DATE: 27-FEB-1994
Sorry the last one didnt work, so here is the fixed one.
I had a few ns. free , so I wipped it up.
Here it is, finally a Protracker module to MIDI file
converter for the Amiga, why has it taken so long you
ask, well who knows ????
Amiga A1000/A500/A600/A1200/A3000/A4000 or CDTV or CD-32 or (A5000)
OS 1.2 thru OS3.1 and most likely 4.0
STACK SIZE : no care
NOTE: gadtools13.library needed for pre OS2.0 machines,
asl.library used if OS2.0 +
reqtools.library 38+ needed for any OS.
The reqtools supplied is a OS1.3 version, it works
on OS2.0 and OS3.0 .
A4000/OS3.x , A1200/OS3.0 , A500/OS1.2, A500/OS2.0
This is manual, so do this your self
Copy the fonts/ to your 'fonts:' dir
Copy the libraries to your 'lib:' dir
Amiga C source code and exe and docs
The original program was 'modmidi2' a pc program that could
convert .mod to .mid , I ran it and #&$^%$ the pc is crap, herendous
interface, no file requestor etc...
AHHHH but look, it comes with C source , YEAH!! I yelled
With little time on my hands, all I wanted to do is change the
high level user-interface code, the rest would directly compile
under SAS and it would all work!
I did just that, with Amiga menus not DOS text menus and proper
file requestor and not just asking for file name string.
The only aspect of it that remains like a PC is that I have
not used listviews or fancy gadgets etc.. too much work!
So that part is just like the PC :-( , but still quite usable.
More of it gradualy will/might be converted to Amiga style.
When first run, select with the menus the source module file
then the destination midi file, then reassign all the module
samples to the proper midi instruments using 'REMAP SAMPLES'
menu option, then select the sample and the instrument, its easy!
To improve conversion speed, copy the module to ram: and make
your midi file output to ram: aswell, this will speed file i/o
or instead use a diskcache. But it should be ok as it is.
The validity of the conversion is only as good as the original PC
program, so dont blame me, the source is here, so play with that.
It now saves X amount of midi tracks for X amount of samples,
before it always saved 32 midi tracks regardless. This made
the Roland SD-35 spew, because it only accepted midi files
less than or equal to 17 tracks. It works fine now, and has
been tested with a Roland SD-35 and sounds great.
The instrument numbers were wrong before, 0 is NONE and
the rest start from 1 and NOT from 0 like before.
Also the PC was used as well to verify the conversion by
using a program called 'WinMusic' to load/play the midi files.
I spent days trying it to stop from crashing but no luck.
It seemed as if something kept corrupting program memory
(I wish enforcer saw these! listening M.Sinz)
So I kept on changing things, making it more secure, till
it seemed like it was stable, it seemed to run much better
, ie not crash at all if run from a HD system that already
had some of the system ram taken up. But if run of floppy
it seemed to fall over either during reading a mod or soon
Any way, it is fairly stable now, runs on shell, WB on my
3.0 system and off floppy too... even when run several times.
I put my 1.2 ROM back in the A500 to test it too... it worked
fine too, though a bit slow.
It didnt save the header GRRRRRRRRRRR, now it does.
It only failed on special (most) circumstances, its just
when I was testing it, my module did convert properly.
No it works correctly, and loads up into Deluxe Music aswell
though it takes a while, I wish they didnt update the screen title.
OK have fun dudez.....
Rave on and be merry.
Respect to all.
Raul Sobon.
Send complaints & suggestions to;