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Short: | Amiga Information Online Issue 11 (MARCH 1998) |
Author: | Cool Dcandy.demon.co.uk (Chris Seward) |
Uploader: | Cool Dcandy demon co uk (Chris Seward) |
Type: | mags/aio |
Architecture: | generic |
Date: | 1998-04-05 |
Download: | mags/aio/AIOV11.lha - View contents | Readme: | mags/aio/AIOV11.readme |
Downloads: | 4511 |
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Games Section :
Legends of Triten - Zelda style game
BomberGug - Dynablaser/Bomberman game
Age of Rock - Inverse tetris with guns
Croins - Asteroids clone
3d Space Battle - A 3D space battle game
Ula Tor - Text based RPG
Desperadoes - Track down and kill game
Top20 - Top 20 AIO games of all time
Solution - Level one solution to the Final Odyssey
Scoring - How the games are scored
Utils Section :
SWOSfff - SWOS data editor V2.3
Format - A new MUI format replacement
Watchwatcher - Watch your clock to see the date is correct
DCTelnet - Telnet software V1.4
Scoring - How the utils are scored
Articles :
Games for 98 - Latest list of games for 98
Funny - Funny things to say to PC/Mac owners
Clones - The trouble with amiga clones
Diary - January 1998 Vulcan Diary
Interview - Interview with Austex software makers of Uropa2
WOA98 - The World of Amiga is back
Vulcan - HUGE article on Genetic Species from Vulcan
Pre\Box - Phase5 annouce PPC amiga clone
Brief - News in brief...
Next Month - Whats going to be in next issue?
+ all the adverts for NEW amiga products and screenshots of reviewed
IRCnet : #am!ga 8pm til 12am uk time (9pm - 1am CET) [/whois Cool96]
BBS : Digital Candy BBS (+44 01785 607207)
WWW : Http://www.dcandy.demon.co.uk/aio/
Contents of mags/aio/AIOV11.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic] 50682 50682 100.0% -lh0- ccc6 Nov 18 1997 aiologo1.jpg
[generic] 54066 148802 36.3% -lh5- ece0 Mar 18 1998 AIOV11.guide
[generic] 1139 2769 41.1% -lh5- 1ae1 Mar 18 1998 AIOV11.readme
[generic] 174 265 65.7% -lh5- 266a Feb 25 1998 AIOV11_Run
[generic] 290 629 46.1% -lh5- 78da Jan 21 1998 AIOV11_Run.info
[generic] 51364 51364 100.0% -lh0- c434 Sep 19 1997 c/viewtek
[generic] 215 452 47.6% -lh5- 2787 Mar 18 1998 File_ID.DIZ
[generic] 45 524 8.6% -lh5- e134 Sep 20 1997 fonts/PolarSmall.font
[generic] 1445 2540 56.9% -lh5- a0e2 Mar 12 1995 fonts/polarsmall/6
[generic] 1576 3012 52.3% -lh5- dc1e Apr 24 1996 fonts/polarsmall/7
[generic] 326 719 45.3% -lh5- c3cf Sep 19 1997 Form.txt
[generic] 26486 45404 58.3% -lh5- acad Feb 25 1998 Mod1
[generic] 4057 15286 26.5% -lh5- 6212 Mar 6 1998 screenshots/Screen01.iff
[generic] 4095 7624 53.7% -lh5- 1921 Nov 13 1997 screenshots/showiff
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 14 files 195960 330072 59.4% Apr 5 1998
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