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Short: | ST-70 - Sampledisk for Trackerbased Composer Software |
Author: | a lot people :) |
Uploader: | Finn Jacobs <fjacobs computerlabor math uni-kiel de> |
Type: | mods/inst |
Architecture: | generic |
Date: | 1997-07-12 |
Download: | mods/inst/st-70.lha - View contents | Readme: | mods/inst/st-70.readme |
Downloads: | 3227 |
This Samplesdisk is one of a big sample library. This big library contains
of various contents.
Most of the samples are saved in the IFF-Format, but have no additional ex-
tension to their filename. The samples not saved in the format mentioned above
are saved in RAW-Format. I think nearly every Tracker can load this both for-
mats, so you don't have to get a headache about that ;-)
The samples on the disks are not sorted to their contents, so I had a fine
easy job, just copying them to disk, instead of listening and sorting to a
special directory. I most cases I tried to explain the contents in the file-
name, e.g. sx-bdrum, sx-vocal, sx-sdrum etc. You see, bdrum means the base-
drum and sdrum means the snaredrum. You won't have any probs with that, I
guess, especially when you already composing music. Well, just sampling new
one would be better for profi composers, but receycling is better, even.
Contents of mods/inst/st-70.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 3630 5212 69.6% -lh5- 1e41 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/aha-bassdrum
[generic] 2423 5176 46.8% -lh5- 7b54 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/aha-hihat
[generic] 3131 5038 62.1% -lh5- 56a0 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/aha-hihop
[generic] 5219 7192 72.6% -lh5- dd82 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/aha-snare
[generic] 6038 10754 56.1% -lh5- bdc9 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/bd1b
[generic] 11911 13212 90.2% -lh5- 3c29 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/bp3 (a#->c)
[generic] 18444 20482 90.0% -lh5- a05e Jun 25 1997 ST-70/choir
[generic] 626 626 100.0% -lh0- 6452 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/cowbell91
[generic] 22369 31132 71.9% -lh5- 4804 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/cut1d
[generic] 71 128 55.5% -lh5- 3432 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/cybernetic
[generic] 2884 5062 57.0% -lh5- a852 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/dbass2
[generic] 3027 5032 60.2% -lh5- d36c Jun 25 1997 ST-70/Dry
[generic] 2818 4542 62.0% -lh5- 3552 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/elfbass
[generic] 5407 8894 60.8% -lh5- edb4 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/elfflute
[generic] 13915 16354 85.1% -lh5- 4243 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/elfpiano1
[generic] 15370 21540 71.4% -lh5- 73f2 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/elfpiano2
[generic] 2233 2368 94.3% -lh5- e392 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/enson1
[generic] 3413 4050 84.3% -lh5- e48e Jun 25 1997 ST-70/ga !
[generic] 3821 4738 80.6% -lh5- 1434 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/genesis-gtr2
[generic] 5389 6096 88.4% -lh5- 977d Jun 25 1997 ST-70/genesis-gtr3
[generic] 19288 23650 81.6% -lh5- 4965 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/git3
[generic] 17318 18850 91.9% -lh5- e004 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/guitarheavy
[generic] 5015 8060 62.2% -lh5- 4cf8 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/guitarman
[generic] 4394 5320 82.6% -lh5- e80a Jun 25 1997 ST-70/hah !
[generic] 2429 3078 78.9% -lh5- b1f3 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/HandDrum
[generic] 3226 3476 92.8% -lh5- ea27 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/haw !
[generic] 896 1238 72.4% -lh5- 8f29 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/hihatcl2
[generic] 17959 26380 68.1% -lh5- 2d9f Jun 25 1997 ST-70/k2b
[generic] 1483 2116 70.1% -lh5- 4b38 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/kick
[generic] 2502 3422 73.1% -lh5- 8e30 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/kickacid1
[generic] 2103 2286 92.0% -lh5- 6592 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/krd1
[generic] 2035 2202 92.4% -lh5- 255f Jun 25 1997 ST-70/krd2
[generic] 3726 5696 65.4% -lh5- c052 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/legend-ants
[generic] 990 1102 89.8% -lh5- 3cf0 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/legend-banzai
[generic] 4223 6024 70.1% -lh5- 2eb6 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/legend-bass
[generic] 961 1292 74.4% -lh5- caef Jun 25 1997 ST-70/legend-bdrum
[generic] 2472 2974 83.1% -lh5- 501e Jun 25 1997 ST-70/legend-bdrum2
[generic] 4498 6186 72.7% -lh5- 170c Jun 25 1997 ST-70/legend-dmpiano
[generic] 2935 3400 86.3% -lh5- d3a3 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/legend-snare
[generic] 9239 9964 92.7% -lh5- 3005 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/legend-wizstr2
[generic] 13768 21798 63.2% -lh5- b633 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/m1-piano
[generic] 4712 5422 86.9% -lh5- 96bd Jun 25 1997 ST-70/m1-syn1.maj
[generic] 3700 4432 83.5% -lh5- 0182 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/m1-syn1.min
[generic] 2991 3706 80.7% -lh5- a467 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/m1-syn1.min-
[generic] 4690 5438 86.2% -lh5- 9156 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/m1-syn2.maj
[generic] 3508 4534 77.4% -lh5- 8494 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/m1-syn2.min
[generic] 2932 3700 79.2% -lh5- 6f2a Jun 25 1997 ST-70/m1-syn2.min-
[generic] 8061 9048 89.1% -lh5- 16df Jun 25 1997 ST-70/night-a#2nd
[generic] 1284 1420 90.4% -lh5- 1d10 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/night-bassthick
[generic] 688 688 100.0% -lh0- cb69 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/night-bdrum(2n)
[generic] 2082 2856 72.9% -lh5- 7f81 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/night-bepp
[generic] 8571 10890 78.7% -lh5- 9931 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/night-cello
[generic] 14378 15672 91.7% -lh5- 3816 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/night-d#2nd
[generic] 15276 17278 88.4% -lh5- 627b Jun 25 1997 ST-70/night-f#2nd
[generic] 16236 18460 88.0% -lh5- b4ed Jun 25 1997 ST-70/night-g#1stmin
[generic] 263 382 68.8% -lh5- 13b6 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/night-hihat(2n)
[generic] 10357 13822 74.9% -lh5- 2158 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/night-lcymbal
[generic] 7186 10416 69.0% -lh5- d916 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/night-nightmare
[generic] 4648 5098 91.2% -lh5- c05f Jun 25 1997 ST-70/night-snare
[generic] 1912 2280 83.9% -lh5- cc15 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/night-snare(2n)
[generic] 2788 3572 78.1% -lh5- b8c7 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/night-tom1
[generic] 17458 22394 78.0% -lh5- bdc1 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/night-waterii
[generic] 540 674 80.1% -lh5- 784a Jun 25 1997 ST-70/night-woodblock
[generic] 146 146 100.0% -lh0- 48a4 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/nightchipa#3rd
[generic] 28 32 87.5% -lh5- b3d7 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/nightchipf#2nd
[generic] 32 32 100.0% -lh0- eb6c Jun 25 1997 ST-70/nightchipf#3rd
[generic] 48 48 100.0% -lh0- 6397 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/nightchipg#2nd
[generic] 2996 3724 80.5% -lh5- 688b Jun 25 1997 ST-70/oboe2
[generic] 4148 5186 80.0% -lh5- 50d9 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/onslaughtbass
[generic] 4209 6764 62.2% -lh5- 28c7 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/PERCa
[generic] 1533 1784 85.9% -lh5- 4e48 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/peter-ping
[generic] 4779 5548 86.1% -lh5- 543e Jun 25 1997 ST-70/peter-saw2
[generic] 10774 12162 88.6% -lh5- 8a41 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/phasemajor.ss
[generic] 11042 12202 90.5% -lh5- c313 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/phaseminor.ss
[generic] 2523 3514 71.8% -lh5- c614 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/pik1
[generic] 1245 1566 79.5% -lh5- 1839 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/pithitfloor.ss
[generic] 1000 1118 89.4% -lh5- bfd0 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/pithurt1.ss
[generic] 1470 1726 85.2% -lh5- 1bb3 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/pitpowerpill.ss
[generic] 968 1086 89.1% -lh5- cbea Jun 25 1997 ST-70/pitpunch1.ss
[generic] 1645 1790 91.9% -lh5- 4b95 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/pitsmashcrate.s
[generic] 510 638 79.9% -lh5- f517 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/pitswipe.ss
[generic] 8060 15080 53.4% -lh5- 00cf Jun 25 1997 ST-70/pss480git3
[generic] 12402 14826 83.7% -lh5- 3b26 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/round2
[generic] 3383 5022 67.4% -lh5- 8ea3 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/s1
[generic] 3212 4622 69.5% -lh5- 08dc Jun 25 1997 ST-70/s2
[generic] 8681 14178 61.2% -lh5- cb3f Jun 25 1997 ST-70/sn1b
[generic] 693 810 85.6% -lh5- d4f3 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/snareacid89
[generic] 796 896 88.8% -lh5- 6753 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/snareindie1
[generic] 11460 13156 87.1% -lh5- 24fd Jun 25 1997 ST-70/susguit
[generic] 1282 1430 89.7% -lh5- 8e48 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/sy77-jorg.ss
[generic] 669 736 90.9% -lh5- cec4 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/sy77-synbas.ss
[generic] 4460 5162 86.4% -lh5- 101e Jun 25 1997 ST-70/tchoun !
[generic] 4125 6198 66.6% -lh5- b50f Jun 25 1997 ST-70/thwack2
[generic] 30628 32238 95.0% -lh5- 04f5 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/top1c
[generic] 13830 15286 90.5% -lh5- bd43 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/top2c
[generic] 4709 5198 90.6% -lh5- 4d57 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/ubi !
[generic] 5416 8912 60.8% -lh5- d0cd Jun 25 1997 ST-70/vent
[generic] 1449 1882 77.0% -lh5- 32cd Jun 25 1997 ST-70/violin1
[generic] 1346 1736 77.5% -lh5- 501f Jun 25 1997 ST-70/violin3
[generic] 4397 5672 77.5% -lh5- 9bda Jun 25 1997 ST-70/violin4
[generic] 1704 2048 83.2% -lh5- c136 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/violin5
[generic] 5163 6864 75.2% -lh5- 6473 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/violin6
[generic] 21854 24980 87.5% -lh5- 3d99 Jun 25 1997 ST-70/vox1
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 103 files 586675 744322 78.8% Jul 12 1997
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