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Short:Fish disk 0726
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Download:misc/fish/fish-0726.lha - View contents

This is disk 726 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.

HamLabDemo	Demo version of an expandable image format conversion utility
		that converts GIF, IFF, JPEG, Targa, BMP, TIFF, PBMPLUS, MTV,
		Spectrum 512, QRT, and Sun images into IFF (normal, HAM, half-
		brite, and "sliced" variations of each).  Images can be 
		scaled, dithered, color corrected, and cropped.  This demo
		version is limited to processing images of 512 by 512 pixels
		or less.  This is version 2.0.8, an update to version 2.0.6
		on disk 712.  Shareware, binary only.
		Author:  Ed Hanway

Hextract	A complete header file reference.  Definitions, structures,
		structure members and offsets, flag values, library contents,
		function definitions, registers, library offsets, etc.  The
		data from a set of V1.3 Amiga and Lattice header files is
		included and packed for immediate reference by Hextract.
		Version 1.2, an update to version 1.1 on disk 674.  Has
		greatly reduced search times.  Freeware, includes partial
		Author:  Chas A. Wyndham

P-Index		A program for creating active index/selector pages to replace
		the normal window/icon display.  Appearance of pages is only
		limited by the capabilities of your paint program and your 
		imagination.  Index lines can be shown as arrays of boxes (as
		with current "selector" programs), or as icon look-alikes, or
		anything else you fancy, with normally a large saving in disk
		space.  Freeware, binary only.
		Author:  Chas A. Wyndham

P-Reader	An all-purpose reader that displays texts,pictures,animations
		and sounds, which may be uncompressed or compressed with
		'P-Compress'.  Texts can include embedded static or animated
		illustrations and sounds.  This is version 6.2, an update to
		version 5.2 on disk 595, and includes scrolling and a variety
		of screen colours, with other enhancements and bug fixes.
		Freeware, binary only.
		Author:  Chas A. Wyndham

PowerSnap       A utility that allows you to use the mouse to mark characters
                anywhere on the screen, and then paste them somewhere else,
                such as in another CLI or in a string gadget.  Checks what
                font is used in the window you snap from and will look for
                the position of the characters automatically.  Recognizes all
                non proportional fonts of up to 24 pixels wide and of any
                height.  Works with AmigaDOS 2.0 in both shell and WorkBench
                environments.  This is version 2.0, an update to version 1.1
                on disk 542.  Binary only.
                Author:  Nico Francois

Contents of misc/fish/fish-0726.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 9405   16380  57.4% -lh5- 2a65 Sep  5  1992 c/MuchMore
[generic]                 1542    3352  46.0% -lh5- 4c95 Sep  5  1992 Catalog
[generic]                  375     582  64.4% -lh5- bf91 Sep  5  1992
[generic]                 1309    2694  48.6% -lh5- 17bc Sep  5  1992 Contents
[generic]                  369     582  63.4% -lh5- 93fc Sep  5  1992
[generic]                  352     852  41.3% -lh5- 0d81 Sep  5  1992
[generic]                  827    1803  45.9% -lh5- d7f6 Sep  5  1992 Distribution
[generic]                  375     582  64.4% -lh5- df91 Sep  5  1992
[generic]                  246     624  39.4% -lh5- 4a22 Sep  5  1992
[generic]                  239     624  38.3% -lh5- a619 Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/
[generic]                  461    4722   9.8% -lh5- 3ca1 Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/Curves/QRT_color_response
[generic]                  245     624  39.3% -lh5- 004f Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/
[generic]                12529   39948  31.4% -lh5- 777c Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/Documentation/cmd-ref.doc
[generic]                  231     470  49.1% -lh5- 4f89 Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/Documentation/
[generic]                 2692    5970  45.1% -lh5- 7c02 Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/Documentation/filt-ref.doc
[generic]                  233     470  49.6% -lh5- 94d2 Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/Documentation/
[generic]                 2427    5129  47.3% -lh5- f008 Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/Documentation/intro.doc
[generic]                  232     470  49.4% -lh5- 4b3a Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/Documentation/
[generic]                 1133    2256  50.2% -lh5- f410 Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/Documentation/relnotes.doc
[generic]                  229     470  48.7% -lh5- f6d9 Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/Documentation/
[generic]                14593   39157  37.3% -lh5- 6ef2 Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/Documentation/userman.doc
[generic]                  231     470  49.1% -lh5- 40b2 Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/Documentation/
[generic]                  245     624  39.3% -lh5- 4020 Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/
[generic]                 2880    4636  62.1% -lh5- 33c6 Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/Filters/bmp2hl
[generic]                 1999    3756  53.2% -lh5- cbe9 Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/Filters/export_eps
[generic]                 1074    2144  50.1% -lh5- d3bf Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/Filters/export_hl
[generic]                 1830    3468  52.8% -lh5- 1dc3 Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/Filters/export_iff24
[generic]                12588   24024  52.4% -lh5- eb1f Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/Filters/export_jpeg
[generic]                 2558    5436  47.1% -lh5- e029 Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/Filters/gif_input
[generic]                  963    1888  51.0% -lh5- 66f0 Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/Filters/hl2_input
[generic]                 4136    9864  41.9% -lh5- 49f2 Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/Filters/ilbm_input
[generic]                12493   24308  51.4% -lh5- 0fa7 Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/Filters/jpeg_input
[generic]                 1076    1948  55.2% -lh5- 04e2 Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/Filters/mtv_input
[generic]                 2379    4416  53.9% -lh5- 1a51 Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/Filters/pnm2hl
[generic]                  915    7612  12.0% -lh5- 8ca0 Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/Filters/qrt_input
[generic]                 2424    3948  61.4% -lh5- a63c Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/Filters/ras2hl
[generic]                 2637    3908  67.5% -lh5- 6003 Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/Filters/spec2hl
[generic]                 3398    6204  54.8% -lh5- 354b Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/Filters/special2hl
[generic]                 3523    5604  62.9% -lh5- 8155 Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/Filters/targa2hl
[generic]                 3949    6436  61.4% -lh5- f334 Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/Filters/tiff2hl
[generic]                  678    1958  34.6% -lh5- aacb Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/HamLab.config
[generic]                  232     470  49.4% -lh5- 3cd8 Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/
[generic]                73673  149160  49.4% -lh5- b33f Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/HamLabPlus_Demo
[generic]                  459     738  62.2% -lh5- 6ddc Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/
[generic]                  118     142  83.1% -lh5- 9212 Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/ReadMe.fnf
[generic]                  244     624  39.1% -lh5- 5132 Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/
[generic]                  567    1325  42.8% -lh5- b323 Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/Rexx/auto.hl
[generic]                  300     521  57.6% -lh5- 2861 Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/Rexx/cropscreen.hl
[generic]                   71      72  98.6% -lh5- 572c Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/Rexx/f1.hl
[generic]                 1015    2545  39.9% -lh5- cc77 Sep  5  1992 HamLabDemo/Rexx/testvar.hl
[generic]                  244     624  39.1% -lh5- cb04 Sep  5  1992
[generic]                72026   72026 100.0% -lh0- 1a37 Sep  5  1992 Hextract/headers.z
[generic]                 6375   10740  59.4% -lh5- 8b70 Sep  5  1992 Hextract/Hextract
[generic]                 3201    7555  42.4% -lh5- ea4f Sep  5  1992 Hextract/Hextract.doc
[generic]                  648     738  87.8% -lh5- 7df9 Sep  5  1992 Hextract/
[generic]                  445    2854  15.6% -lh5- 0241 Sep  5  1992 Hextract/
[generic]                  124     150  82.7% -lh5- 5d11 Sep  5  1992 Hextract/ReadMe.fnf
[generic]                  767     964  79.6% -lh5- b37a Sep  5  1992 Hextract/Source/decomp.o
[generic]                 2647    9581  27.6% -lh5- bca6 Sep  5  1992 Hextract/Source/extract.c
[generic]                 2712    5380  50.4% -lh5- 9025 Sep  5  1992 Hextract/Source/extract.o
[generic]                   89     106  84.0% -lh5- 6fcd Sep  5  1992 Hextract/Source/extract_linker
[generic]                  359     552  65.0% -lh5- 5dbf Sep  5  1992 Hextract/Source/macros.o
[generic]                  687    2659  25.8% -lh5- 3146 Sep  5  1992 Hextract/Source/macros.s
[generic]                  572    1051  54.4% -lh5- f740 Sep  5  1992 Hextract/What's-New
[generic]                  645     738  87.4% -lh5- 5957 Sep  5  1992 Hextract/What'
[generic]                 1647    3523  46.7% -lh5- c268 Sep  5  1992 Orders
[generic]                  378     582  64.9% -lh5- cbf5 Sep  5  1992
[generic]                  247     624  39.6% -lh5- 7d9e Sep  5  1992
[generic]                   37      37 100.0% -lh0- 5b35 Sep  5  1992 P-Index/HD.script
[generic]                 8859    8956  98.9% -lh5- 2ee4 Sep  5  1992 P-Index/index
[generic]                  387    1031  37.5% -lh5- e85d Sep  5  1992 P-Index/
[generic]                16510   30972  53.3% -lh5- cde9 Sep  5  1992 P-Index/indexbuilder
[generic]                 6017   10824  55.6% -lh5- 14cc Sep  5  1992 P-Index/itb
[generic]                 1260    1260 100.0% -lh0- 3be4 Sep  5  1992 P-Index/itb.readme
[generic]                 1740    1740 100.0% -lh0- 2957 Sep  5  1992 P-Index/linetypes.brush
[generic]                 8115   13876  58.5% -lh5- 7244 Sep  5  1992 P-Index/P-Index
[generic]                 5027   12380  40.6% -lh5- 4c1a Sep  5  1992 P-Index/P-Index.doc
[generic]                  644     735  87.6% -lh5- d8d7 Sep  5  1992 P-Index/
[generic]                 7131   12076  59.1% -lh5- 2e21 Sep  5  1992 P-Index/P-Index.orig
[generic]                17658   30432  58.0% -lh5- d57f Sep  5  1992 P-Index/P-Reader
[generic]                 1252    2553  49.0% -lh5- 8085 Sep  5  1992 P-Index/P-Suite
[generic]                  968     968 100.0% -lh0- 1f37 Sep  5  1992 P-Index/page.brush
[generic]                  124     150  82.7% -lh5- 5d11 Sep  5  1992 P-Index/ReadMe.fnf
[generic]                   21      21 100.0% -lh0- ce00 Sep  5  1992 P-Index/screensave.script
[generic]                  245     624  39.3% -lh5- f0e1 Sep  5  1992
[generic]                17658   30432  58.0% -lh5- ccd4 Sep  5  1992 P-Reader/P-Reader
[generic]                 5316   13935  38.1% -lh5- b8af Sep  5  1992 P-Reader/P-Reader.doc
[generic]                  651     745  87.4% -lh5- 661a Sep  5  1992 P-Reader/
[generic]                  185     382  48.4% -lh5- faf2 Sep  5  1992 P-Reader/
[generic]                  642     642 100.0% -lh0- f643 Sep  5  1992 P-Reader/reader.key
[generic]                  124     150  82.7% -lh5- 5d11 Sep  5  1992 P-Reader/ReadMe.fnf
[generic]                  550    1073  51.3% -lh5- a8c6 Sep  5  1992 P-Reader/What's_New
[generic]                  649     745  87.1% -lh5- d885 Sep  5  1992 P-Reader/What'
[generic]                  245     624  39.3% -lh5- e391 Sep  5  1992
[generic]                  321     699  45.9% -lh5- 6bd7 Sep  5  1992 PowerSnap/InstallHandler
[generic]                  316    1016  31.1% -lh5- 7f61 Sep  5  1992 PowerSnap/
[generic]                 3387    5640  60.1% -lh5- 8b45 Sep  5  1992 PowerSnap/PowerSnap
[generic]                 5381    8472  63.5% -lh5- 06c6 Sep  5  1992 PowerSnap/PowerSnap-Handler
[generic]                 6997   19401  36.1% -lh5- 5775 Sep  5  1992 PowerSnap/PowerSnap.doc
[generic]                  643     734  87.6% -lh5- 307b Sep  5  1992 PowerSnap/
[generic]                  261     534  48.9% -lh5- 4250 Sep  5  1992 PowerSnap/
[generic]                  422     737  57.3% -lh5- df53 Sep  5  1992 PowerSnap/ReadMe.fnf
[generic]                 1107    2188  50.6% -lh5- 57cd Sep  5  1992 ReadMeFirst
[generic]                  374     582  64.3% -lh5- 2ba4 Sep  5  1992
[generic]                 1032    2091  49.4% -lh5- 9d93 Sep  5  1992 Submissions
[generic]                  375     582  64.4% -lh5- 2012 Sep  5  1992
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total       106 files  405143  746496  54.3%            Feb 15  1996
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