This is disk 726 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
HamLabDemo Demo version of an expandable image format conversion utility
that converts GIF, IFF, JPEG, Targa, BMP, TIFF, PBMPLUS, MTV,
Spectrum 512, QRT, and Sun images into IFF (normal, HAM, half-
brite, and "sliced" variations of each). Images can be
scaled, dithered, color corrected, and cropped. This demo
version is limited to processing images of 512 by 512 pixels
or less. This is version 2.0.8, an update to version 2.0.6
on disk 712. Shareware, binary only.
Author: Ed Hanway
Hextract A complete header file reference. Definitions, structures,
structure members and offsets, flag values, library contents,
function definitions, registers, library offsets, etc. The
data from a set of V1.3 Amiga and Lattice header files is
included and packed for immediate reference by Hextract.
Version 1.2, an update to version 1.1 on disk 674. Has
greatly reduced search times. Freeware, includes partial
Author: Chas A. Wyndham
P-Index A program for creating active index/selector pages to replace
the normal window/icon display. Appearance of pages is only
limited by the capabilities of your paint program and your
imagination. Index lines can be shown as arrays of boxes (as
with current "selector" programs), or as icon look-alikes, or
anything else you fancy, with normally a large saving in disk
space. Freeware, binary only.
Author: Chas A. Wyndham
P-Reader An all-purpose reader that displays texts,pictures,animations
and sounds, which may be uncompressed or compressed with
'P-Compress'. Texts can include embedded static or animated
illustrations and sounds. This is version 6.2, an update to
version 5.2 on disk 595, and includes scrolling and a variety
of screen colours, with other enhancements and bug fixes.
Freeware, binary only.
Author: Chas A. Wyndham
PowerSnap A utility that allows you to use the mouse to mark characters
anywhere on the screen, and then paste them somewhere else,
such as in another CLI or in a string gadget. Checks what
font is used in the window you snap from and will look for
the position of the characters automatically. Recognizes all
non proportional fonts of up to 24 pixels wide and of any
height. Works with AmigaDOS 2.0 in both shell and WorkBench
environments. This is version 2.0, an update to version 1.1
on disk 542. Binary only.
Author: Nico Francois