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Short:Atari ST Mods by famous musicians
Author:Jochen Hippel, Joeren Tel et alii
Uploader:lanch tiscalinet it (Fabrizio Bartoloni)
Download:mods/chip/JochenHippelST.lha - View contents

 I have many more Atari ST mods, but I don't know of other
 players ready to handle them on Amiga ;P.

 Musicians presented here are legendary also on the Amiga/C64 side,
 they were also in demoscene and were so cool to code their players

Readme created with ARC 3.2 - Copyright (c)1996-99 by Jens Weyer.

============================= Archive contents =============================
Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    6012    2995 50.1% 29-May-85 16:34:26 +ashtray.mus
    8497    3080 63.7% 21-Apr-87 23:09:44 +atomino.mus
    9432    4205 55.4% 21-Apr-87 23:11:36 +atomix.mus
    6648    2292 65.5% 21-Apr-87 23:41:56 +axelf.mus
    5904    2120 64.0% 21-Apr-87 23:48:02 +bach.mus
    8912    2693 69.7% 21-Apr-87 23:44:16 +chambscp.mus
   15874    4009 74.7% 21-Apr-87 23:12:52 +charts_4.mus
   12800    3654 71.4% 21-Apr-87 23:48:32 +circus10.mus
    8127    3652 55.0% 29-May-85 16:42:00 +confed_2.mus
    7380    2572 65.1% 21-Apr-87 23:12:08 +cud_bs.mus
    5984    2342 60.8% 21-Apr-87 23:12:12 +cud_eh.mus
    6040    2292 62.0% 21-Apr-87 23:11:58 +cud_mm.mus
    5736    2256 60.6% 21-Apr-87 23:12:02 +cud_res.mus
    6897    3572 48.2% 29-May-85 16:42:08 +dragon_5.mus
    4550    2614 42.5% 21-Apr-87 23:09:22 +end_land.mus
    3774    1557 58.7% 29-May-85 16:39:12 +gbdata1
    3927    2612 33.4% 29-May-85 16:39:18 +gbdata2
    2992    1464 51.0% 29-May-85 16:39:24 +gbdata3
    3195    1412 55.8% 29-May-85 16:39:28 +gbdata4
    3806    1806 52.5% 29-May-85 16:39:34 +gbdata5
    3926    1803 54.0% 29-May-85 16:39:38 +gbdata6
    5835    3326 42.9% 29-May-85 16:39:44 +gbdata7
    5985    3532 40.9% 21-Apr-87 23:11:58 +greatc2.mus
    4196    2544 39.3% 18-Feb-92 23:13:20 +high_scr.mus
    5310    2834 46.6% 18-Feb-92 23:12:42 +in_game1.mus
    5306    2739 48.3% 18-Feb-92 23:12:48 +in_game2.mus
    4677    2696 42.3% 29-May-85 16:41:46 +in_game3.mus
   13222    6152 53.4% 21-Apr-87 23:12:22 +jamb_10.mus
    9285    4346 53.1% 21-Apr-87 23:00:42 +jamb_2.mus
    6329    2832 55.2% 21-Apr-87 23:09:40 +land_lv3.mus
    4997    2674 46.4% 21-Apr-87 23:10:06 +land_tcb.mus
    7376    2618 64.5% 21-Apr-87 23:12:28 +larrymnu.mus
    3526    2203 37.5% 29-May-85 16:34:36 +loader.mus
    5872    2235 61.9% 21-Apr-87 23:45:24 +maddy2.mus
    8192    3050 62.7% 21-Apr-87 23:46:08 +maddy3.mus
    4778    2818 41.0% 21-Apr-87 23:47:08 +maddy4.mus
    6822    3540 48.1% 21-Apr-87 23:49:06 +maddy5.mus
    5668    2229 60.6% 21-Apr-87 23:50:30 +maddy6.mus
    8398    2669 68.2% 21-Apr-87 23:53:02 +maddy7.mus
    5402    2136 60.4% 21-Apr-87 23:11:52 +maddy9.mus
    8348    3511 57.9% 21-Apr-87 23:03:30 +maddya.mus
    3610    2178 39.6% 18-Feb-92 23:13:00 +mainmenu.mus
    3392    2173 35.9% 21-Apr-87 23:12:38 +medusa1.mus
    6468    2991 53.7% 21-Apr-87 23:12:42 +medusa2.mus
    9449    2885 69.4% 21-Apr-87 23:27:00 +mindbmm.mus
    3922    1305 66.7% 29-May-85 16:56:48 +multi.s
    5548    2991 46.0% 29-May-85 16:34:44 +no_sheep.mus
   10450    5010 52.0% 21-Apr-87 23:01:10 +pablo.mus
    5610    3143 43.9% 21-Apr-87 23:01:18 +rings2.mus
    8810    4527 48.6% 21-Apr-87 23:01:02 +rings2_1.mus
    3460    2170 37.2% 18-Feb-92 23:13:14 +s_fx.mus
   17716    8108 54.2% 21-Apr-87 23:13:00 +shaolin.mus
    4634    2432 47.5% 21-Apr-87 23:13:06 +shaolin2.mus
    4778    2706 43.3% 21-Apr-87 23:13:12 +shaolin3.mus
    5256    2063 60.7% 21-Apr-87 23:13:28 +sowhat2.mus
   12190    3331 72.6% 21-Apr-87 23:13:32 +sowhat3.mus
    3824    2300 39.8% 21-Apr-87 23:01:26 +synres.mus
    6818    3851 43.5% 21-Apr-87 23:03:22 +thunderb.mus
    3920    2178 44.4% 21-Apr-87 23:42:50 +turload.mus
    8129    2604 67.9% 21-Apr-87 23:05:12 +warp1.mus
    8336    4774 42.7% 21-Apr-87 23:14:06 +warp2.mus
    7460    3287 55.9% 21-Apr-87 23:02:06 +wodlev1.mus
    9032    3812 57.7% 21-Apr-87 23:02:14 +wodlev2.mus
    8766    3613 58.7% 21-Apr-87 23:02:22 +wodlev3.mus
    6724    2985 55.6% 21-Apr-87 23:01:58 +wodlev4.mus
    7502    3252 56.6% 21-Apr-87 23:01:52 +wodlev5.mus
    4808    2172 54.8% 29-May-85 16:36:34 +wodmain.mus
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  450549  198527 55.9% 18-Oct-100 21:20:16   67 files

Operation successful.

Contents of mods/chip/JochenHippelST.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 2995    6012  49.8% -lh5- 8fde May 29  1985 Hippel-ST/ashtray.mus
[generic]                 3080    8497  36.2% -lh5- 4db0 Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/atomino.mus
[generic]                 4205    9432  44.6% -lh5- 7865 Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/atomix.mus
[generic]                 2292    6648  34.5% -lh5- 0f45 Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/axelf.mus
[generic]                 2120    5904  35.9% -lh5- 801a Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/bach.mus
[generic]                 2693    8912  30.2% -lh5- ee8d Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/chambscp.mus
[generic]                 4009   15874  25.3% -lh5- 5e8e Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/charts_4.mus
[generic]                 3654   12800  28.5% -lh5- 6d74 Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/circus10.mus
[generic]                 3652    8127  44.9% -lh5- d22f May 29  1985 Hippel-ST/confed_2.mus
[generic]                 2572    7380  34.9% -lh5- 7c8c Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/cud_bs.mus
[generic]                 2342    5984  39.1% -lh5- 55c8 Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/cud_eh.mus
[generic]                 2292    6040  37.9% -lh5- 230a Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/cud_mm.mus
[generic]                 2256    5736  39.3% -lh5- 3e54 Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/cud_res.mus
[generic]                 3572    6897  51.8% -lh5- e7be May 29  1985 Hippel-ST/dragon_5.mus
[generic]                 2614    4550  57.5% -lh5- cb28 Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/end_land.mus
[generic]                 1557    3774  41.3% -lh5- 7ab1 May 29  1985 Hippel-ST/gbdata1
[generic]                 2612    3927  66.5% -lh5- 24a4 May 29  1985 Hippel-ST/gbdata2
[generic]                 1464    2992  48.9% -lh5- 0094 May 29  1985 Hippel-ST/gbdata3
[generic]                 1412    3195  44.2% -lh5- eb48 May 29  1985 Hippel-ST/gbdata4
[generic]                 1806    3806  47.5% -lh5- e6a0 May 29  1985 Hippel-ST/gbdata5
[generic]                 1803    3926  45.9% -lh5- e4cb May 29  1985 Hippel-ST/gbdata6
[generic]                 3326    5835  57.0% -lh5- e6c5 May 29  1985 Hippel-ST/gbdata7
[generic]                 3532    5985  59.0% -lh5- 1303 Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/greatc2.mus
[generic]                 2544    4196  60.6% -lh5- 8689 Feb 18  1992 Hippel-ST/high_scr.mus
[generic]                 2834    5310  53.4% -lh5- 63fd Feb 18  1992 Hippel-ST/in_game1.mus
[generic]                 2739    5306  51.6% -lh5- 829c Feb 18  1992 Hippel-ST/in_game2.mus
[generic]                 2696    4677  57.6% -lh5- 187e May 29  1985 Hippel-ST/in_game3.mus
[generic]                 6152   13222  46.5% -lh5- b5dc Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/jamb_10.mus
[generic]                 4346    9285  46.8% -lh5- dca9 Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/jamb_2.mus
[generic]                 2832    6329  44.7% -lh5- df66 Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/land_lv3.mus
[generic]                 2674    4997  53.5% -lh5- c921 Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/land_tcb.mus
[generic]                 2618    7376  35.5% -lh5- 1118 Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/larrymnu.mus
[generic]                 2203    3526  62.5% -lh5- 1ef6 May 29  1985 Hippel-ST/loader.mus
[generic]                 2235    5872  38.1% -lh5- 1c28 Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/maddy2.mus
[generic]                 3050    8192  37.2% -lh5- 8b63 Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/maddy3.mus
[generic]                 2818    4778  59.0% -lh5- c3dc Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/maddy4.mus
[generic]                 3540    6822  51.9% -lh5- dc07 Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/maddy5.mus
[generic]                 2229    5668  39.3% -lh5- 2d96 Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/maddy6.mus
[generic]                 2669    8398  31.8% -lh5- 5b86 Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/maddy7.mus
[generic]                 2136    5402  39.5% -lh5- b34d Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/maddy9.mus
[generic]                 3511    8348  42.1% -lh5- 0bd3 Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/maddya.mus
[generic]                 2178    3610  60.3% -lh5- 261b Feb 18  1992 Hippel-ST/mainmenu.mus
[generic]                 2173    3392  64.1% -lh5- 2851 Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/medusa1.mus
[generic]                 2991    6468  46.2% -lh5- 3ec3 Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/medusa2.mus
[generic]                 2885    9449  30.5% -lh5- 16e1 Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/mindbmm.mus
[generic]                 1305    3922  33.3% -lh5- d314 May 29  1985 Hippel-ST/multi.s
[generic]                 2991    5548  53.9% -lh5- 33a8 May 29  1985 Hippel-ST/no_sheep.mus
[generic]                 5010   10450  47.9% -lh5- 519f Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/pablo.mus
[generic]                 3143    5610  56.0% -lh5- e837 Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/rings2.mus
[generic]                 4527    8810  51.4% -lh5- 298a Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/rings2_1.mus
[generic]                 2170    3460  62.7% -lh5- cfb7 Feb 18  1992 Hippel-ST/s_fx.mus
[generic]                 8108   17716  45.8% -lh5- c63f Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/shaolin.mus
[generic]                 2432    4634  52.5% -lh5- a2fc Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/shaolin2.mus
[generic]                 2706    4778  56.6% -lh5- ce7a Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/shaolin3.mus
[generic]                 2063    5256  39.3% -lh5- 56f9 Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/sowhat2.mus
[generic]                 3331   12190  27.3% -lh5- 090c Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/sowhat3.mus
[generic]                 2300    3824  60.1% -lh5- 90ff Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/synres.mus
[generic]                 3851    6818  56.5% -lh5- ef17 Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/thunderb.mus
[generic]                 2178    3920  55.6% -lh5- 3f67 Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/turload.mus
[generic]                 2604    8129  32.0% -lh5- c59e Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/warp1.mus
[generic]                 4774    8336  57.3% -lh5- b1c3 Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/warp2.mus
[generic]                 3287    7460  44.1% -lh5- bc94 Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/wodlev1.mus
[generic]                 3812    9032  42.2% -lh5- f70f Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/wodlev2.mus
[generic]                 3613    8766  41.2% -lh5- 2e7a Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/wodlev3.mus
[generic]                 2985    6724  44.4% -lh5- 5001 Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/wodlev4.mus
[generic]                 3252    7502  43.3% -lh5- 6843 Apr 21  1987 Hippel-ST/wodlev5.mus
[generic]                 2172    4808  45.2% -lh5- b54e May 29  1985 Hippel-ST/wodmain.mus
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        67 files  198527  450549  44.1%            Oct 21  2000
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