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Short:AHI sample-editor, realtime effects
Author: koehlerthilo at (Thilo Köhler)
Uploader:support hd-rec de (Thilo Köhler)
Download:mus/edit/Samplemanager.lha - View contents

 1997-2005 by Thilo Köhler
Please email bug reports or suggestions to
See also for updates.


Samplemanager is a tool to convert and manipulate audio samples
in the Aegis Audiomaster style. It is RAM based, so
it is extremely fast but you need enough fast ram.
Special features are the Undo-History, many, fast and quality
realtime FX (100% assembler) like Compressor, Enhancer and
Autotune. It is meant to be a quick and easy editor with
some powerful but easy to understand features.
I stopped developing it because of some other more important
projects like the HD-Rec MIDI/audio sequencer, but bugreports
or suggestions are always welcome.


- any Amiga with OS 3.x and AHI 4+ installed.
- 8MB of free RAM (min 64MB if you want to edit songs in CD quality)
- thinpaz/8 font
- helvetica/13 font
- guigfx.library and render.library
- mpega.library for MP3 import


- reads/writes AIFF, WAV, MAUD, 8SVX, CDDA, RAW
- now reads also MP1/2/3
- realtime effects like compressor, stereo spreader, equalizer, auto tune ...
- audio editing (cut, copy, paste, zero ...)
- complete undo history


Unarchive the LHA file and copy the drawer "Samplemanager" wherever 
you want, e.g. "Work:". Samplemanager needs no assigns and uses no files 
outside this directory, except the thinpaz/8 and helvetica/13 font. If you
don`t have them in your FONTS: drawer then install these fonts (you find 
them also in this archive).

That`s all !


Sorry, no time for that. Find out by yourself. EMail me if you have some 

Last minute tipps:
- Have a look at the history window, it is very useful !
- If you want to save a sample in a different format like the one it was when 
   you loaded it in, you have to go into prefs and change the "save format" options.
   Otherwise it will be saved in the same format you have loaded it in.
- The "autotune" effect is a bit difficult to handle:
   * set "phases" always to 8 (slow material) or to 4 (for difficult and fast material)
   * set "fuzzy zone" higher if the material is too confused (blubbering). 
     More than 100% can produce wrong notes !
   * set "filter" to something between 5 and 30. The lower values are for more sharp 
     and difficult material.
- "Function is not implemented !" message is not dangerous, it only means that the
   function is not implemented ;-)
- Use the "Level" display in the main window to find a good value for threshold
   levels. Hold down the MB (like when ranging) and watch the "Level" following
   your mouse vertically. Find a good level where you want the compressor
   to take effect.
- make sure that the temporary path is set to a partition with lots of free space
   and it is a good idea to use your fastest drive.
- click on the "Show" button when there is no range will view the whole sample


- chorus is disabled (is not working bugfree)
- now opens only on WB
- needs at least 640x400 screen and has fixed GUI
- AHI recording is disabled (is not working bugfree)


- .aiff, .maud and .wav saver where broken
- Samplemanager will run even if the pattern picture is not loaded

- fixed a bug when the acutal size of a resampled sample was calculated slightly wrong
- if you resample, samplemanager will adjust the playback samplerate automatically
- added support for .adc files
- auto estimation of byteorder, signed/unsigned and mono/stereo if you load raw data
- fixed a bug in rendering graphic equalizer (thanks to Heinz Süss for bug-report)

- fixed a byte-order conversion bug when loading 24bit .wav files
- recompile with improved AmiBlitz2
- fixed a bug when sample was smaller than 560 sampleframes

- added tooltype "PubScreen" to make Samplemanager open on every public screen
- recomplile with bugfixed AmiBlitz2
- set limit to "timemachine" framesize (could crash with too low framesize)
- added support for loop and rootkey infomation in .wav files, so you can edit looped samples without loosing loop information
- fix a bug in saving the disk path

- added tooltypes
   * AHIUnit=... to set Samplemanagers AHI unit
   * PlayBuffer=... to set Samplemanagers playback buffer in ms
   * 68K_LockLayer=yes|no to toggle if layers.libbrary should be patched (benefit for AmigaOS3.x without MagicMenu)
- checked all filenames to work with case sensitive filesystems
- cached file reading for config file to gain some speed on startup
- MOS fix for String Gadgets
- changed small font from topaz/6 to thinpaz/8 (included in the archive)
- improved levelmeter to be more accurate and less flickering

- added "open as raw" loader to force raw data loading
- repalced 68K vblank code with timer.device, should now run under AOS4/MOS as well

- bumped version to 1.0
- some minor bugfixes
- uses locklayer() to continue audio output when menu is open
- increased memory limit to 1GB
- now you can use Samplemanager als external editor, it accepts filename as CLI parameter on startup

- removed all enforcer hits
- now releases obtained pens again
- some other small bugfixes

- improved speed of pattern blitting
- now switches to lower priority during longer calculations to not block the system
- added "load" button
- added "play from start" button
- startup early requester to indicate that Samplemanager is started

- speedup for start & exit
- added AHI recording (still alpha)
- removed foreward/rewind buttons as they did not work proper anyway
- added stop-play button
- added eject button
- added option in the menu to call the AHI prefs and reopen the ahi.device

- all realtime effects are switched off on startup to avoid confusion
- fixed: sometimes the autotune effect went realtime when another efect was activated
- now windows don't close if you render an effect - useful if you do many samples in a row
- fixed small bug in prefs window
- enhanced the V/U meter
- speeded up saving the button status on exit
- enhanced quality of volume change and feature to set volume higher than 100% (was broken before)
- enhanced error handling of mp3 loader (it is only asking once if an error occures)
- now uses a seperate path for save as
- load/save pathes are remembered on next session
- fixed the layout when screenfont is not Helvetica13
- added support for 24bit files (only reading)
- changed the format of the prefs and button files (sorry)

- fixed a serious bug in the colour remapping functions that could lead to crashes or wrong colours
- added option to switch undo on/off, it is very fast if you use no undo
- fixed bug in panorama and levelmeter, left & right channel were crossed
- optimized memory allocations and saved about 3MB of RAM
- fixed small bug in recognizing mpeg fileformat
- placed requesters in the screen center
- set gadtools sliders to new look style
- added some memory security checking in autotune effect

- added MP3 loader via mpega.library
- replaced old skin with 24bit skin "silver"
- runns now on workbench screen
- speedup for the background patterns
- uses now guigfx.library and render.library
- fixed bug in the "snap" function
- moved system samples to ProgDir:SysSamples for safety reasons
- added example sample
- increased y size for horizontal slider

- fixed a (non-serious) bug in the 8svx loader which was introduced in 0.10
- added shortcuts for menu functions

- replaced thinpaz/8 font to topaz6/8 because it is more usual
- fix a bug in the .wav saver for 8bit files
- added some security checks and better error messages if something goes wrong with the disk I/O
- now samplemanager lets about 1MB of fast memory free instead of 400kB

- replaced all file I/O functions to OS friendly calls in order to fix a very rare bug
- speedup for graphical waveform refresh

- fixed a bug in 8SVX saver/loader
- when the screen can not be opened on startup you will be asked for a new screenmode
- volume is now at maximum level, was only 1/4 before
- chorus is disabled for safety reasons (didn`t work anyway)
- small bugfix of the WAV loader (now checks if format is supported)
- big bugfix in AIFF loader/saver
- set the read/write buffer to 128kb (was 32kb) for speed improvement for disk I/O
- added a requester if you start Samplemanager for the very first time

- first public release


As I regard this project as finished nothing is planned except some bugfixes
if I have the time to do it.
If you have some audio files that Samplemanager can not load or save
correctly, I`m very interessted in fixing this problem because the
loader/saver routines are used in some other programs.

Contents of mus/edit/Samplemanager.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                   71    1564   4.5% -lh5- 2706 Dec  7  2002 Samplemanager/Fonts/helvetica.font
[generic]                 2036    3988  51.1% -lh5- 6352 Jan 23  2002 Samplemanager/Fonts/helvetica/13
[generic]                   31     264  11.7% -lh5- 03e3 Dec  7  2002 Samplemanager/Fonts/thinpaz.font
[generic]                 1379    2232  61.8% -lh5- ef06 Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/Fonts/thinpaz/8
[generic]                75942  276012  27.5% -lh5- 4d56 Feb 16  2002 Samplemanager/GFX/Background
[generic]                 1081    1780  60.7% -lh5- d27f Aug  7  2002 Samplemanager/GFX/Eject.1
[generic]                 1069    1778  60.1% -lh5- 5b2d Aug  7  2002 Samplemanager/GFX/Eject.2
[generic]                  435    1100  39.5% -lh5- 9d14 Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/GFX/fb_autotune_off
[generic]                  429    1096  39.1% -lh5- c162 Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/GFX/fb_autotune_on
[generic]                  338    1096  30.8% -lh5- d14f Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/GFX/fb_compressor_off
[generic]                  342    1096  31.2% -lh5- bfcf Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/GFX/fb_compressor_on
[generic]                  363    1100  33.0% -lh5- 306f Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/GFX/fb_deesser_off
[generic]                  358    1096  32.7% -lh5- 10b7 Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/GFX/fb_deesser_on
[generic]                  293    1100  26.6% -lh5- a5a8 Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/GFX/fb_default_off
[generic]                  291    1096  26.6% -lh5- 90ad Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/GFX/fb_default_on
[generic]                  453    1100  41.2% -lh5- 3de5 Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/GFX/fb_enhancer_off
[generic]                  446    1096  40.7% -lh5- 923f Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/GFX/fb_enhancer_on
[generic]                  305    1100  27.7% -lh5- 87b4 Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/GFX/fb_limiter_off
[generic]                  299    1096  27.3% -lh5- 6853 Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/GFX/fb_limiter_on
[generic]                  303    1100  27.5% -lh5- e401 Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/GFX/fb_normalize_off
[generic]                  299    1096  27.3% -lh5- 7859 Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/GFX/fb_normalize_on
[generic]                  328    1100  29.8% -lh5- 4aea Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/GFX/fb_open_off
[generic]                  321    1096  29.3% -lh5- 59fe Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/GFX/fb_open_on
[generic]                  256     400  64.0% -lh5- cad3 Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/GFX/fb_popup_off
[generic]                  264     400  66.0% -lh5- 2a36 Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/GFX/fb_popup_on
[generic]                  268    1100  24.4% -lh5- 90f1 Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/GFX/fb_save_off
[generic]                  265    1096  24.2% -lh5- 9e4a Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/GFX/fb_save_on
[generic]                  320    1100  29.1% -lh5- d52d Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/GFX/fb_undo_off
[generic]                  317    1096  28.9% -lh5- 3f84 Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/GFX/fb_undo_on
[generic]                  371    1100  33.7% -lh5- 0117 Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/GFX/fb_zero_off
[generic]                  366    1096  33.4% -lh5- 203d Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/GFX/fb_zero_on
[generic]                  766    1192  64.3% -lh5- af96 Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/GFX/Lupe.big
[generic]                  758    1194  63.5% -lh5- 31ac Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/GFX/Lupe.norm
[generic]                65861  216442  30.4% -lh5- 7e41 Feb 27  2002 Samplemanager/GFX/Pattern
[generic]                 1073    1776  60.4% -lh5- d627 Feb 16  2002 Samplemanager/GFX/Pause.1
[generic]                 1085    1776  61.1% -lh5- ba54 Feb 16  2002 Samplemanager/GFX/Pause.2
[generic]                 1094    1774  61.7% -lh5- 5210 Feb 16  2002 Samplemanager/GFX/Play.1
[generic]                 1099    1770  62.1% -lh5- a1a8 Feb 16  2002 Samplemanager/GFX/Play.2
[generic]                 1083    1768  61.3% -lh5- b091 Feb 16  2002 Samplemanager/GFX/Playrange.1
[generic]                 1087    1766  61.6% -lh5- 4af1 Feb 16  2002 Samplemanager/GFX/Playrange.2
[generic]                  498    1134  43.9% -lh5- 2cec Feb 16  2002 Samplemanager/GFX/Red.dark
[generic]                  513    1136  45.2% -lh5- fd8e Feb 16  2002 Samplemanager/GFX/Red.light
[generic]                 1118    1776  63.0% -lh5- 507b Feb 16  2002 Samplemanager/GFX/Show.1
[generic]                 1114    1778  62.7% -lh5- db2c Feb 16  2002 Samplemanager/GFX/Show.2
[generic]                  517    1148  45.0% -lh5- 0e04 Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/GFX/
[generic]                  610    1178  51.8% -lh5- 75b0 Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/GFX/Snap.on
[generic]                 1087    1778  61.1% -lh5- 9015 Feb 16  2002 Samplemanager/GFX/Stop.1
[generic]                 1099    1778  61.8% -lh5- 93d6 Feb 16  2002 Samplemanager/GFX/Stop.2
[generic]                 1071    1774  60.4% -lh5- 1377 Aug  7  2002 Samplemanager/GFX/Stopplay.1
[generic]                 1078    1772  60.8% -lh5- a8d7 Aug  7  2002 Samplemanager/GFX/Stopplay.2
[generic]                  567    1194  47.5% -lh5- 9a73 Feb 16  2002 Samplemanager/GFX/ZoomIn.1
[generic]                  597    1198  49.8% -lh5- d85e Feb 16  2002 Samplemanager/GFX/ZoomIn.2
[generic]                  577    1192  48.4% -lh5- ac04 Feb 16  2002 Samplemanager/GFX/ZoomOut.1
[generic]                  593    1198  49.5% -lh5- a225 Feb 16  2002 Samplemanager/GFX/ZoomOut.2
[generic]               131462  449032  29.3% -lh5- 8cdf Oct  9  2005 Samplemanager/Samplemanager
[generic]                  203   57384   0.4% -lh5- dd29 Apr 25  2002 Samplemanager/Samplemanager.gadgets
[generic]                 3216    5578  57.7% -lh5- cf7b May 15  2004 Samplemanager/
[generic]                 4161    9950  41.8% -lh5- 418b Oct  9  2005 Samplemanager/Samplemanager.readme
[generic]                 1836    2773  66.2% -lh5- 0639 May 15  2004 Samplemanager/
[generic]                 1852    2811  65.9% -lh5- b6af Dec  7  2002 Samplemanager/
[generic]               102942  115886  88.8% -lh5- cdb5 Apr  3  2002 Samplemanager/Samples/flute.aiff
[generic]                18670   21168  88.2% -lh5- 4ae5 Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/SysSamples/Bassdrum.raw
[generic]                 2248    2352  95.6% -lh5- 2eb0 Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/SysSamples/HHat_closed.raw
[generic]                26573   29400  90.4% -lh5- fb44 Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/SysSamples/HHat_open.raw
[generic]                15236   16464  92.5% -lh5- 85a8 Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/SysSamples/Snaredrum.raw
[generic]                64992   77400  84.0% -lh5- eccc Jan 23  2002 Samplemanager/SysSamples/Welcome.aiff
[generic]                   29      29 100.0% -lh0- 5fe4 Dec 25  2001 Samplemanager/undo_temp/dir.txt
[generic]                 1357    2183  62.2% -lh5- 2e17 Dec 23  2002
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        68 files  549361 1354472  40.6%            Oct 10  2005
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