This is disk 984 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
AGIndex Creates an index for AmigaGuide documents. Indicies are
sorted alphabetically and can be accessed (in AmigaGuide)
by pressing the 'Index' button. Index entries can be
extracted from the source document using two different
selecting methods: by reference or by declaration.
Version 1.04, OS2.0 and higher, binary only, freeware
Author: Camiel Rouweler
ForceIcon A utility mainly for users of CD-ROM drives. Since one can
not snapshot the position of a volume's icon, nor replace
it by a user-defined one, this utility was written. Force-
Icon allows you to set the position of a disk's icon and/or
replace it by a different image/icon which doesn't have to
be a file. All types of ".info" files may be
selected. GiftWare, Version 1.4, includes source.
Author: Kai Iske
IconToClip A link between the Workbench and the Shell. It adds an item
to the Tools menu that, when selected, puts the name of any
highlighted icon into the Clipboard, from which it can be
pasted to the Shell or any other program that uses the Amiga
Clipboard. Has an option for writing the full pathname.
Can handle multiple icon selections, writing the names in
row or column format. Can also be used as an AppWindow.
Requires 2.04 or higher. Version 1.0, includes source in
Author: Douglas Nelson
Imploder The Imploder allows you to reduce the size of executable
files while having them retain their full functionality.
There are other "crunchers" or "packers" available for the
Amiga, but none are as mindful of the complexities of your
Amiga system as the Imploder. In addition to this, its
algorithms are more efficient, both in terms of speed, and
size reduction. Version 4.0, binary only.
Author: Albert-Jan Brouwer, Peter Struijk, Erwin Zwart,
Paul van der Valk
TWA A commodity that remembers the last active window on any
screen. If screens are shuffled, the window is automatic-
ally re-activated when that screen is brought to front.
Version 1.4, an update to version 1.2 on disk number 874.
This version fixes a problem which made it impossible to
autoscroll on a screen which is partially in the back-
ground. Binary only.
Author: Matthias Scheler
WindowDaemon Gives extended control to intuition windows and screens
through HotKeys and Arexx. Features: Commodities Support;
HotKey and Arexx support to manipulate the currently active
window and screen. Standard window controls are avalable
such as Zip, Close, Size, ToFront, ToBack, NextScreen, etc.
Able to close the parent window of a drawer when opened on
"Workbench" if CONTROL is held down. (Only available under
kickstart V39 or higher); Specialized options to forcefully
close windows and screens, and also to remove tasks that own
the active window. Version 1.6, binary only.
Author: David Swasbrook