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Short:Classic Trance tune from Emulate
Uploader:Kicko <transplant home se>
Download:mods/kicko/loveletters.mp3 - View contents

This one as i remember i started making some time after my first girlfriend left me.
While i made this i come to think of how good i felt again.
The tune then was near 10 minutes long and i one question come up in my
mind.... Why haven't i released it on aminet after so many years ? So i decided
to make it shorter and redo some instruments as i didn't have a good backup
of the old ones. So this is it. 7:45 minutes long. I could make it even shorter but
i don't want to use more time on it when i can make new stuff instead.
I loved this tune back then and it was original.
The greatest memory that i made this tune for is when i and my girlfriend was
on a party/club here in Gothenburg at Packhus-kajjen. We felt really good and
a DJ played the older original party version of Children (Robert Miles) and a lot
of good music like that. It was like we were in some kind of heaven.
Not strange as we were in love and the music was great.
But now i'm little tired of this tune as i have listened to it a lot and redone it
alot. When you use too much time on one tune it sounds different for every time you
continue on it. Not much sounds like when i started on it.

So enjoy this tune, you can always email me if you like it as feedback....

Stuff we used for it:

Tune:         192kbps, stereo
Our Computer: A4000, AmigaOne G4Xe
Synthesizer:  Roland JD-800
Miditracker:  Tracks & Fields
MP3 encoder: Lame & TMPEGUI

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