84782 packages online
gfx/3d/LW4UP060.lha |
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Short: | CGX patch for LightWave4. (v0.95) (060) |
Author: | jas mbox325.swipnet.se (Jonny Svensson) |
Uploader: | jas mbox325 swipnet se (Jonny Svensson) |
Type: | gfx/3d |
Version: | 0.95 beta |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 2001-02-14 |
Requires: | LightWave V4.00y |
Download: | gfx/3d/LW4UP060.lha - View contents | Readme: | gfx/3d/LW4UP060.readme |
Downloads: | 509 |
Unofficial patch for LightWave V4, adds real CyberGraphX support
to Layout. (this version is best suited for 060 CPU)
* CyberGraphX screens can be directly selected from Options-Panel
with ASL-Screen-Requester.
Any screenmode from 672x432 (min. NTSC) and upwards can be selected
in 8bpp, Hi or True color.
* Last opened (CGX) screen ModeID is saved in ENV:/ENVARC: on exit
and will be used on next startup.
* It's possible to change from default Layout screen modes and CGX
modes at will, if CyberGraphX can't be found or opened Layout will
open on default screen.
* Combined FeedBack/Status window on Layout, FeedBack is displayed
in 32 grey-shades on 8bpp screens and in color on Hi/True color screens.
* Make/Play Animation Preview's now work on CGX.
* Color Requester window has got it's own pen, adjusting color values
will leave UI colors unaffected.
* Faster screen update when running on CGX, offscreen buffers are
allocated with the same type & depth as Layout screen which makes
a big difference when blitting buffers to screen and also when
drawing lines (before, when promoting Layout, offscreen buffers
did still get allocated in CHIP and therefore was using Amiga-Blitter
when doing line drawing, it was further slowed down by the copying
from CHIP to gfx-card memory).
* ENV:LW4UP/notoast_prev (switch)
For Toaster systems only; ON forces Animation Preview to be
displayed on Layout screen even if LightWave is started from
Switcher, this is an experimental function and has not been tested.
ENV:LW4UP/cgx_startup (switch)
Main CGX switch; OFF forces Layout to open on deafult screen
even if a valid CGX ModeID is found (if switch is ON and
ModeID can't be found, ASL screen requester opens on WB)
ENV:LW4UP/cgx_modeid (var)
holds the last used CGX modeid (updated when LightWave exits)
* A lot of 040/060 emulated instructions have been removed plus
several other opt. gives a small increase in render speed
(20-30% on 060), mainly when using proc. textures.
Contents of gfx/3d/LW4UP060.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic] 855 1636 52.3% -lh5- 3139 Feb 13 2001 LW4UP060 Install.info
[generic] 1606 4439 36.2% -lh5- ab7c Feb 13 2001 LW4UP060 Install/Install-LW4UP060
[generic] 348 681 51.1% -lh5- 985d Feb 13 2001 LW4UP060 Install/Install-LW4UP060.info
[generic] 4618 11521 40.1% -lh5- 3862 Feb 13 2001 LW4UP060 Install/LW4UP.guide
[generic] 981 1371 71.6% -lh5- b7ce Feb 13 2001 LW4UP060 Install/LW4UP.guide.info
[generic] 1188 2416 49.2% -lh5- 4aac Feb 13 2001 LW4UP060 Install/LW4UP060.readme
[generic] 178775 353824 50.5% -lh5- 4f9f Feb 11 2001 LW4UP060 Install/LW4UP060_095b.pch
[generic] 9285 14636 63.4% -lh5- e89d Mar 8 1999 LW4UP060 Install/spatch
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 8 files 197656 390524 50.6% Feb 14 2001
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