============================== README.list49 =============================
This is disk 49 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Cycloids An updated version of the hypocycloids (electronic
spirograph) program first released on disk number 27.
Author: Terry Gintz
DirUtil An enhanced version of the dirutil from disk number 35.
Dirutil is a program to wander around a directory tree
and perform various operations on files. See README file
for list of new features.
Author: Chris Nicotra, enhancements by Johan Widen
Multidef A program to scan a collection of object and library
files and identify multiply defined symbols. This is
useful to locate subtle problems where user defined
symbols override library symbols.
Author: Paul Jatkowski
MyUpdate A disk update utility that also provides support for
automatically stripping comments from C header files
and for interactive verification on a per file basis.
Author: Joe Mueller
Plot Program to compute and plot 3 dimensional functions.
Includes hi-res interlace mode for maximum detail.
Author: Unknown; Amiga version by Terry Gintz
Polygon A moire type pattern generator but with color cycling.
Author: Terry Gintz
QMouse A program to query the status of the left mouse button
and return a status code. The return code can be used
as a WARN condition in a CLI execute file to alter
execution. Also includes a separate program to toggle
interlace on and off. Both are written in assembler and
are very small.
Author: Robert Rethemeyer
Touch A simple command to set the date of a file to the
current date. Uses new supported method of setting
a file datestamp (rather than reading and writing
back a byte).
Author: Phil Lindsay and Andy Finkel
Trees Another "tree growing" program, similar to the one
on disk number 31, but more extensive.
Author: Unknown; Amiga version by Terry Gintz