============================== README.list87 =============================
This is disk 87 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
AdvSys An adventure writing system, as described in the May 1987
issue of Byte magazine. Advsys is a special purpose
programming language that was specifically designed to
be used to write computer text adventure games.
Version 1.2, binary only.
Author: David Betz
AutoIconOpen Example code to fool WorkBench into thinking it is receiving
mouse inputs that select and open icons. This is version
1.2, an update to the version on disk number 73. Includes
Author: Tony Wills
Claz Converts IFF picture files to POSTSCRIPT. Works with
Amiga HAM pictures, as well as "normal" pictures. Also
includes scaling. Version 2.0, includes source.
Author: Steve Ludtke
Commodities Commodities Exchange, an Amiga exec library which can be
opened and used by application programs to gain access to
input in a very flexible way. This is a "minimal, binary
only" copy. Source may be available on a future disk.
Version 0.4.
Author: Jim Mackraz
Diff A simple version of diff. Update to version on disk
number 75, includes source.
Author: Erik Baalbergen
Dme Version 1.27 of Matt's text editor. Dme is a simple WYSIWYG
editor designed for programmers. It is not a WYSIWYG
word processor in the traditional sense. Features include
arbitrary key mapping, fast scrolling, title-line statistics
multiple windows, and ability to iconify windows. Update
to version on disk number 74. Binary only.
Author: Matt Dillon
DropShadow A program that makes your WorkBench windows have
dropshadows. This is version 2.0, the same as on disk
number 74, but also includes source.
Author: Jim Mackraz
Elib Example of building a shared library using small model
Manx C. Includes source.
Author: Jim Mackraz
ID-Handler An AmigaDOS device handler, that generates unique
identifiers. Generates a new unique 16 digit decimal
number each time it is opened by an application.
Version 1.0, includes source.
Author: Ed Puckett
Install Two possible replacement versions of the standard
install program (to make a disk bootable). Includes
Author: Bryce Nesbitt and Scott Turner
MemWatch Memwatch is a program intended to sit in the background
and watch for random trashing of low memory by an
application under development. If it detects a write
to low memory, it repairs it to what used to be there,
then puts up a requester indicating what damage had been
done. Very useful! Version II, includes source.
Author: John Toebes
MovePointer Moves the pointer to any specified location on the screen,
specified by X-Y coordinates. Includes source.
Author: "Cewy"
MoveWindow Move a named window to any arbitrary X-Y coordinate and
possibly resize it at the same time. Includes source.
Author: "Cewy"
MunchingSq Leo's "Munching Squares" hack, now upgraded to take a
single argument for a seed value. Includes source.
Author: Leo Schwab
PalTest Example code of how to determine dynamically whether
or not you are running on a PAL machine. Includes source.
Author: Christof Bonnkirch
Sc Program which demonstrates generation of good looking
pseudo-random scenery. Includes source in C (translated
from Draco version on disk number 61).
Author: Chris Gray
Tek4695 A Tek4695 printer driver. Binary only.
Author: Philip Staub
WBDualPF An example of using a dual-playfield screen, using
a method contrary to documentation in the Intuition
Manual. Fixed version of copy released on disk
number 41. Includes source.
Author: Jim Mackraz
WarpText Fast text rendering routines, to be linked with application
programs. Reported to be able to display text as fast,
or faster than, "blitz". Includes source.
Author: Bill Kelly
Yaiffr Yet Another IFF Reader. Handles HAM, HIRES, and overscan,
includes source.
Author: Leo Schwab
Zoo A file archiver, much like "arc" in concept, but different
in implementation and user interface details. Includes
some nice features that "arc" lacks (such as file/path
names up to 255 characters in length). Version 1.42A,
binary only.
Author: Rahul Dhesi, Amiga port by Brian Waters