This is disk 716 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
BCount A utility to count files, directories, hardlinks, and softlinks
for a given root directory. Requires Amiga OS 2.04. This is
version 1.12, binary only.
Author: Norbert Bazin
ReOrg ReOrg is a fast disk optimizer that can be used for floppy
disks and hard disks. Supports new Kickstart 2.04 features
including hard and soft links and High-Density drives. In-
cludes program versions in English and German for use with
Kickstart 2.04 only. This is version 2.31, an update to ver-
sion 2.3 on disk 699. Shareware, binary only.
Author: Holger Kruse
TalinCode A bunch of source code for demos, tests, and experiments, that
the author wrote over a period of 8 years, mostly for recrea-
tion or for general R&D for projects that never materialized.
Includes 3D techniques, a maze generator, logarithms, basic
utility functions, dos functions, random numbers, and much
more. Includes source, mostly in assembly code.
Author: David Joiner
Wasp A picture format converter. Input formats supported include
GIF (87a), IFF (lores, hires, HAM, EHB, 24-bit, sliced,
dynamic, etc), SRGR, Sun rasterfile, PPM (P5 and P6), HL2,
and MTV. Output formats supported include IFF, SRGR, and
PPM. Version 2.02beta. Includes source.
Author: Steven Reiz
ZMachine A program which can interpret Zork Implementation Language
(ZIL) data files. ZIL is the language used by the interactive
fiction series of games from Infocom Inc. Version 1.0.3,
binary only.
Author: leo@marco.UUCP, Amiga port by Kent Dalton