This is disk 884 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
AII The Archiving Intuition Interface makes things easier if you
are archiving or dearchiving files. You can do it all with
the click of a mouse button, instead of typing in a whole line
in the CLI. Version 1.38, an update to version 1.35 on disk
825. Supports several archiving formats including LHa, Zoo,
Arc, UnArj, and UnZip. Requires reqtools.library. Shareware,
binary only.
Author: Paul Mclachlan
BackUP A freely distributable, shareware hard drive backup program
that features a custom Intuition interface, multi-floppy drive
support, high-density drive support, incremental/full backups,
on-the-fly compression using lh.library, optional verify, two
types of backup logs, safe-backups and a restorable config-
uration. BackUP requires Workbench 2.x, 1MB RAM and lh.library
V1 (supplied). Version 3.88 is an update to V3.77 on disk
number 724, containing new features, some optimizations and a
few bug fixes. Binary only.
Author: Felix R. Jeske
Budget93 Ernie's Budget program for maintaining checking, credit card
accounts and personal budgets. Journal input accounting for
each checking and card account. Automatic distribution of
journal entries into account categories. Reports by month for
journal and account categories. Example journals included.
Version 10.00, binary only, shareware.
Author: Ernie Nelson
P-Compress A compression program that produces smaller files faster than
any other current general-purpose cruncher, using LZH com-
pression algorithms. Can handle single files, whole drawers,
disks, or selected files or types of files within drawers and
disks. Includes compression and decompression object files
which can be linked to your own programs to allow them to
access and output data in LZH format. Version 2.9, an update
to version 2.5 on disk 760. Provides compatibility with OS.3.
Author: Chas A. Wyndham, LZH code by Barthel/Krekel
PostSplit Update of the Pagestream Postscript file splitter found in the
PSTools directory of disk 732. Also includes a couple of text
files: pgsfonts.lst -- a listing of the most common DMF Page-
stream font ID numbers. Useful for finding what fonts were
used in a document. Adobe.lst -- Listing of the ID numbers
from the 750 most common Adobe fonts found on the Amiga and
PC. Postsplit version 1.05, includes source.
Author: Ian Parker
QuickTrans All 17 functions of mathtrans.library and also of mathieeesing-
tras.library. Faster and about as accurate as Commodore's
libraries. Mathtrans.library trig functions over twice as
fast; log and exponential about 3 times as fast. Mathtrans.
library is update of quicktrans on disk number 592. Mathieee-
singtrans.library is new, with most speed gains comparable to
those of mathtrans.library. Log and tan are about 4 times as
fast as Commodore's. Version 100, binary only.
Author: Martin Combs
S-Anim5 Turns Anim5 animations (DPaint, Videoscape, P-Animate etc.)
into self-contained self-displaying compressed files callable
from the Workbench or CLI. As with S-Text and S-Pic these
solve all decompression and display problems and save a lot of
space as well. No compiling needed. Version 1.1, freeware,
binary only.
Author: Chas A. Wyndham
S-Pic Turns IFF ILBM pics into completely self-contained self-
displaying compressed files callable from the Workbench or CLI.
As with S-Text (on disk number #817), S-Pic will give you
space-saving files which can be distributed without having to
bother about display and decompression compatibility. No
compiling needed. Version 1.2, freeware, binary only.
Author: Chas A. Wyndham