clone, ixemul.library not required.
Ship control keys:
Cursor Left/Right Spin the ship left or right.
Cursor Up/Down Forward or reverse thrust.
Space Fire guns.
Tab Use shields.
s Use smartbomb (kill all enemy ships).
Other keys:
Esc or q Quit the game.
Pause Pause / unpause the game.
F1 Start a new game.
Options: (when running from cli with --help)
-f, --fullscreen Start in fullscreen mode.
-g, --geometry ARG Open a window of the specified size. ARG
is specified as HEIGHTxWIDTH.
-b, --benchmark ARG Run in benchmark mode. Display ARG frames
without delay and quit.
-s, --nosound Don't initialize the sound.
-l, --list-joysticks Exit after listing all the joysticks.
-n, --joynr ARG The index of the joystick to use. All
available joysticks are listed
SDLRoids starts.
-j, --joystick ARG Force the use of this joystick device. If
valid, it will become joystick 0.
-0, --fire ARG Button for firing main guns. Default = 0.
-1, --shields ARG Button for enabling shields. Default=1.
-2, --bomb ARG Button for firing smartbomb. Default=2.
-h, --help Print usage information and exit.
-v, --version Print version number and exit.