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Short:realtime strategy written in AMOS (+src)
Author:Grzegorz Skowronski
Uploader:aminet aminet net
Download:game/strat/ - View contents

Rebel is a 1998 real-time strategy game written by Grzegorz Skowronski. In
June 2011, it was released as Freeware with the AMOS source code included on

More information here:
Original download site:

Contents of game/strat/
Archive:  /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//game/strat/
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
       0  Defl:N        2   0% 2009-06-14 13:55 00000000  GW24-PPA/
       0  Defl:N        2   0% 2009-05-19 20:22 00000000  GW24-PPA/Dane/
     125  Defl:N       41  67% 2009-04-02 18:41 e453e3db  GW24-PPA/Dane/ZmianyPodlogi1.bin
     124  Defl:N       15  88% 2009-04-02 18:41 dfd26fc1  GW24-PPA/Dane/ZmianyPodlogi2.bin
    5391  Defl:N     2403  55% 2009-04-02 18:41 9b3bb9c1  GW24-PPA/Dane/Dane.txt
     125  Defl:N       17  86% 2009-04-02 18:41 83981472  GW24-PPA/Dane/ZmianyPodlogi5.bin
    2000  Defl:N      461  77% 2009-04-02 18:41 fd40c705  GW24-PPA/Dane/DanePodlogi5.bin
     124  Defl:N       16  87% 2009-04-02 18:41 c715aad6  GW24-PPA/Dane/ZmianyPodlogi7.bin
      74  Defl:N       43  42% 2009-04-02 18:41 bd1cea6e  GW24-PPA/Dane/Danf.bin
     124  Defl:N       16  87% 2009-04-02 18:41 d3e61b8c  GW24-PPA/Dane/ZmianyPodlogi3.bin
    1321  Defl:N      281  79% 2009-04-02 18:41 f26204f3  GW24-PPA/Dane/DaneWystrzel.bin
      68  Defl:N       38  44% 2009-04-02 18:41 204008ae  GW24-PPA/Dane/Powitanie.txt
     124  Defl:N        9  93% 2009-04-02 18:41 1766e976  GW24-PPA/Dane/ZmianyPodlogi4.bin
     124  Defl:N       16  87% 2009-04-02 18:41 d3e61b8c  GW24-PPA/Dane/ZmianyPodlogi6.bin
    2000  Defl:N      538  73% 2009-04-02 18:41 0929518b  GW24-PPA/Dane/DanePodlogi2.bin
     628  Defl:N      272  57% 1999-03-11 23:53 4e62a8a6  GW24-PPA/Dane/
    2000  Defl:N      315  84% 2009-04-02 18:41 79b77583  GW24-PPA/Dane/DanePodlogi3.bin
    2000  Defl:N      724  64% 2009-04-02 18:41 a76b5f50  GW24-PPA/Dane/DanePodlogi1.bin
    2000  Defl:N      621  69% 2009-04-02 18:41 b00b47ca  GW24-PPA/Dane/DanePodlogi7.bin
    2000  Defl:N      462  77% 2009-04-02 18:41 15019df5  GW24-PPA/Dane/DanePodlogi6.bin
    2000  Defl:N      413  79% 2009-04-02 18:41 22d1489a  GW24-PPA/Dane/DanePodlogi4.bin
    2018  Defl:N      397  80% 2009-04-02 18:41 62a180b6  GW24-PPA/Dane/Dane.bin
       0  Defl:N        2   0% 2009-05-19 20:22 00000000  GW24-PPA/Poziomy/
     882  Defl:N      887  -1% 1991-02-28 17:59 30345818  GW24-PPA/Poziomy/Poziom18
     314  Defl:N      319  -2% 1999-03-10 00:52 c185f24c  GW24-PPA/Poziomy/Poziom0
     942  Defl:N      947  -1% 1999-03-10 00:52 a29f26bd  GW24-PPA/Poziomy/Poziom5
     920  Defl:N      925  -1% 1991-02-28 17:59 e1b353c2  GW24-PPA/Poziomy/Poziom17
    1312  Defl:N     1317  -0% 1991-02-28 17:59 6eafab95  GW24-PPA/Poziomy/Poziom14
    1112  Defl:N     1117  -0% 1991-02-28 17:59 1fc41f35  GW24-PPA/Poziomy/Poziom19
    1272  Defl:N     1277  -0% 1999-03-10 00:52 9f67867b  GW24-PPA/Poziomy/Poziom6
     720  Defl:N      725  -1% 1991-02-28 17:59 fb95a8c9  GW24-PPA/Poziomy/Poziom12
     838  Defl:N      843  -1% 1999-03-10 00:52 6b1335c1  GW24-PPA/Poziomy/Poziom1
    1140  Defl:N     1145  -0% 1991-02-28 17:59 629bb9ea  GW24-PPA/Poziomy/Poziom11
     898  Defl:N      903  -1% 1991-02-28 18:00 eebcb78c  GW24-PPA/Poziomy/Poziom24
    1126  Defl:N     1131  -0% 1991-02-28 17:59 73a4b945  GW24-PPA/Poziomy/Poziom15
     880  Defl:N      885  -1% 1991-02-28 18:00 1ba944ae  GW24-PPA/Poziomy/Poziom23
     920  Defl:N      925  -1% 1999-03-10 00:52 13da3c38  GW24-PPA/Poziomy/Poziom9
     646  Defl:N      651  -1% 1991-02-28 18:01 51b9c715  GW24-PPA/Poziomy/Poziom27
     736  Defl:N      741  -1% 1991-02-28 18:00 a9e8a2c4  GW24-PPA/Poziomy/Poziom25
     494  Defl:N      499  -1% 1991-02-28 18:01 9bef0221  GW24-PPA/Poziomy/Poziom28
     920  Defl:N      925  -1% 1999-03-10 00:52 0a9f1573  GW24-PPA/Poziomy/Poziom3
     640  Defl:N      645  -1% 1991-02-28 18:01 259f3ffb  GW24-PPA/Poziomy/Poziom26
     614  Defl:N      619  -1% 1991-02-28 18:00 57a041d2  GW24-PPA/Poziomy/Poziom22
    1120  Defl:N     1125  -0% 1999-03-10 00:52 7229afe7  GW24-PPA/Poziomy/Poziom7
     942  Defl:N      947  -1% 1991-02-28 17:59 05e299bf  GW24-PPA/Poziomy/Poziom13
    1174  Defl:N     1179  -0% 1999-03-10 00:52 33f6caa4  GW24-PPA/Poziomy/Poziom8
    1292  Defl:N     1297  -0% 1991-02-28 17:58 acab8d72  GW24-PPA/Poziomy/Poziom10
    1036  Defl:N     1041  -1% 1999-03-10 00:52 0411a6d5  GW24-PPA/Poziomy/Poziom4
     934  Defl:N      939  -1% 1999-03-10 00:52 6919797e  GW24-PPA/Poziomy/Poziom2
     884  Defl:N      889  -1% 1991-02-28 17:59 8863348c  GW24-PPA/Poziomy/Poziom16
     918  Defl:N      923  -1% 1991-02-28 18:00 6b6457b1  GW24-PPA/Poziomy/Poziom21
    1194  Defl:N     1199  -0% 1991-02-28 18:00 67828983  GW24-PPA/Poziomy/Poziom20
    1212  Defl:N      605  50% 2009-05-19 15:40 c4326fbd  GW24-PPA/
       7  Defl:N        9 -29% 2001-02-27 23:18 e0fcd9df  GW24-PPA/Pack.GW24
     910  Defl:N      245  73% 2009-05-19 15:40 18ccf49d  GW24-PPA/
       7  Defl:N        9 -29% 2001-02-27 23:17 ff0553ed  GW24-PPA/Disk.GW24
    8288  Defl:N     3551  57% 2003-02-24 21:02 c7a539d8  GW24-PPA/Info
    2119  Defl:N      734  65% 1999-09-15 19:50 61983332  GW24-PPA/InstalerREBEL
     524  Defl:N       27  95% 1999-03-10 00:52 c5c29b87  GW24-PPA/Fonts/Game.font
       0  Defl:N        2   0% 2009-05-19 20:22 00000000  GW24-PPA/Fonts/Game/
    1396  Defl:N      691  51% 1999-03-10 00:52 2917ed7b  GW24-PPA/Fonts/Game/6
    2444  Defl:N      945  61% 1999-03-10 00:52 4b7a9341  GW24-PPA/Fonts/Game/5
   40808  Defl:N    32637  20% 2009-04-02 18:41 f4bb4c9a  GW24-PPA/Dzwieki/Sample.snd
  100708  Defl:N    60211  40% 2009-04-02 18:41 ac623b45  GW24-PPA/Dzwieki/Muzyka.snd
   25398  Defl:N    15616  39% 2009-04-02 18:41 8757ee4a  GW24-PPA/Dzwieki/Doom.snd
     936  Defl:N      750  20% 2009-04-02 18:41 ea153c5c  GW24-PPA/Dzwieki/Maszyna.snd
    4080  Defl:N     2006  51% 2001-02-27 23:18 4cea6420  GW24-PPA/Rtdd
       0  Defl:N        2   0% 2009-05-19 20:22 00000000  GW24-PPA/Animacje/
  167870  Defl:N   133914  20% 1999-03-10 00:52 30ea000e  GW24-PPA/Animacje/LotwKanionie.anim
  369102  Defl:N   316252  14% 1999-03-10 00:51 3071ffcd  GW24-PPA/Animacje/Ladowanie.anim
   88244  Defl:N    73447  17% 1999-03-10 00:51 28227d9c  GW24-PPA/Animacje/DzwiekiAnim.snd
  206824  Defl:N   143020  31% 1999-03-14 01:50 a34b5ca4  GW24-PPA/Animacje/LotwKosmosie.anim
  223934  Defl:N   173741  22% 1999-03-10 01:16 55a59f61  GW24-PPA/Animacje/Poczatek.anim
  141216  Defl:N   115139  19% 1999-03-10 00:51 efa5b952  GW24-PPA/Animacje/Jazda.anim
  180868  Defl:N   150724  17% 1999-03-10 00:51 42495259  GW24-PPA/Animacje/LotwRurze.anim
     493  Defl:N      228  54% 2009-05-19 15:40 0be34070  GW24-PPA/
  118848  Defl:N    63641  47% 2009-04-02 18:41 a9dcfd31  GW24-PPA/Instr
       0  Defl:N        2   0% 2009-05-19 20:22 00000000  GW24-PPA/Outro/
    3928  Defl:N     1709  57% 2009-04-02 18:41 c2b29a62  GW24-PPA/Outro/LucidPL/15
    3020  Defl:N     1258  58% 2009-04-02 18:41 24fc0092  GW24-PPA/Outro/Tekst.bin
   35888  Defl:N    13296  63% 2009-04-02 18:41 6242498d  GW24-PPA/Outro/Werble.snd
   49672  Defl:N    23199  53% 2009-04-02 18:41 a17329e8  GW24-PPA/Outro/Wiezien.gfx
     264  Defl:N       22  92% 2009-04-02 18:41 2d1a0d6d  GW24-PPA/Outro/LucidPL.font
      21  Defl:N       23 -10% 2009-04-02 18:41 ee664697  GW24-PPA/Instrukcja
       0  Defl:N        2   0% 2009-05-19 20:22 00000000  GW24-PPA/Libs/
    4964  Defl:N     2605  48% 1999-09-15 19:40 cebfd8c2  GW24-PPA/Libs/Diskfont.library
    8832  Defl:N     5855  34% 1999-03-10 00:52 f6872523  GW24-PPA/Libs/Crm.library
    2352  Defl:N     1729  27% 1999-09-15 19:40 845ee690  GW24-PPA/Libs/Iff.library
    2764  Defl:N     1845  33% 1999-03-10 00:52 05925e96  GW24-PPA/Libs/Easylife.library
    4280  Defl:N     2483  42% 1999-09-15 19:40 547ba777  GW24-PPA/Libs/Mathtrans.library
     494  Defl:N      227  54% 2009-05-19 15:40 b130c315  GW24-PPA/
     200  Defl:N      152  24% 1999-07-19 23:36 7ad0ff0b  GW24-PPA/s/Startup-sequence
  146948  Defl:N   146650   0% 2001-02-27 23:21 62d6d280  GW24-PPA/Game
     232  Defl:N      118  49% 1999-03-10 00:52 f5206e72  GW24-PPA/devs/System-configuration
       0  Defl:N        2   0% 2009-05-19 20:22 00000000  GW24-PPA/FontyInstr/
       0  Defl:N        2   0% 2009-05-19 20:22 00000000  GW24-PPA/FontyInstr/XHelveticaPL/
    4368  Defl:N     2089  52% 2009-04-02 18:41 46e1f139  GW24-PPA/FontyInstr/XHelveticaPL/9
    5080  Defl:N     2451  52% 2009-04-02 18:41 7050475c  GW24-PPA/FontyInstr/XHelveticaPL/11
    5752  Defl:N     2777  52% 2009-04-02 18:41 0add89d7  GW24-PPA/FontyInstr/XHelveticaPL/13
    3368  Defl:N     1597  53% 2009-04-02 18:41 c7ea3667  GW24-PPA/FontyInstr/XHelveticaPL/15
    1044  Defl:N       53  95% 2009-04-02 18:41 c7af0dba  GW24-PPA/FontyInstr/XHelveticaPL.font
       0  Defl:N        2   0% 2009-05-19 20:22 00000000  GW24-PPA/Grafika/
   98496  Defl:N    49780  50% 2009-04-02 18:41 bf447e0b  GW24-PPA/Grafika/ObiektU.ani
   92580  Defl:N    43650  53% 2009-04-02 18:41 5bb6edc6  GW24-PPA/Grafika/ObiektD.ani
   80400  Defl:N    31521  61% 2009-04-02 18:41 cac58149  GW24-PPA/Grafika/ObiektC.ani
   13670  Defl:N     6739  51% 2009-04-02 18:41 ab615f31  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Statki.gfx
  104760  Defl:N    42107  60% 2009-04-02 18:41 6ded707b  GW24-PPA/Grafika/ObiektF.ani
    4890  Defl:N     3675  25% 2009-04-02 18:41 4a0141a4  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Ikony5.gfx
   71004  Defl:N    25883  64% 2009-04-02 18:41 8cf08083  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Stat6.ani
   25982  Defl:N    10664  59% 2009-04-02 18:41 d059570d  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Sprity.gfx
   45600  Defl:N    24413  47% 2009-04-02 18:41 d54e2fcc  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Stat2.ani
   98496  Defl:N    38229  61% 2009-04-02 18:41 4068f4e4  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Stat9.ani
   82140  Defl:N    42322  49% 2009-04-02 18:41 33b91a05  GW24-PPA/Grafika/ObiektK.ani
   56040  Defl:N    30456  46% 2009-04-02 18:41 22fb0c3d  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Pojazd2.ani
   14710  Defl:N    11539  22% 2009-04-02 18:41 e42a73e7  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Ekran2.gfx
   78660  Defl:N    38261  51% 2009-04-02 18:41 423f280c  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Pojazd8.ani
   99540  Defl:N    45029  55% 2009-04-02 18:41 a7200505  GW24-PPA/Grafika/ObiektB.ani
   76920  Defl:N    45274  41% 2009-04-02 18:41 f8ea9c11  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Pojazd4.ani
   90840  Defl:N    55425  39% 2009-04-02 18:41 ea34816e  GW24-PPA/Grafika/ObiektM.ani
   20408  Defl:N    13742  33% 2009-04-02 18:41 9ef0ab87  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Logo3.gfx
   71352  Defl:N    23158  68% 2009-04-02 18:41 6d4d4f2e  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Stat4.ani
   44904  Defl:N    26144  42% 2009-04-02 18:41 33be8aee  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Pojazd1.ani
   85620  Defl:N    37982  56% 2009-04-02 18:41 95bf1741  GW24-PPA/Grafika/ObiektI.ani
   10928  Defl:N     8505  22% 2009-04-02 18:41 e86aaece  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Tlo.gfx
   85620  Defl:N    27436  68% 2009-04-02 18:41 b2417198  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Pojazd9.ani
   49080  Defl:N    18608  62% 2009-04-02 18:41 f2cfc5ed  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Stat10.ani
    4890  Defl:N     2915  40% 2009-04-02 18:41 23fb89d7  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Ikony7.gfx
   73440  Defl:N    36619  50% 2009-04-02 18:41 16961b22  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Pojazd3.ani
   88056  Defl:N    47265  46% 2009-04-02 18:41 1a106083  GW24-PPA/Grafika/ObiektT.ani
   28548  Defl:N    16033  44% 2009-04-02 18:41 0c453cc4  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Scalak.ani
   87360  Defl:N    43763  50% 2009-04-02 18:41 b4be5a2a  GW24-PPA/Grafika/ObiektQ.ani
    4890  Defl:N     3233  34% 2009-04-02 18:41 4b4f8146  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Ikony2.gfx
   24520  Defl:N    13847  44% 2009-04-02 18:41 eca7dba2  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Budynki.gfx
   85620  Defl:N    47894  44% 2009-04-02 18:41 7170db28  GW24-PPA/Grafika/ObiektP.ani
   24620  Defl:N     9071  63% 2009-04-02 18:41 2688c348  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Opcje2.gfx
   69960  Defl:N    36103  48% 2009-04-02 18:41 db23d249  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Pojazd10.ani
   96060  Defl:N    63131  34% 2009-04-02 18:41 10c84c77  GW24-PPA/Grafika/ObiektR.ani
    4890  Defl:N     3434  30% 2009-04-02 18:41 9abb304d  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Ikony6.gfx
   73440  Defl:N    29711  60% 2009-04-02 18:41 140f3d3d  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Stat5.ani
    4890  Defl:N     2968  39% 2009-04-02 18:41 d2795649  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Ikony3.gfx
    4890  Defl:N     2105  57% 2009-04-02 18:41 004bbde7  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Ikony4.gfx
   66480  Defl:N    43986  34% 2009-04-02 18:41 62563d9e  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Pojazd5.ani
   83880  Defl:N    45440  46% 2009-04-02 18:41 0ae9702a  GW24-PPA/Grafika/ObiektO.ani
   67176  Defl:N    25477  62% 2009-04-02 18:41 0b34a506  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Stat1.ani
  101280  Defl:N    47239  53% 2009-04-02 18:41 a314d67b  GW24-PPA/Grafika/ObiektL.ani
   13720  Defl:N     5808  58% 2009-04-02 18:41 5b146242  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Handel.gfx
    7942  Defl:N     4189  47% 2009-04-02 18:41 a4a7a7c5  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Przyciski.gfx
   13670  Defl:N     6519  52% 2009-04-02 18:41 a0a7a478  GW24-PPA/Grafika/StatkiWroga.gfx
   96140  Defl:N     7368  92% 2009-04-02 18:41 a757984d  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Opcje.gfx
   69960  Defl:N    29287  58% 2009-04-02 18:41 3266de3d  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Stat3.ani
   87360  Defl:N    46609  47% 2009-04-02 18:41 c52a2edf  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Pojazd7.ani
   94320  Defl:N    38566  59% 2009-04-02 18:41 3bdf8f14  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Stat7.ani
   13670  Defl:N     7453  46% 2009-04-02 18:41 07069573  GW24-PPA/Grafika/PojazdyWroga.gfx
   13670  Defl:N     7633  44% 2009-04-02 18:41 9cd91a8b  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Pojazdy.gfx
    4890  Defl:N     3213  34% 2009-04-02 18:41 636597a4  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Ikony1.gfx
   83880  Defl:N    43200  49% 2009-04-02 18:41 c29fbf66  GW24-PPA/Grafika/ObiektH.ani
   75180  Defl:N    33350  56% 2009-04-02 18:41 86eb213b  GW24-PPA/Grafika/ObiektE.ani
    7136  Defl:N     4611  35% 2009-04-02 18:41 9940a489  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Logo1.gfx
   80400  Defl:N    42722  47% 2009-04-02 18:41 b5a16896  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Stat8.ani
   82140  Defl:N    42685  48% 2009-04-02 18:41 ea5cb068  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Pojazd6.ani
    3298  Defl:N     1592  52% 2009-04-02 18:41 ffee612e  GW24-PPA/Grafika/Logo2.gfx
     158  Defl:N      123  22% 2001-02-27 23:21 231065c4  GW24-PPA/Rebel
    1796  Defl:N     1159  36% 2001-02-27 23:21 4c34f805  GW24-PPA/C/Add44K
    2604  Defl:N     1246  52% 2001-02-27 23:21 7088325c  GW24-PPA/C/FadeType
       0  Defl:N        2   0% 2009-06-09 07:27 00000000  GWSource/
   37008  Defl:N     7713  79% 1998-08-07 23:03 024205a5  GWSource/Mojeprogramy/procedury/Proc_UzupelnianieMisji.amos
   28480  Defl:N    10726  62% 1998-08-07 23:03 7c5fa657  GWSource/Mojeprogramy/procedury/TworzenieDanychBin.amos
   29644  Defl:N    17794  40% 1998-08-07 23:03 e3ba34ce  GWSource/Mojeprogramy/procedury/Proc_Logosy.amos
   18588  Defl:N     5022  73% 1998-08-07 23:03 04d5ac6c  GWSource/Mojeprogramy/procedury/Proc_Opcje.amos
   27358  Defl:N     7705  72% 1998-08-07 23:03 65b02b7b  GWSource/Mojeprogramy/procedury/WpiszWartosci2.Amos
    4218  Defl:N     1991  53% 1998-08-07 23:03 fddf6067  GWSource/Mojeprogramy/procedury/Proc_Security.amos
    3306  Defl:N      821  75% 1998-08-07 23:03 025029be  GWSource/Mojeprogramy/procedury/Proc_Animacje+Dzwiek.amos
  382826  Defl:N    91305  76% 1998-08-07 23:03 4418675a  GWSource/Mojeprogramy/DoKompilacji.amos
  382940  Defl:N    91355  76% 1998-08-07 23:03 a16d6847  GWSource/Mojeprogramy/Gw24_110898.amos
    1050  Defl:N      640  39% 1998-08-07 23:03 49711aa8  GWSource/Mojeprogramy/ProbaZawieszenia.amos
    1574  Defl:N     1071  32% 1999-06-23 12:17 8852ef82  GWSource/
       0  Defl:N        2   0% 2009-06-09 07:27 00000000  GWSource/GW24/
       0  Defl:N        2   0% 2009-06-09 07:27 00000000  GWSource/GW24/Do_tlumaczenia/Polski/
     328  Defl:N      241  27% 1997-03-22 17:18 7a3fddc4  GWSource/GW24/Do_tlumaczenia/Polski/Objasnienie.amos
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     948  Defl:N      335  65% 1997-03-22 17:18 22095227  GWSource/GW24/Sources/
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   32600  Defl:N    20429  37% 1997-03-22 17:19 f300bde2  GWSource/GW24/Sources/Grafika/IkonyNEW.abk.zestaw6
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   32600  Defl:N    19970  39% 1997-03-22 17:19 134e4ab4  GWSource/GW24/Sources/Grafika/IkonyNEW.abk.zestaw3
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   27032  Defl:N    20829  23% 1998-08-07 23:04 abb6e418  GWSource/GW24/DoMyslenia10
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--------          -------  ---                            -------
 7601456          4046636  47%                            270 files
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