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Download:mods/inst/FX.lha - View contents

Many of these samples originate from the collection of Tony Horgan from
CU Amiga. Thanks to him!

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    8766    8003  8.7% 09-Jan-80 03:47:48 +3TekLoop
    9192    8389  8.7% 09-Jan-80 03:47:44 +AlienOrgasm
    6812    5733 15.8% 13-Sep-95 15:49:30 +AndroidTalk1
   16706   11971 28.3% 13-Sep-95 15:49:40 +AndroidTalk2
    2390    1835 23.2% 05-Jun-92 17:55:22 +Bark
    3232    2724 15.7% 26-Nov-90 23:16:20 +BoingSnd
    6202    4998 19.4% 13-Sep-95 15:50:10 +BoostersEngage
   10924    9779 10.4% 13-Sep-95 15:50:26 +BridgeConsole
   31062   15392 50.4% 05-Jun-92 17:59:06 +Bubbles
   12522    4867 61.1% 05-Jun-92 18:02:18 +Chirp
   12594   10780 14.4% 02-Sep-92 12:57:24 +CircuitOverloa
   21784   15495 28.8% 05-Jun-92 18:11:20 +Computer
   12708    6495 48.8% 05-Jun-92 18:18:24 +Crash
   15546    9558 38.5% 26-Nov-90 23:06:42 +CrashSnd
    2160    1544 28.5% 13-Sep-95 15:50:46 +CruiseControlP
    6436    4769 25.9% 05-Jun-92 18:19:16 +Cuckoo
   17514    7871 55.0% 05-Jun-92 18:58:16 +Doorbell
     642     545 15.1% 05-Jun-92 18:58:30 +Drip
   14216   13555  4.6% 13-Sep-95 15:52:16 +EngineRoom
    1796    1318 26.6% 05-Jun-92 19:00:16 +Fastbusy
   27198   25010  8.0% 13-Sep-95 15:52:30 +FireUp
   43830   30833 29.6% 05-Jun-92 19:01:02 +Flush
    3046    2695 11.5% 13-Sep-95 15:52:44 +Galactiphone
   41936   23858 43.1% 05-Jun-92 19:03:02 +Gong
   12944    7216 44.2% 05-Jun-92 18:20:10 +Goofed
    9532    6047 36.5% 05-Jun-92 19:05:20 +Hammer
    3448    2869 16.7% 26-Nov-90 23:07:00 +Helisnd1
    6468    5671 12.3% 13-Sep-95 15:53:04 +Incoming
   12286   11160  9.1% 13-Sep-95 15:53:20 +Inferno
   21520   18100 15.8% 09-May-96 23:08:02 +Intruder
    8928    6841 23.3% 13-Sep-95 15:54:24 +LittleBlip
   10034    9380  6.5% 13-Sep-95 15:54:40 +LostInSpace
    9748    9276  4.8% 09-May-96 23:08:04 +Mechanic
   12336    8966 27.3% 09-May-96 23:08:06 +Neweffec
    4304    3395 21.1% 13-Sep-95 15:57:56 +RadarActive
   15360   14245  7.2% 13-Sep-95 15:58:12 +RedAlert1
    5330    4438 16.7% 13-Sep-95 15:58:26 +RedAlert2
    3288    2933 10.7% 13-Sep-95 15:58:40 +RedAlert3
   14732   11113 24.5% 05-Jun-92 19:06:18 +Rooster
   11874    8972 24.4% 13-Sep-95 15:58:54 +Rumble1
    9826    7252 26.1% 13-Sep-95 15:59:06 +Rumble2
   17934   13417 25.1% 13-Sep-95 15:59:24 +Scratchin
   53042   32932 37.9% 05-Jun-92 19:08:00 +Sheep
   11116    2268 79.5% 02-Sep-92 12:49:28 +Skweeks
   16240   12605 22.3% 13-Sep-95 15:59:52 +SpaceCannon
   11966    9649 19.3% 13-Sep-95 16:00:24 +Spacelab
    9842    7749 21.2% 13-Sep-95 16:00:10 +SpaceWobble
    8906    3373 62.1% 05-Jun-92 19:09:36 +Splat
   14448    9611 33.4% 11-Jan-80 20:16:26 +Telephone
    1004     477 52.4% 05-Jun-92 19:10:34 +Touchtone0
     938     451 51.9% 05-Jun-92 19:10:50 +Touchtone1
    1032     355 65.6% 05-Jun-92 19:11:08 +Touchtone2
     984     512 47.9% 05-Jun-92 19:11:24 +Touchtone3
     998     562 43.6% 05-Jun-92 19:11:38 +Touchtone4
    1006     541 46.2% 05-Jun-92 19:11:56 +Touchtone5
    1038     441 57.5% 05-Jun-92 19:12:12 +Touchtone6
     966     562 41.8% 05-Jun-92 19:12:32 +Touchtone7
    1056     566 46.4% 05-Jun-92 19:12:56 +Touchtone8
     984     317 67.7% 05-Jun-92 19:13:10 +Touchtone9
     958     580 39.4% 05-Jun-92 19:13:36 +TouchtonePound
    1024     541 47.1% 05-Jun-92 19:13:58 +TouchtoneStar
   12862    9764 24.0% 05-Jun-92 19:14:42 +Train
    9680    8555 11.6% 26-Nov-90 22:49:14 +Tropical
   42102   36722 12.7% 13-Sep-95 16:01:00 +UpPeriscope
    9894    7760 21.5% 09-May-96 23:08:28 +Warp
    8902    7205 19.0% 09-May-96 23:08:28 +Water1
   10858    5700 47.5% 05-Jun-92 19:15:58 +Whistle
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  750952  539106 28.2% 10-May-96 02:27:14   67 files

Contents of mods/inst/FX.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 8003    8766  91.3% -lh5- f659 Jan  9  1980 FX/3TekLoop
[generic]                 8389    9192  91.3% -lh5- fe40 Jan  9  1980 FX/AlienOrgasm
[generic]                 5733    6812  84.2% -lh5- 2a5c Sep 13  1995 FX/AndroidTalk1
[generic]                11971   16706  71.7% -lh5- 1760 Sep 13  1995 FX/AndroidTalk2
[generic]                 1835    2390  76.8% -lh5- 2090 Jun  5  1992 FX/Bark
[generic]                 2724    3232  84.3% -lh5- 3382 Nov 26  1990 FX/BoingSnd
[generic]                 4998    6202  80.6% -lh5- a424 Sep 13  1995 FX/BoostersEngage
[generic]                 9779   10924  89.5% -lh5- d03e Sep 13  1995 FX/BridgeConsole
[generic]                15392   31062  49.6% -lh5- 1e62 Jun  5  1992 FX/Bubbles
[generic]                 4867   12522  38.9% -lh5- 18ae Jun  5  1992 FX/Chirp
[generic]                10780   12594  85.6% -lh5- 5ebf Sep  2  1992 FX/CircuitOverloa
[generic]                15495   21784  71.1% -lh5- 683b Jun  5  1992 FX/Computer
[generic]                 6495   12708  51.1% -lh5- 4c9e Jun  5  1992 FX/Crash
[generic]                 9558   15546  61.5% -lh5- c1d8 Nov 26  1990 FX/CrashSnd
[generic]                 1544    2160  71.5% -lh5- f08d Sep 13  1995 FX/CruiseControlP
[generic]                 4769    6436  74.1% -lh5- 0fe9 Jun  5  1992 FX/Cuckoo
[generic]                 7871   17514  44.9% -lh5- 63d6 Jun  5  1992 FX/Doorbell
[generic]                  545     642  84.9% -lh5- ba7a Jun  5  1992 FX/Drip
[generic]                13555   14216  95.4% -lh5- c44f Sep 13  1995 FX/EngineRoom
[generic]                 1318    1796  73.4% -lh5- fc65 Jun  5  1992 FX/Fastbusy
[generic]                25010   27198  92.0% -lh5- d915 Sep 13  1995 FX/FireUp
[generic]                30833   43830  70.3% -lh5- f976 Jun  5  1992 FX/Flush
[generic]                 2695    3046  88.5% -lh5- 6eda Sep 13  1995 FX/Galactiphone
[generic]                23858   41936  56.9% -lh5- 59d9 Jun  5  1992 FX/Gong
[generic]                 7216   12944  55.7% -lh5- 949b Jun  5  1992 FX/Goofed
[generic]                 6047    9532  63.4% -lh5- 1b98 Jun  5  1992 FX/Hammer
[generic]                 2869    3448  83.2% -lh5- 0ee1 Nov 26  1990 FX/Helisnd1
[generic]                 5671    6468  87.7% -lh5- a1e1 Sep 13  1995 FX/Incoming
[generic]                11160   12286  90.8% -lh5- 0e11 Sep 13  1995 FX/Inferno
[generic]                18100   21520  84.1% -lh5- 5707 May  9  1996 FX/Intruder
[generic]                 6841    8928  76.6% -lh5- 498f Sep 13  1995 FX/LittleBlip
[generic]                 9380   10034  93.5% -lh5- 42f9 Sep 13  1995 FX/LostInSpace
[generic]                 9276    9748  95.2% -lh5- cc57 May  9  1996 FX/Mechanic
[generic]                 8966   12336  72.7% -lh5- 7441 May  9  1996 FX/Neweffec
[generic]                 3395    4304  78.9% -lh5- 179b Sep 13  1995 FX/RadarActive
[generic]                14245   15360  92.7% -lh5- ca32 Sep 13  1995 FX/RedAlert1
[generic]                 4438    5330  83.3% -lh5- 6bd5 Sep 13  1995 FX/RedAlert2
[generic]                 2933    3288  89.2% -lh5- 2978 Sep 13  1995 FX/RedAlert3
[generic]                11113   14732  75.4% -lh5- a64a Jun  5  1992 FX/Rooster
[generic]                 8972   11874  75.6% -lh5- 39ec Sep 13  1995 FX/Rumble1
[generic]                 7252    9826  73.8% -lh5- 74bc Sep 13  1995 FX/Rumble2
[generic]                13417   17934  74.8% -lh5- be81 Sep 13  1995 FX/Scratchin
[generic]                32932   53042  62.1% -lh5- 698b Jun  5  1992 FX/Sheep
[generic]                 2268   11116  20.4% -lh5- f0c1 Sep  2  1992 FX/Skweeks
[generic]                12605   16240  77.6% -lh5- 24eb Sep 13  1995 FX/SpaceCannon
[generic]                 9649   11966  80.6% -lh5- 61e9 Sep 13  1995 FX/Spacelab
[generic]                 7749    9842  78.7% -lh5- 1626 Sep 13  1995 FX/SpaceWobble
[generic]                 3373    8906  37.9% -lh5- 7a22 Jun  5  1992 FX/Splat
[generic]                 9611   14448  66.5% -lh5- 0470 Jan 11  1980 FX/Telephone
[generic]                  477    1004  47.5% -lh5- f867 Jun  5  1992 FX/Touchtone0
[generic]                  451     938  48.1% -lh5- c225 Jun  5  1992 FX/Touchtone1
[generic]                  355    1032  34.4% -lh5- b815 Jun  5  1992 FX/Touchtone2
[generic]                  512     984  52.0% -lh5- e9c0 Jun  5  1992 FX/Touchtone3
[generic]                  562     998  56.3% -lh5- cb35 Jun  5  1992 FX/Touchtone4
[generic]                  541    1006  53.8% -lh5- 36a6 Jun  5  1992 FX/Touchtone5
[generic]                  441    1038  42.5% -lh5- d5b8 Jun  5  1992 FX/Touchtone6
[generic]                  562     966  58.2% -lh5- 40ce Jun  5  1992 FX/Touchtone7
[generic]                  566    1056  53.6% -lh5- 4b27 Jun  5  1992 FX/Touchtone8
[generic]                  317     984  32.2% -lh5- 3b54 Jun  5  1992 FX/Touchtone9
[generic]                  580     958  60.5% -lh5- 7f78 Jun  5  1992 FX/TouchtonePound
[generic]                  541    1024  52.8% -lh5- 8c96 Jun  5  1992 FX/TouchtoneStar
[generic]                 9764   12862  75.9% -lh5- 2050 Jun  5  1992 FX/Train
[generic]                 8555    9680  88.4% -lh5- 9aaf Nov 26  1990 FX/Tropical
[generic]                36722   42102  87.2% -lh5- c49c Sep 13  1995 FX/UpPeriscope
[generic]                 7760    9894  78.4% -lh5- 1bc8 May  9  1996 FX/Warp
[generic]                 7205    8902  80.9% -lh5- ccab May  9  1996 FX/Water1
[generic]                 5700   10858  52.5% -lh5- c4a8 Jun  5  1992 FX/Whistle
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        67 files  539106  750952  71.8%            Mar  2  1996
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