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Short:Small & Simple SID player
Author: qxyka at
Uploader:QXY (qxyka freemail hu)
Requires:68k+, V38+, MUI, sidplayer.library, reqtools.library
Download:mus/play/QSID.lha - View contents

1. What's this?

QSID is a very simple player for PSID files. I decide to write this,
because I could not find any players, that can scan fast forward and
fast backward during playing. With QSID you can seek in files fast
both forward and backward! In this version you can play only the first
song, even if the PSID file contains more! Sorry!

2. The GUI:

I used MUI to create user interface. In the future versions the gadtools
interface will available too! The GUI contains a textfield, 7 buttons and
a listview, what hidden in the startup. The buttons from left to right
means PREV (pevious), BACK (fast backward; rewind), PAUSE, PLAY, STOP,
FWD (fast forward), NEXT and EJECT. The PREV and NEXT buttons disabled
yet! The EJECT button has two functions: When playing music it stops
and free memory that allocated by the file. Otherwise it opens a reqtools
filerequester, where you can select file that you want to play. The playing 
process starts when you have selected a file and the reqester closed.
The BACK and FWD buttons used to seek in file forward and backward.
The PLAY button plays the music from the beginning, the STOP button
stops the music but does not free memory (see EJECT) and the PAUSE stops
the music if it played, otherwise it contiunes playing. You can open files
that saved by HippoPlayer (called Hippo Progs). These are list of filenames
with full path. QSID can read this files and shows in the listview at the
bottom of window. (This list hided until you load a list!) You simple
double click on entry, the program loads it and starts playing. (Same that
you open file with EJECT and requester...) The MUI's listview not too fast,
so loading list slower than HippoPlayer's load mechanism. (On my 28MHz Amiga
with Fastram it loads an ~600k file under ~10 sec!) The gadtools interface
will be faster. Oh, I forgot: The CLOSE gadget stops musics and terminates
program! :-)

3. Other:

QSID uses image buttons of SongPlayer. I have included these files...
This program *FREEWARE* and still has bugs! Use it at your own risk!!!
Plese send bugreports to ""! Send mail if you want to
receive next versions immidiatelly when released! And send mail if you
have ideas too! Thanks!!! ;-)

 - QXY -

Contents of mus/play/QSID.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  222     352  63.1% -lh5- ef3f Jul  7  2000 QSID_V023/Images/Backward.mf0
[generic]                  231     352  65.6% -lh5- edd9 Jul  7  2000 QSID_V023/Images/Backward.mf1
[generic]                  223     352  63.4% -lh5- 7221 Nov  2  1995 QSID_V023/Images/Eject.mf0
[generic]                  227     352  64.5% -lh5- fe5d Nov  2  1995 QSID_V023/Images/Eject.mf1
[generic]                  227     352  64.5% -lh5- 9975 Jul  7  2000 QSID_V023/Images/Forward.mf0
[generic]                  229     352  65.1% -lh5- 1b62 Jul  7  2000 QSID_V023/Images/Forward.mf1
[generic]                  226     352  64.2% -lh5- 86a3 Sep 21  1997 QSID_V023/Images/Next.mf0
[generic]                  230     352  65.3% -lh5- 5d8e Sep 21  1997 QSID_V023/Images/Next.mf1
[generic]                  213     352  60.5% -lh5- 3a94 Jul  7  2000 QSID_V023/Images/Pause.mf0
[generic]                  221     352  62.8% -lh5- 4a05 Jul  7  2000 QSID_V023/Images/Pause.mf1
[generic]                  220     352  62.5% -lh5- 9887 Nov  2  1995 QSID_V023/Images/Play.mf0
[generic]                  220     352  62.5% -lh5- 86c3 Nov  2  1995 QSID_V023/Images/Play.mf1
[generic]                  225     352  63.9% -lh5- 0eef Sep 21  1997 QSID_V023/Images/Prev.mf0
[generic]                  232     352  65.9% -lh5- c298 Sep 21  1997 QSID_V023/Images/Prev.mf1
[generic]                  212     352  60.2% -lh5- 4286 Nov  2  1995 QSID_V023/Images/Stop.mf0
[generic]                  224     352  63.6% -lh5- 9715 Nov  2  1995 QSID_V023/Images/Stop.mf1
[generic]                 3771    8740  43.1% -lh5- 6186 Jan  1  1980 qsid_v023/qsid
[generic]                  950    1612  58.9% -lh5- 6252 Jan  4  1980 QSID_V023/
[generic]                 1268    2483  51.1% -lh5- d0b2 Jan  1  1980 QSID_V023/QSID.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        19 files    9571   18467  51.8%            Aug  1  2001
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