This is disk 987 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Calc An RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) calculator with a 7-element
stack window. Includes the standard arithmetic operators,
plus swap, drop, power, root, natural log, exponential, sin,
cos, tan, arcsin, arccos, arctan and hex/decimal display
modes. Version 2.0, binary only.
Author: Sean Russell
History This is a 2.04/3.0/3.1 compatible version of the history
command. It allows listing, saving, loading, and execution
of the standard con-handler command line history. This is
version 37.5, binary only.
Author: Andy Finkel
LhSFX An oldie, but goodie, that somehow missed getting included
in the AmigaLibDisks. LhSFX is a self-extracting archive
creator. Update from the original program written by Mike
Kennedy. Now uses a file requester. Has many bugs fixed.
Version 1.5, freeware, includes source in assembler.
Author: Ralf Thanner, Mike Kennedy
LoanCalc A mortgage/loan calculation utility. Although similar
programs exist, this one is unique in that it is designed
to track 'Open' mortgages that allow any size payment to
be made at any time, as well as providing a printed
Amortization Table for Fixed mortgages with monthly,
semi-monthly, bi-weekly and weekly payment re-schedules.
This is version 2.0, an update to version 1.4 on disk
number 492. Binary only, giftware.
Author: Robert Bromley
MCalc MUIProCalc is a MUI-based calculator much like Jimmy Yang's
Calc 3.0. It still lacks the plotter, but it offers a
quite flexible history facility for inserting previously
entered expressions. Different output formats offered and
plenty of functions the user may choose from. Furthermore
the look of the calculator may be customized. It offers an
ARexx Port, which may be used to let MUIProCalc calc from
within an editor for example. MUIProCalc may return a TeX
compatible output, which may be used within a mathematical
TeX environment. Results or inputs may be copied to the
Clipboard. This version fixes some bugs. Requires MUI
(MagicUserInterface by Stefan Stuntz) GiftWare. This is
version 1.3, includes source.
Author: Kai Iske