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Short:Compact PDF viewer
Uploader:jpv morphos-user com (jPV^RNO)
Requires:RTG, codesets.library, reqtools.library, OpenURL, enough memory
Download:gfx/show/RNOPDF_OS3.lha - View contents


 RNOPDF is a compact PDF viewer having a minimal GUI with easy control options.
 It can be handy for quick viewing of PDF files if configured as the default
 PDF viewer on your operating system.


 - Easy zooming using a mouse
 - Search text in documents
 - Supports document bookmarks
 - Recent file(s) list that also remembers previously viewed pages
 - Preloads the next page for faster viewing
 - Can export pages as PNG or JPEG images in various resolutions
 - Can sharpen exported images
 - Can export pages as text files
 - Fullscreen mode option
 - Rotate options
 - Keyboard and mouse controllable
 - Drag & drop loading
 - ARexx support on Amiga compatible platforms
 - Hollywood source code included


 - Copy the whole directory anywhere you want and just launch the program
 - (AmigaOS4) If the program fails to start, copy .hwp and .ext files to


 - AmigaOS3 versions of RNOPDF may crash with certain PDF files if used under
   WinUAE 4.2.0 or older, or with other emulators using older WinUAE cores,
   due to a bug in WinUAE's 68020 emulation.
 - PDF files that don't have correct media box setting(s) fail to display their
   background colour correctly. This will be fixed in the next Polybios version


 Right/Cmd+N  . . . . - Loads the next page
 Left/Cmd+P . . . . . - Loads the previous page
 Home/Cmd+T . . . . . - Loads the first page
 End/Cmd+L  . . . . . - Loads the last page
 PageUp/Cmd+"-" . . . - Jumps 10 pages back
 PageDown/Cmd+"+" . . - Jumps 10 pages forward
 Cmd+J  . . . . . . . - Jumps to a selected page
 Cmd+B  . . . . . . . - Jumps back to the previously viewed page
 Cmd+M  . . . . . . . - Opens the bookmarks requester
 Cmd+S  . . . . . . . - Opens the search requester
 Cmd+X  . . . . . . . - Searches for the next occurrence of a searched string
 Cmd+Z  . . . . . . . - Searches for a previous occurrence of a searched string
 Held LMB/MMB/Shift . - Zooms the page
 Rotate mouse wheel . - Loads the next or previous page
 Double-click . . . . - Toggles fullscreen mode On/Off
 Cmd+F  . . . . . . . - Toggles fullscreen mode On/Off
 Esc  . . . . . . . . - Exits fullscreen mode
 Cmd+O  . . . . . . . - Opens a new PDF file
 Cmd+I  . . . . . . . - Shows information about the current document
 Cmd+1  . . . . . . . - Resizes the window to the original PDF size
 Cmd+2  . . . . . . . - Resizes the window 2 times the original PDF size
 Cmd+3  . . . . . . . - Resizes the window 3 times the original PDF size
 Cmd+4  . . . . . . . - Resizes the window 4 times the original PDF size
 Cmd+5  . . . . . . . - Exports the current page as a text file
 Cmd+6  . . . . . . . - Exports all pages as one continuous text file
 Cmd+7  . . . . . . . - Exports the current page as a PNG image
 Cmd+8  . . . . . . . - Exports all pages as PNG images
 Cmd+9  . . . . . . . - Exports the current page as a JPEG image
 Cmd+0  . . . . . . . - Exports all pages as JPEG images
 Cmd+C  . . . . . . . - Copies the current page to the clipboard as text
 Cmd+E  . . . . . . . - Copies the current page to the clipboard as an image
 Cmd+Q  . . . . . . . - Quits the program


 Resize automatically . - Resizes the window to match the page size(s) when a
                          new PDF is loaded
 Preload next page  . . - Preloads the next page for faster viewing
 Remember recent files  - Saves the recent file(s) list when quitting
 Show links . . . . . . - Draws rectangles around links on pages
 Flush Polybios.ext . . - Flushes Polybios.ext at exit (frees 6MB of memory,
                          but slows down re-launching of the program)
 Zoom level . . . . . . - Sets the zoom level
 Zoom key . . . . . . . - Sets the zoom key
 Rotate . . . . . . . . - Sets the image rotation


 RNOPDF uses non-standard command line arguments. Arguments must be given
 in the form of (note the "-" prefix): -argument parameter

 Allowed arguments:
 -file <file> . . . . . - Opens a PDF file at startup
 -defdir <dir>  . . . . - Sets the initial directory to open files
 -winsize <n> . . . . . - Resizes the window by factor <n>

 RNOPDF -file "Work:Documents/Some Book.pdf"

 The same arguments can be used as icon tooltypes, by omitting the "-" prefix.



 Program's ARexx port is RNOPDF.1 (and .2, .3 etc. for multiple instances)
 and supported commands are:

 OPEN <file> . . . . . . . - Opens a new PDF file
 FIRST . . . . . . . . . . - Loads the first page
 PREV  . . . . . . . . . . - Loads the previous page
 NEXT  . . . . . . . . . . - Loads the next page
 LAST  . . . . . . . . . . - Loads the last page
 PAGE <n>  . . . . . . . . - Loads the supplied page number
 SEARCH <keyword>  . . . . - Searches text
 FULLSCREEN  . . . . . . . - Toggles fullscreen mode
 EXPORT <f> <n> <s> <d>  . - Saves the displayed page as an image, <f> is
                             format (PNG or JPEG), <n> is image width, <s> is
                             to enable sharpening (0 or 1), <d> is a destination
 EXPORTALL <f> <n> <s> <d> - Saves all pages as images, <f> is format (PNG or
                             JPEG), <n> is image width, <s> is to enable
                             sharpening (0 or 1), <d> is a destination directory
 RESIZE <ON|OFF> . . . . . - Sets the "Resize automatically" setting
 PRELOAD <ON|OFF>  . . . . - Sets the "Preload next page" setting
 RECENT <ON|OFF> . . . . . - Sets the "Remember recent files" setting
 FLUSH <ON|OFF>  . . . . . - Sets the "Flush Polybios.ext" setting
 ZOOM <n>  . . . . . . . . - Sets the "Zoom level" setting, <n> is 2, 3, or 4
 ZOOMKEY <key> . . . . . . - Sets the "Zoom key", <key> is SHIFT, CONTROL, or ALT
 ROTATE <n>  . . . . . . . - Sets the "Rotate" setting, <n> is -90, 0, 90, or 180
 ICONIFY . . . . . . . . . - Iconifies the program
 UNICONIFY . . . . . . . . - Un-iconifies the program
 TOGGLEICONIFY . . . . . . - Toggles the iconify state
 QUIT  . . . . . . . . . . - Quits the program
 HELP  . . . . . . . . . . - Returns a list of the supported commands
 GET <FILE|PAGE|PAGES> . . - Returns the requested value

 Example (MorphOS only):

 Example (all Amiga compatibles):


 Version 1.6:
 - Fixed the search requester behaviour
 - Fixed a window positioning issue on OS3 versions
 - Better OpenURL implementation
 - Added a French catalog (thanks Yannick!)
 - Added a German catalog (thanks Stefan!)
 - Made the source code a bit more readable

 Version 1.5:
 - Added the JPEG support for exporting
 - Exporting can be aborted with the Esc key
 - More options when exporting via ARexx
 - Added "Search next" and "Search previous" options
 - More complete localisation support
 - Added an Italian catalog (thanks Luca!)
 - Older versions of reqtools.library work too (v38)
 - Added window resizing options in the Control menu

 Version 1.4:
 - Exported images can be sharpened
 - Improved exporting to custom sizes
 - Added the WINSIZE tooltype/argument
 - Localisation support
 - Fixed pathless file arguments
 - Other small fixes

 Version 1.3:
 - Added search functionality
 - Supports links in documents
 - Supports bookmarks in documents
 - Added text exporting options
 - Can open password protected files
 - Can display documents' meta-data and other information
 - Can flush Polybios.ext from memory at exit on Amiga compatibles
 - Added fullscreen mode
 - Improved compatibility with PDF files, due to endianness fixes in Polybios
 - Logo remains visible if the program fails to load a PDF file
 - "Jump back" option to swap between the current and a previously viewed page

 Version 1.2:
 - Added rotate options
 - Pages can be exported to custom resolutions

 Version 1.1:
 - Accepts a file argument and can be used as a default tool in project icons


 - Please visit for screenshots, support, donations,
   and other software I created
 - This program is made with Hollywood:


 - Densho/RNO for the logo
 - Neil Pearson for proof-reading and testing


 This software is made available to you as Freeware and you may use this
 software in whatever way you wish, but the author accepts no liability for
 any damage caused to your system or other connected peripherals by using
 this software.

 Please consider the time and effort I put in to create this utility for your
 use and enjoyment. If you feel it is useful to you, please send a donation
 that represents the benefit you gain from using it to me at the address found
 in this ReadMe.txt file (Uploader) or click the Donate button at

Contents of gfx/show/RNOPDF_OS3.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic]                  265     628  42.2% -lh5- 97ce Feb  4  2020 RNOPDF_OS3/
[generic]                 5592    5592 100.0% -lh0- b7d3 Nov  2  2018 RNOPDF_OS3/PNG-icon/
[generic]                 3488    9223  37.8% -lh5- 2666 Jul 17 17:24 RNOPDF_OS3/ReadMe.txt
[generic]                 3126    5092  61.4% -lh5- 8a46 Nov  6  2018 RNOPDF_OS3/
[generic]                  275     632  43.5% -lh5- 880a Nov  6  2018 RNOPDF_OS3/
[generic]                  276     632  43.7% -lh5- 5cf5 Nov  6  2018 RNOPDF_OS3/
[generic]                  277     632  43.8% -lh5- 2121 Nov  6  2018 RNOPDF_OS3/
[generic]                14707   14707 100.0% -lh0- 1493 Nov  2  2018 RNOPDF_OS3/Source_code/gfx/rnopdf128.png
[generic]                46777   46777 100.0% -lh0- 958a Nov  2  2018 RNOPDF_OS3/Source_code/gfx/rnopdf256.png
[generic]               162491  162491 100.0% -lh0- 8ad1 Nov  2  2018 RNOPDF_OS3/Source_code/gfx/rnopdf512.png
[generic]               373215  373215 100.0% -lh0- a52e Nov  2  2018 RNOPDF_OS3/Source_code/gfx/rnopdf1024.png
[generic]                13896   50653  27.4% -lh5- 0701 Jul 11 18:35 RNOPDF_OS3/Source_code/RNOPDF.hws
[generic]              2840082 5315320  53.4% -lh5- ef06 Dec  5  2020 RNOPDF_OS3/RNOPDF_WOS/polybios.ext
[generic]               580824  904272  64.2% -lh5- 70fd Dec  5  2020 RNOPDF_OS3/RNOPDF_WOS/polybios.hwp
[generic]              1798728 3707728  48.5% -lh5- b91d Jul 11 18:36 rnopdf_os3/rnopdf_wos/rnopdf
[generic]                  933    1272  73.3% -lh5- fbb6 Jun 23  2019 RNOPDF_OS3/Source_code/bin/killext
[generic]                  839     839 100.0% -lh0- aa66 Nov  2  2018 RNOPDF_OS3/Source_code/gfx/rnopdf16.png
[generic]                 1539    1539 100.0% -lh0- 78a5 Nov  2  2018 RNOPDF_OS3/Source_code/gfx/rnopdf24.png
[generic]                 2207    2207 100.0% -lh0- 1f12 Nov  2  2018 RNOPDF_OS3/Source_code/gfx/rnopdf32.png
[generic]                 3908    3908 100.0% -lh0- 30a9 Nov  2  2018 RNOPDF_OS3/Source_code/gfx/rnopdf48.png
[generic]                 5496    5496 100.0% -lh0- 9bfe Nov  2  2018 RNOPDF_OS3/Source_code/gfx/rnopdf64.png
[generic]                 9874    9874 100.0% -lh0- 4af4 Nov  2  2018 RNOPDF_OS3/Source_code/gfx/rnopdf96.png
[generic]                 1515    3209  47.2% -lh5- 93c4 Jun 16 18:19 RNOPDF_OS3/RNOPDF_68kFPU/Catalogs/german/RNOPDF.catalog
[generic]              1361793 2748168  49.6% -lh5- c54c Jul 11 18:36 RNOPDF_OS3/RNOPDF_68kFPU/RNOPDF
[generic]                 1481    3063  48.4% -lh5- cde3 Jun  4 13:54 RNOPDF_OS3/RNOPDF_WOS/Catalogs/finnish/RNOPDF.catalog
[generic]                 1563    3548  44.1% -lh5- 3cda Jun 13 06:40 RNOPDF_OS3/RNOPDF_WOS/Catalogs/french/RNOPDF.catalog
[generic]                 1515    3209  47.2% -lh5- 93c4 Jun 16 18:19 RNOPDF_OS3/RNOPDF_WOS/Catalogs/german/RNOPDF.catalog
[generic]                 1472    3196  46.1% -lh5- 24f0 Jun  4 16:37 RNOPDF_OS3/RNOPDF_WOS/Catalogs/italian/RNOPDF.catalog
[generic]                 1559    3191  48.9% -lh5- e7b4 Jun  4 16:36 RNOPDF_OS3/RNOPDF_WOS/Catalogs/polish/RNOPDF.catalog
[generic]                  803    1086  73.9% -lh5- b435 Nov  6  2018 RNOPDF_OS3/RNOPDF_WOS/
[generic]               584092  914784  63.9% -lh5- 354a Dec  5  2020 RNOPDF_OS3/RNOPDF_68k/polybios.hwp
[generic]              1392689 2695828  51.7% -lh5- d35e Jul 11 18:36 RNOPDF_OS3/RNOPDF_68k/RNOPDF
[generic]                 1481    3063  48.4% -lh5- cde3 Jun  4 13:54 RNOPDF_OS3/RNOPDF_68kFPU/Catalogs/finnish/RNOPDF.catalog
[generic]                 1563    3548  44.1% -lh5- 3cda Jun 13 06:40 RNOPDF_OS3/RNOPDF_68kFPU/Catalogs/french/RNOPDF.catalog
[generic]                 1472    3196  46.1% -lh5- 24f0 Jun  4 16:37 RNOPDF_OS3/RNOPDF_68kFPU/Catalogs/italian/RNOPDF.catalog
[generic]                 1559    3191  48.9% -lh5- e7b4 Jun  4 16:36 RNOPDF_OS3/RNOPDF_68kFPU/Catalogs/polish/RNOPDF.catalog
[generic]              2840082 5315320  53.4% -lh5- ef06 Dec  5  2020 RNOPDF_OS3/RNOPDF_68kFPU/polybios.ext
[generic]               580824  904272  64.2% -lh5- 70fd Dec  5  2020 RNOPDF_OS3/RNOPDF_68kFPU/polybios.hwp
[generic]                  803    1086  73.9% -lh5- b435 Nov  6  2018 RNOPDF_OS3/RNOPDF_68kFPU/
[generic]                  270     632  42.7% -lh5- fc49 Nov  6  2018
[generic]                 1481    3063  48.4% -lh5- cde3 Jun  4 13:54 RNOPDF_OS3/RNOPDF_68k/Catalogs/finnish/RNOPDF.catalog
[generic]                 1563    3548  44.1% -lh5- 3cda Jun 13 06:40 RNOPDF_OS3/RNOPDF_68k/Catalogs/french/RNOPDF.catalog
[generic]                 1515    3209  47.2% -lh5- 93c4 Jun 16 18:19 RNOPDF_OS3/RNOPDF_68k/Catalogs/german/RNOPDF.catalog
[generic]                 1472    3196  46.1% -lh5- 24f0 Jun  4 16:37 RNOPDF_OS3/RNOPDF_68k/Catalogs/italian/RNOPDF.catalog
[generic]                 1559    3191  48.9% -lh5- e7b4 Jun  4 16:36 RNOPDF_OS3/RNOPDF_68k/Catalogs/polish/RNOPDF.catalog
[generic]              2865169 5401008  53.0% -lh5- d2f0 Dec  5  2020 RNOPDF_OS3/RNOPDF_68k/polybios.ext
[generic]                  803    1086  73.9% -lh5- b435 Nov  6  2018 RNOPDF_OS3/RNOPDF_68k/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        47 files 15518913 28654620  54.2%            Jul 17 22:26
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