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Short:Convert Protracker-Packers back to Protracker
Author:Nicolas FRANCK (Gryzor)
Uploader:lauly cnam fr
Download:mus/misc/Pro-Wizard_220.lha - View contents

Pro-Wizard is a MULTI-CONVERTER for Amiga music-files
packed with tools like NoisePacker, ProPacker, ProRunner, and so on...
It reconverts all these weird formats in the standard PROTRACKER format !

Written by   Nicolas FRANCK   (Gryzor)     (Nico is my first name too ! B-)

Binary only.

         P R O - W I Z A R D - 2     I S     S H A R E W A R E   !

                  IT  NEEDS  KICKSTART  2.04+  (V37+) !!

Some of the New Features in this v2.20:

 * The main-window re-sizing routine was FINALLY corrected !

 * The confirmation requester when you abort a scan is now optional.

 * Bug fixed in several formats recognition/conversion.

 * One new recognized format: Hornet Packer.

 * 600kb of documentations (AmigaGuide, English & French) linked together.

 * Pro-Wizard will warn you now, if it finds a TRUNCATED module !

 * The limit of 99 files in MultiFiles-Mode has been broken !! ==> 999 :)

 * When Pro-Wizard saves an xpk-packed module, it now prints its unpacked
   size, packed size, and the compression factor ! (or just its size if the
   module was not packed...).

 * The prefixes of each packed formats are user-editable !!
   Those used to save the Original (Packed) Modules, but also those inserted
   in the DOS_Comment of each saved module.

 * The internal "Help-Mode" was totally re-written !! I have removed all
   the help-texts which were taking so many bytes in the exe-file and
   I have replaced them with an ON-LINE AMIGAGUIDE HELP feature !!
   Furthermore, both English and French doc-files are recognized !  Enjoy !

 * Now, you can change the tool-priority of Pro-Wiz for the next scans.

 * New optional function : Edit FileComment !
   Which, of course, allows you to edit the DOS_Comment built by Pro-Wizard
   for each converted & saved module.

 * And while we're talking about the FileComments, you can now choose what
   informations Pro-Wiz will insert in them ("Ripped & Converted by...",
   the Original Filename, the Original FileComment, or nothing :) )

 * The Load & Save Pathes are now remembered and saved in the Prefs !
   You will be able to choose the Loading Path, the Saving Path (modules),
   the Saving Path (samples) and the AmigaGuide On-Line Helpfile !

 * And as you may have wondered what was this "Saving Path (samples)",
   yes! New feature : Saving of all the samples from a just converted mod !
   Read the full doc for more details.

 * And, about this feature, you can obviously choose between RAW & IFF-8SVX,
   and between "No Names" & "Real Names" !

 * Other new interesting feature : Pro-Wizard can now PLAY the modules !!
   Thanks to the "ptreplay.library" by Mattias Karlsson, still bugged a bit
   but I've arranged the problems...
   By the way, read carefully the doc about this new PLAY function !

 * You can also choose the Protracker Prefix used for saving the converted
   modules, and this is apart from the other Prefix'list. You'll have the
   choice between "mod.", "Mod." and "MOD."

 * And last but not least, you can now run Pro-Wizard with some arguments !!
   Yeeaahhh ! This allows you to make a little "Pro-Wiz" button in DOpus. ;)

     In this argument-mode,  Pro-Wizard loads and scans  the specified  file
     AUTOMATICALLY !! And you can set 3 optional switches to make some other
     events automatic too, like auto-exit, auto-save the Status-Window texts
     before exiting,  and even auto-convert the found modules without having
     to click on "Convert" in the first requester, etc...

                            Fun or what ?? :)

Bonus Programs:

 * ChipSaver 1.82  by The Cyborg/NGC, which offers a niiiice GUI ! ;)

 * New Deli-Wizard, of course, with the same bugfixes as in Pro-Wiz, and
   with the new format...

 * New version of "ModInfo" which now uses xpkmaster.library directly !
   And which needn't unpack the whole module anymore !! Just the beginning.

 * New Bonus-Program : RemoveMarks ! Whose job is to remove the marks
   inserted by DMS and/or SUPERDUPER when they make bigfiles from all the
   track of a disk.

...and many other features in the previous releases, read the history file !

                  Y O U ' L L    L O V E    I T   ! ! ! !

                                                         ......or I die  ;-)

Contents of mus/misc/Pro-Wizard_220.lha
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