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gfx/3d/lw_wheel_tutorial.lha |
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This is a tutorial about how to correctly animate rotors and wheels in LightWave 3D. It could be used to animate objects in other 3D packages, too, but I have not tested it.
This archive contains all the scenes, objects and image files needed for this tutorial. It also contains a spreadsheet that will help calculate rotations by giving an object's radius, the scene duration and frame-per-sec count, etc.
This is particularly helpful if you want, e.g. to animate a vehicle's wheel and want its rotation to match exactly the speed of the vehicle. Relevant example scenes can be found in the "Scenes" directory.
A fast Amiga with at least 16 MB of Fast Ram and a working LightWave 5.0 installation. The example scenes and objects could be working on earlier or later LW versions in other platforms, although I haven't tested it.
You will also need TurboCalc v5.0 to run the spreadsheet for rotational calculations.
Just extract the archive into your 3D: directory.
You are free to use the object or scenes for your renderings, as long as you mention me in your credits if you plan on uploading them on the internet. The archive may not be uploaded neither as a whole or in parts to any other repository other than Aminet unless you ask me first. Also feel free to mail me if you liked it or have any questions, I'd be happy to help!
Happy renderings,
Klearchos Gourgourinis a.k.a. Muadib
Join the 'Amiga Raytracing Society' on FB!
Contents of gfx/3d/lw_wheel_tutorial.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic] 18023 44872 40.2% -lh5- 7a83 Mar 16 1980 WheelTutorial/Images/ars-logo.iff
[generic] 4120 20076 20.5% -lh5- ffea Mar 16 1980 WheelTutorial/Images/ars-logo_bump.iff
[generic] 938595 938595 100.0% -lh0- 18d6 Oct 19 1980 WheelTutorial/Images/Road_asphalt_yellow_edges.jpg
[generic] 8513 72622 11.7% -lh5- 609f Mar 16 1980 WheelTutorial/Images/tire-tracks_bump_br2.iff
[generic] 77646 114746 67.7% -lh5- b428 Apr 9 1980 WheelTutorial/Objects/CarWheel7.lwo
[generic] 224 436 51.4% -lh5- 6b1c Mar 15 1980 WheelTutorial/Objects/road
[generic] 827 1566 52.8% -lh5- 870a Apr 18 1980 WheelTutorial/ReadMe.txt
[generic] 2290 11364 20.2% -lh5- 9c91 Apr 18 1980 WheelTutorial/RepetitiveRotaryCalculator.TCD
[generic] 264 468 56.4% -lh5- 8d49 Mar 16 1980 WheelTutorial/RepetitiveRotaryCalculator.TCD.info
[generic] 1551 2986 51.9% -lh5- 6bff Apr 18 1980 WheelTutorial/Rotation_Tutorial.txt
[generic] 931 2207 42.2% -lh5- 315e Apr 18 1980 WheelTutorial/Scenes/CarWheel_on_road_20m-h.scn
[generic] 942 2208 42.7% -lh5- 17b0 Apr 18 1980 WheelTutorial/Scenes/CarWheel_on_road_40km-h.scn
[generic] 933 2206 42.3% -lh5- 3222 Apr 18 1980 WheelTutorial/Scenes/CarWheel_on_road_5km-h.scn
[generic] 1113 2982 37.3% -lh5- 67bb Apr 10 1980 WheelTutorial/Scenes/CarWheel_on_road_accelerating.scn
[generic] 900 2123 42.4% -lh5- a4cb Apr 9 1980 WheelTutorial/Scenes/CarWheel_on_road_def.scn
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 15 files 1056872 1219457 86.7% Apr 19 17:45
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