84794 packages online
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Many of these samples originate from the collection of Tony Horgan from
CU Amiga. Thanks to him!
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
478 445 6.9% 09-Jan-80 17:08:08 +808Block
706 580 17.8% 13-Sep-95 15:30:24 +909ClosedMk2
20576 17690 14.0% 13-Sep-95 15:25:34 +909Crash
9258 6673 27.9% 22-Mar-94 11:29:02 +909Open
16024 11187 30.1% 26-Nov-90 23:16:18 +Beng
5196 5045 2.9% 13-Sep-95 15:34:00 +ClapKickE3
10542 5096 51.6% 09-Jan-80 17:08:08 +Clave
12910 10727 16.9% 02-Sep-92 13:55:10 +CowbellEcho
9616 4275 55.5% 13-Sep-95 15:35:02 +CowBellG3
14888 5241 64.7% 05-Jun-92 18:58:42 +Drums
4048 2829 30.1% 09-May-96 21:03:48 +PercAgog
2100 1128 46.2% 01-Aug-93 18:34:18 +ProteusBlock
1648 1165 29.3% 01-Aug-93 18:36:26 +ProteusZip
9226 5597 39.3% 01-Aug-93 18:37:22 +ProteusZip2
5260 2178 58.5% 13-Sep-95 15:49:02 +Rimmer
2648 1512 42.9% 13-Sep-95 15:44:14 +Rimshot
3122 2224 28.7% 22-Jul-93 17:36:06 +SnapercBlip
3302 1983 39.9% 22-Jul-93 17:35:34 +SnapercBlip2
3584 1939 45.8% 22-Jul-93 17:36:58 +SnapercBluup
6552 5090 22.3% 22-Jul-93 17:48:54 +SnapFunnyBoing
5744 4652 19.0% 22-Jul-93 17:42:14 +SnapPercAh
3468 2239 35.4% 13-Sep-95 15:46:48 +TibetanRim
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
150896 99495 34.0% 10-May-96 02:26:34 22 files
Contents of mods/inst/DrumMisc.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 445 478 93.1% -lh5- 0ee7 Jan 9 1980 DrumMisc/808Block
[generic] 580 706 82.2% -lh5- 023d Sep 13 1995 DrumMisc/909ClosedMk2
[generic] 17690 20576 86.0% -lh5- 8bb8 Sep 13 1995 DrumMisc/909Crash
[generic] 6673 9258 72.1% -lh5- b055 Mar 22 1994 DrumMisc/909Open
[generic] 11187 16024 69.8% -lh5- 7cfd Nov 26 1990 DrumMisc/Beng
[generic] 5045 5196 97.1% -lh5- ea8d Sep 13 1995 DrumMisc/ClapKickE3
[generic] 5096 10542 48.3% -lh5- 9486 Jan 9 1980 DrumMisc/Clave
[generic] 10727 12910 83.1% -lh5- a3e1 Sep 2 1992 DrumMisc/CowbellEcho
[generic] 4275 9616 44.5% -lh5- 13b8 Sep 13 1995 DrumMisc/CowBellG3
[generic] 5241 14888 35.2% -lh5- dda2 Jun 5 1992 DrumMisc/Drums
[generic] 2829 4048 69.9% -lh5- 6d55 May 9 1996 DrumMisc/PercAgog
[generic] 1128 2100 53.7% -lh5- 653e Aug 1 1993 DrumMisc/ProteusBlock
[generic] 1165 1648 70.7% -lh5- 53d5 Aug 1 1993 DrumMisc/ProteusZip
[generic] 5597 9226 60.7% -lh5- 1b53 Aug 1 1993 DrumMisc/ProteusZip2
[generic] 2178 5260 41.4% -lh5- bf80 Sep 13 1995 DrumMisc/Rimmer
[generic] 1512 2648 57.1% -lh5- 05f8 Sep 13 1995 DrumMisc/Rimshot
[generic] 2224 3122 71.2% -lh5- e06c Jul 22 1993 DrumMisc/SnapercBlip
[generic] 1983 3302 60.1% -lh5- 467c Jul 22 1993 DrumMisc/SnapercBlip2
[generic] 1939 3584 54.1% -lh5- 9288 Jul 22 1993 DrumMisc/SnapercBluup
[generic] 5090 6552 77.7% -lh5- 9226 Jul 22 1993 DrumMisc/SnapFunnyBoing
[generic] 4652 5744 81.0% -lh5- 50d0 Jul 22 1993 DrumMisc/SnapPercAh
[generic] 2239 3468 64.6% -lh5- c8d8 Sep 13 1995 DrumMisc/TibetanRim
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 22 files 99495 150896 65.9% Mar 2 1996
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