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mus/play/PlayFile-1.2.lha |
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PlayFile is a CLI based command which plays IFF 8SVX and RAW samples
straight from disk. It does not load the entire sample and so does not
waste memory. This program was designed to play files from hard disks or
other quick access storage devices. It will not work off stiffy drives at
any speed over 10000 samples per second.
[3mUsage:[0m PlayFile [-options] [samples per second/period] <FileName>
The options are as follows:
-F Filter on
-f Filter off
-S Volume and Pitch Slide
-x Immune to Right Mouse Button
-s Stereo
-m Mono
-l Audio Channel 0 (left)
-r Audio Channel 1 (right)
-R Audio Channel 2 (right)
-L Audio Channel 3 (left)
[4mVolume and Pitch Slide[0m
This doesn't really serve any purpose, but I put it in anyway. All it does
is sets the volume proportional to the vertical coordinate of the mouse and
the period to the horizontal coordinate.
[4mRight Button Immunisation[0m
Without -x the right mouse button will stop PlayFile.
[4mAudio Channels[0m
The audio channel selection may be followed by a volume ranging from 00 to
64. If no volume is given the default is 64. [1mNB[0m Must be a two digit
Using multi-tasking it is possible to play more than one sample from disk
at a time depending on the speed of your hard drive and play back speed. If
you try this make sure that you use different audio channels.
This play routine will sense whether the sample is stereo or not, and will
play it as such. This can however be overriden by these two options
The default options are -l64r64.
[4mPeriod/Samples per Second[0m
If no value is given here the speed is read from the sample which must then
be an IFF 8SVX sample. If the value is lower than 2000 it is taken to be a
period value which is calculated as follows:
clock constant
Period Value = --------------------
samples per second
where clock constant = 3546985 for PAL
3579545 for NTSC
Play 3896
README! 2547
You may distribute this utility freely, on condition that it is
distributed together with this README!
You may not use it for commercial gain. Use of this utility in any
commercial environment requires registration. Write to one of the email
addresses below to enquire about registration. :->
You can reach me c/o my brother Zane at any of the following addresses:
Fidonet: Zane Wilson of 5:7101/40.0
0112wilz.witsvma of 5:7104/4.0
Internet: 0112wilz@concave.cs.wits.ac.za
Contents of mus/play/PlayFile-1.2.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
-rw------- 2076/202 2127 3896 54.6% -lh5- e052 Nov 1 1992 PlayFile
-rw------- 2076/202 1286 2547 50.5% -lh5- 2a78 Nov 1 1992 readme!
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 2 files 3413 6443 53.0% Nov 4 1992
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