This is disk 844 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
DBB Digital Breadboard is a full GUI digital logic circuit simu-
lator. Digital Breadboard currently supports 2 and 3 input
AND, OR, NAND, and NOR gates, NOT and XOR gates, D, JK, and
SR edge-triggered flip-flops, multiple independant clocks,
switched and pulsed inputs, outputs, Vcc, GND, independant
4-channel oscilloscope, event counters, variable speed timer,
preferences printing, and more. Requires AmigaDOS 2.x. This
is version 1.1, freeware, binary only.
Author: Dan Griffin
DiskPrint A label database which prints and stores disk labels for 3.5"
and 5.25" disks. Primarily created as a combined database and
print utility for FD disks, it includes easy-to-use label lib-
rary functions (like printing labels for a whole FD series in
one turn or multiple print of one label) and labels for most
FD disks which are available within a few mouse clicks. Fea-
tures include a fast search routine, user-definable label lay-
out, different label sizes, intuition-based disk directory
read-in and a lot more. Very configurable. Works fine with
every printer connected to the parallel port and AmigaOS 1.2,
1.3, and 2.x. This version now includes DESKJET support for
single label sheets. Includes both English (PAL & NTSC) and
German versions. This is version 3.59, an update to version
3.51 on disk 685. Shareware, binary only.
Author: Jan Geissler