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Short:Good TFMX-Player for all Amigas
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               this is the incredible documentation of the new

                             TFMX-PLAYER V3.21

               read it carefully to understand all functions !


Copyright:      This program was written by 'The Swing' in June/July 1992
                TFMX-Player is FREEWARE, which means that you can copy it
                and use it but you aren't allowed to change anything !!!!

                The name TFMX (The Final Musicsystem eXtended),
                the 4 & 8 Voice-Routines were written & (C) by

                Bitty-Soft-Industries (BSI) optimized the 4V-Routine,
                so there must go a lot of thanx to him.

                Some major optimizing on the 8V-Routine were done
                by myself. We (SWING/BSI) still work on it.


The tale of a dissatisfied Computer-Music-Lover:

                Once upon a time there was a game called Turrican 2.
                A young Amiga-User played (and solved) this perfect
                game and enjoyed the great sound. 'I must get this
                music', he said and started to work.

                'Hmmmm.',he thought,'The musician is the Master Of Music:
                Chris must be a masterpiece of TFMX'

                What an awful tale, lets speeeeeeeeeed up a bit.

                As an owner of the original TFMX-Editor I am able to
                rip any kind of TFMX-Module (because I know the
                structure of them).

                After I ripped so many songs (Turrican I,II Apidya,
                Z-Out, X-Out, MonkeyIsland, Masterblazer, Hard&Heavy,
                Battle Isle, MUDS, etc.) I needed a program to play
                them. I found the great MultiPlayer but this program
                played (at this time) only the very old modules.

                My original TFMX-Editor has got the same problem.
                So I started to rip the play-routines.

                With these new routines I was able to play ALL

                The aim was set - I NEED MY OWN PLAYER !!!!!!!


What you should know about TFMX-Modules:

                These modules are built in an different way as you know
                it from the Noise/Pro or anthing-else-Tracker

                A TFMX-Module has got two files.
                There is a musicdata file (mostly started with mdat.Filename)
                And there is a sampledata file (smpl.Filename).

                You need BOTH files to play a song !


What you need to use TFMX-Player V3.21:

                an Amiga 500(+)/600(HD)/1000/2000/2500/3000/4000........
                that means it will work on EVERY Amiga.

                Yo, it's time to use Kickstart 2.04
                you need it (or higher versions)

                you need the asl.library in your LIBS: dir

                and of course some modules to play....

                If you have only Kick 1.2/1.3 look out for
                TFMX-Player V2.3


                from CLI (who's using that ?) or Shell:

                        enter TFMX-Player (you don't need to run it)

                from Workbench:

                        double-click on its icon


                After starting you will see a wonderful window.
                If not, and no errormessage was displayed, you
                should reboot (can't open ROMLibs/not enought memory).

                You can divide the window in 3 parts.

                the first part is the GADGETCONTROL-part.
                From this part you can control all actions.

                the second part is the INFOBLOCK (box below)
                here you can see some informations about the current song

                last but not least there is the PLAYCONTROL (right box)
                there are a lot of LEDs there......


                All Gadgets (except the cyclegadgets) can be controlled
                by the keyboard.

Gadgetname      Key     Function
Loadtype        ---     here you can choose the data type you want to load

                        Load mdat.& smpl. files:
                        you must load a mdat. file (the smpl. file will
                        be loaded automatically)

                        Load only mdat / Load only smpl:
                        you're able to load data in seperate ways.
Playtype        ---     on which way do you want to play ?

                        Normal Song:
                        you can play 32 different songs (NO 8V Modules)

                        Play Effect:
                        you can play 64 effects & 32 songs (NO 8V Mods)
                        Not all Modules support this.

                        Play 8 Voice:
                        here it's possible to play 8V Modules like
                        Turrican II Titlesong.
                        ATTENTION: This will slow down the system if you
                                   have only a 68000 CPU.
Load            l       a filerequester will appear and you can choose
                        a file. Take a look at the titlebar or at the
                        loadtypegadget to realize what shit you'll load.
Sleep           e       shut down the window
                        to wake up you can press 'e' again or use the
                        right mousebutton.
About           a       get some informations about me, myself and I
0               0       set songnumber to 0 (ZERO)
Play            p       yeah, you found the key to sound. Press it to
                        play a loaded song or to restart one
Stop            s       press it to stop anything
-/+             -/+     previous/next song
Remove          r       if you press this gadget (or key) you will remove
                        all songdata (samples & musicfile).
                        You should use it when you have memory problems.
Timer           t       you can turn on/off the songtimer.
C               c       Continue        - NOT IMPLEMENTED (YET) -
F               f       you can toggle the audiofilter
CLOSEGADGET     q       Quit program - anything will be removed

INFOBLOCK (this is the 3D-Box below)

                Songnumber:     here you can see the current songnumber
                                (0-32 in Normal & 8Voice Mode)
                                (0-92 in Special Mode)

                Musicmemory:    Memoryusage of the mdat. file (Bytes)
                Samplememory:   Memoryusage of the smpl. file (Bytes)

                The names of the loaded files are displayed, too.
                If they are mdat. & smpl. files you'll see the names cut.

                Example: you loaded the files: mdat.Test smpl.Test
                         .Test & .Test will be displayed

PLAYCONTROLBLOCK (this is the box at the right)

                You see some LEDs which will be active or inactive.

                Effect will be setted when current song is an effect (0-64)
                Otherwise song will be active

                Here you can see in which way you play the current song

                Hope you know what it'll displays (useful when any song
                or effect stops)

                Time: (& clock below)
                you must be a KNARF (the greatest piece of shit ever made)
                if you don't understand this.


                NO MUSICDATA LOADED
                - there's no musicdata in memory
                        - load some mdat. files (or any kind of musicdata)

                NO SAMPLEDATA LOADED
                - no samples available
                        - load some

                NOT ENOUGH MEMORY
                - you have not enough memory
                        - free some (quit other programs)

                DIDN'T FIND COUPLE-FILES
                - you loaded something ok, BUT
                        - YOU SHOULD A MDAT. FILE AND THERE MUST BE A
                          SMPL. FILE !!!!!!

                THIS IS A 4 VOICE SONG
                - still not implemented

                THIS IS A 8 VOICE SONG
                - still not implemented

                - your musicdata is not correct
                        - be careful ! Playing can be deadly

                DISKERROR - 0xxx -
                - a doserror appeared.
                        - take a look in your manual to fix it

                Clock   - sometimes (while using other interrupts)
                          the clock will crash.
                        - use the Timergadget to solve problems

                The JPClock-Syndrom
                        - if you go sleeping while using JPClock
                          you wonder (me too) why my window
                          will be refreshed every second.
                        - remove JPClock

                The BEEP
                        - your system can crash when using a program
                          which uses some sounds like the beep.
                        - press 'stop' while using them.


                        - TFMX is the best on the Amiga

                        - great optimizing and ideas

                        - Devpac Assembler


        TFMXPlayer V1.0:- Plays 4-voices TFMX-modules
                        - very simple player

        TFMXPlayer V1.1:- Errormessages added
                        - 'Again' gadget added
                        - Checks for right module
                        - Kick 2.04 feeling

        TFMXPlayer V1.2 - fixed some bugs
                        - fixed bugs in structures
                        - now 99.9% on KICK 2.04
                        - speeding up some routines

        TFMXPlayer V1.3 - found & fixed bugs in load routine
                        - found & fixed bugs in add/sub special
                        - found & fixed bugs in graphic
                        - new songnr. display

        TFMXPlayer V1.4 - finally no breakdowns with multitasking
                        - diskerror will be identified
                        - a lot of relocs are gone ...
                        - fixed a last bug in the graphic

        TFMXPlayer V1.5 - found & fixed a nasty WBStartup bug
                        - fixed last (?) bugs in errordisplayroutines
                        - finally fixed heavy bug in the mainroutine

        TFMXPlayer V1.6 - fixed last (!) bug in WBStartup
                        - added the memory display
                        - added some intern routines
                        - speeding up routines
                        - general bug-search (fixed all now (?))
                        - changed the graphic (just some pixels)

        TFMXPlayer V1.7 - general upspeeding...
                        - playroutine made safer 4 multitasking
                        - supporting domuch.library !

        TFMXPlayer V1.8 - general re-coding of some routines
                        - added WB-ErrorMsg

        TFMXPlayer V1.9 - added asl.library support

        TFMXPlayer V2.0 - added own StopSound Routine (Sorry about loops....)

        TFMXPlayer V2.1 - added Version (Kick2.0) & creates own process

        TFMXPlayer V2.2 - fixed nasty closewindow bug
                        - asl.library V38+ support (no structure-hacking)
                        - added a lot of new loadroutine code

        TFMXPlayer V3.0 - only Kick 2.04
                        - coded everything again
                        - sleep option added
                        - new TFMXPlayRoutine (c) by BSI
                                - IRQs corrected (hello HD-Users)
                                - Optimized & Recoded & Bug-freed
                        - 8 Voice support

        TFMXPlayer V3.1 - internal affairs
                        - bug(gy) Version !

        TFMXPlayer V3.2 - optimizing code
                        - new TFMXPlayRoutine (c) by BSI
                        - new 8 Voice Routine (c) by myself
                        - Remove-Gadget added
                        - ControlPanel added
                        - fixed bugs (sleep)
                        - improved ErrorDisplayRoutine

        TFMXPlayer V3.21
                        - final 4V Routine (C) by BSI
                        - added Filter gadget
                        - removed some relocs
                        - recoded the ErrorRequesterRoutine (great)

        TFMXPlayer V2.3 - final version for Kick 1.2/1.3

        TFMXPlayer V3.3 - fix JPClock-Syndrom
                        - remove last relocs (Gadget-Structures)
                        - new improved 8V routine
                        - supporting continue function
                        - recognizing 4 or 8 Voice Module

TFMX-Player V3.21 was written on an Amiga 500 (3 MB/Kick2.04)
and was tested on an Amiga 500 (68030 CPU / 5 MB / Kick2.04)

Enjoy the great songs.

                                THE SWING >;)

Contents of mus/play/TFMX.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[unknown]                12053   46952  25.7% -lh5- 3c3a Sep  9 15:00 tfmx
[unknown]                 4604   15811  29.1% -lh5- e694 Sep  9 15:03 tfmx.doc
[unknown]                 3499    5864  59.7% -lh5- 6adc Sep  9 15:00 tfmx.obj
[unknown]                 4404   33716  13.1% -lh5- 118b Sep  9 15:00 tfmxpro.obj
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total         4 files   24560  102343  24.0%            Sep  9 22:00
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