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Short:Comic book and PDF reader
Uploader:jpv morphos-user com (jPV^RNO)
Download:gfx/show/RNOComics_OS4.lha - View contents


 RNOComics is a comic book viewer that can open almost any archive file,
 PDF file, or a directory with unarchived images, and display the images in
 it in a GUI designed to read comics.


 - Supports CBR, CBZ, CBT, and any other archiving format XAD supports
 - Supports PDF files
 - Supports online Issuu publications
 - Unarchives images on the fly, no HD space or memory wasted
 - Read-ahead cache for the next page
 - Can continue to the next archive file in a directory with a single command
 - Can open directories with unarchived images and work as an image viewer
 - MUI GUI with controls as buttons, menu items, and keyboard shortcuts
 - Three different layout options: fit width, single page, and double page
 - Fullscreen mode option
 - Zoom option displays comic's pages at their intended maximum resolution
 - Rotate options for portrait mode making viewing/reading easier
 - History window with front page thumbnails and page memory
 - Backwards reading options for manga comics
 - Can save and export images
 - Can create thumbnail PNG icons for archives
 - Gamma correction options
 - Drag & drop loading
 - ARexx support


 - Copy the whole directory anywhere you want
 - Installation of AmiSSL v4 is required for the Issuu support
 - If the program fails to start, copy .hwp and .ext files to LIBS:Hollywood/
 - reqtools.library is required for the background color selector:


 Right/Command+N/N  . - Loads the next page
 Left/Command+P/P . . - Loads the previous page
 Home/Command+T/T . . - Loads the first page
 End/Command+L/L  . . - Loads the last page
 Space/Mouse wheel  . - Scrolls the page or loads the next page depending
                        on the layout selected
 Shift  . . . . . . . - Jumps 10 pages instead of next or previous
 Up/Down  . . . . . . - Scrolls the page
 PageUp/PageDown  . . - Scrolls the page in larger steps
 Held LMB/MMB . . . . - Zooms the image to its original size
 Rotate mouse wheel . - Over page gadget for precise page selection control
                        and then click 'Go' to load the specific page
 Command+Z/Z  . . . . - Toggles the zoom mode on/off
 Command+O/O  . . . . - Opens a new comic book archive or a picture file
 Command+X/X  . . . . - Opens the next comic book archive in the current dir
 Command+I/I  . . . . - Opens a directory and loads unarchived images from it
 Command+A  . . . . . - Saves the original image
 Command+G  . . . . . - Saves the displayed page as a PNG image
 Command+F/F  . . . . - Toggles the fullscreen mode On/Off
 Double-click . . . . - Toggles the fullscreen mode On/Off
 Esc  . . . . . . . . - Exits from fullscreen mode
 Command+H/H  . . . . - Opens or closes the history window
 Command+W/W  . . . . - Changes to the "fit width" layout
 Command+S/S  . . . . - Changes to the "single page" layout
 Command+D/D  . . . . - Changes to the "double page" layout
 Command+E/E  . . . . - Rotates the image 90 degrees to the left
 Command+R/R  . . . . - Rotates the image 90 degrees to the right
 Command+"+"/+  . . . - Increases the gamma correction value
 Command+"-"/-  . . . - Decreases the gamma correction value
 Command+0/0  . . . . - Resets the gamma correction value
 Command+Q  . . . . . - Quits the program


 Settings are found in the program's pull-down menu and they will be saved
 to the ENVARC:RNOComics/ directory.

 Remember last file  . . - Opens the last viewed file at startup
 Save history  . . . . . - Saves a history data file in the program's drawer
 Preload next page . . . - Preloads the next page to the read-ahead cache
 Copy file to Ram Disk . - Copies the whole archive file to RAM: to speed up
                           page loading at the expense of some memory usage
 Side panel  . . . . . . - Shows the control panel
 Auto resize . . . . . . - Resizes the window to match dimensions of images
                           in the archive when a new comic book is loaded
 Right to left . . . . . - Changes the reading direction to right-to-left mode
                           which affects the left/right arrow keys and also
                           the order of pages in double-page mode
 Back to front . . . . . - Shows the last page first, and so on
 Fullscreen page numbers - Shows page numbers when in fullscreen mode
 Fullscreen clock  . . . - Shows the system clock time during fullscreen mode
 Create PNG icons  . . . - Create thumbnail PNG icon for loaded archive files
 Layout/Fit width  . . . - Images are scaled to fit the window width and view
                           can be scrolled vertically if required
 Layout/Single page  . . - The whole page fits in the GUI/on fullscreen view
 Layout/Double page  . . - Two pages fit into the GUI/on fullscreen view
 Background color  . . . - Opens a requester to choose a background color
 CBR unarchiver/UnRAR  . - Extracts images with UnRAR, which is generally
                           faster and more compatible than XAD
 CBR unarchiver/XAD  . . - Extracts images with XAD, which isn't recommended
                           on MorphOS, but is the default on OS4 which doesn't
                           have the UnRAR command by default


 RNOComics uses non-standard command line arguments. Arguments must be given
 in the form of (note the "-" prefix): -argument parameter

 Allowed arguments:
 -file <file|dir>  . . - Opens an archive file or a directory at startup
 -defdir <dir> . . . . - Sets the initial directory to open files
 -args . . . . . . . . - Shows the allowed arguments

 RNOComics -file "Work:Comics/Some Comic.cbr"

 The same arguments can be used as icon tooltypes, but by omitting the
 "-" prefix.



 Program's ARexx port is RNOCOMICS and supported commands are:

 OPEN <file|dir>  . . . . - Opens a new archive/picture file or a directory
 OPENNEXT . . . . . . . . - Opens the next archive in the current dir
 SAVE <file>  . . . . . . - Saves the original image
 EXPORT <file>  . . . . . - Saves the displayed page as a PNG image
 EXTRACT <dir>  . . . . . - Extracts the whole archive to a directory
 FIRST  . . . . . . . . . - Loads the first page
 PREV . . . . . . . . . . - Loads the previous page
 NEXT . . . . . . . . . . - Loads the next page
 LAST . . . . . . . . . . - Loads the last page
 PAGE <n> . . . . . . . . - Loads the supplied page number
 ROTATELEFT . . . . . . . - Rotates the image 90 degrees to the left
 ROTATERIGHT  . . . . . . - Rotates the image 90 degrees to the right
 GAMMAINCREASE  . . . . . - Increases the gamma correction value
 GAMMADECREASE  . . . . . - Decreases the gamma correction value
 GAMMARESET . . . . . . . - Resets the gamma correction value
 FULLSCREEN . . . . . . . - Toggles fullscreen mode
 LOCKZOOM . . . . . . . . - Toggles zoom mode
 FITWIDTH . . . . . . . . - Changes layout into the "fit width" layout
 SINGLE . . . . . . . . . - Changes to "single page" layout
 DOUBLE . . . . . . . . . - Changes to "double page" layout
 REMEMBER <ON|OFF>  . . . - Sets the "Remember last file" setting
 SAVEHISTORY <ON|OFF> . . - Sets the "Save history" setting
 PRELOAD <ON|OFF> . . . . - Sets the "Preload next page" setting
 COPYTORAM <ON|OFF> . . . - Sets the "Copy file to Ram Disk" setting
 PANEL <ON|OFF> . . . . . - Shows or hides the control panel
 RESIZE <ON|OFF>  . . . . - Sets the "Auto resize" setting
 RIGHTTOLEFT <ON|OFF> . . - Sets the "Right to left" setting
 BACKTOFRONT <ON|OFF> . . - Sets the "Back to front" setting
 QUIT . . . . . . . . . . - Quits the program
 GET <FILE|PAGE|PAGES|  . - Returns the requested value



 Version 1.5:
 - HTTPS now supported for Issuu (AmiSSL v4 required), so the search feature
   works as intended again
 - Implemented a small fix to the zooming functionality
 - Updated the PDF plugin

 Version 1.4:
 - Accepts a file argument and can be used as a default tool in project icons

 Version 1.3:
 - Support for PDF files
 - Major internal changes in rendering
 - Other small changes

 Version 1.2:
 - Support for online Issuu publications

 Version 1.1:
 - Added UnRAR/XAD selection to the settings menu. Using UnRAR increases
   compatibility and speed with .cbr files.
 - "Show in OS..." option works under MorphOS and OS4 too, in the history GUI
 - "Open file" now loads comic archives, and picture files also
 - Some tweaks, and improvements to the GUI
 - Auto resize didn't work as intended for small images


 - Please visit for screenshots, support,
   donations, and other software
 - This program is made with Hollywood:


 - Densho/RNO for the logo
 - Neil Pearson for testing and proof-reading


 This software is made available to you as Freeware and you may use this
 software in whatever way you wish, but the author accepts no liability for
 any damage caused to your system or other connected peripherals by using
 this software.

Contents of gfx/show/RNOComics_OS4.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 9539   11420  83.5% -lh5- fbf8 Apr  7  2017 RNOComics_OS4/
[generic]               732922  732922 100.0% -lh0- dd0c Oct  4  2017 RNOComics_OS4/Bonus/RNOComics_Screenshots.gif
[generic]               244966  244966 100.0% -lh0- 2537 Oct  4  2017 RNOComics_OS4/Bonus/RNOComics_Screenshots_small.gif
[generic]                 8753   10222  85.6% -lh5- 4129 Aug 24  2017 RNOComics_OS4/Bonus/
[generic]               437078  823340  53.1% -lh5- 75c0 Mar 31  2019 RNOComics_OS4/hurl.hwp
[generic]               225641  551744  40.9% -lh5- 42fe Oct  1  2017 RNOComics_OS4/muiroyale.hwp
[generic]              3522452 7053248  49.9% -lh5- f035 Aug 11 17:55 RNOComics_OS4/polybios.ext
[generic]               673132 1105200  60.9% -lh5- 2ee2 Aug 11 17:55 RNOComics_OS4/polybios.hwp
[generic]                 3563    9529  37.4% -lh5- b5b2 Nov 21 17:55 RNOComics_OS4/ReadMe.txt
[generic]                 3126    5092  61.4% -lh5- 8a46 Apr  7  2017 RNOComics_OS4/
[generic]              1758624 3644288  48.3% -lh5- e096 Nov 21 17:31 RNOComics_OS4/RNOComics
[generic]                 1190    3012  39.5% -lh5- 9bab Aug 24  2017 RNOComics_OS4/
[generic]                 9539   11420  83.5% -lh5- fbf8 Apr  7  2017
[generic]                 9003   10578  85.1% -lh5- 4cf5 Nov 23  2014 RNOComics_OS4/Bonus/
[generic]                 9003   10578  85.1% -lh5- 4cf5 Nov 23  2014 RNOComics_OS4/Bonus/
[generic]                  483     894  54.0% -lh5- bb13 Aug 23  2017 RNOComics_OS4/Bonus/RNOComics_Slideshow.rexx
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        16 files 7649014 14228453  53.8%            Nov 22 22:10
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