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Short:Newest version, smart module player
Download:mus/play/splay31.lha - View contents


             History file for SmartPlay v3.1 by Xtreme Intelligence

  The whole philosophy behind this program has changed  quite  a bit since
  the first versions of SmartPlay. The 1.0 version (6KB) released 92/10/03
  was a plain ST/NT/PT player, without any real userinterface. Since then,
  SmartPlay  has  been  totally re-written at least two times, got a quite
  advanced & configurable userinterface, and  many unique options has been
  invented. All suggestions  from  the  BETA  testers  and other users has
  made SmartPlay a quite small & powerful moduleplayer for the Amiga..

VERSION 3.1 - Rel. 930622:

        Program size:  35512 bytes > 7096+
         Source size: 134057 bytes > 27158+

  Since Last release: 90 days of hard(!) work..

- The outlook & userinterface is  once  again  really improved, and is now
  more logical to use. Unused functionbuttons will now be properly shaded.

- The Configuration window got  more  options, and a new outlook. Both the 
  ProgramList editor,  and  the  Configuration  windows  are  now  running 
  independently from the mainprogram.

- Small WorkBench support added. SmartPlay will not crash when loaded from
  WB anymore, and  will  handle  the WB messages properly. No tooltypes or
  stuff like that implemented yet (coming in v3.2).

- RandomPlay, DoubleBuffer and Fader modes added.

- A listwindow  containing  the  names of the samples were added on public
  demand. It is now accessible from the gadget containing the names of the
  modules, author, type etc. on the mainwindow.

- XPK support implemented, and the PowerPacker decruncher does now use the
  xpkmaster.library too.

- The fastmemory replaylibrary "SPlay_FAST.library" is now really improved
  and supports all CIA speed, and jump commands. All !PM! modules are also
  supported trough the new  fastlibrary. The  modules  are now loaded into
  fastmemory in the same way as to chipmemory,  loading  &  allocating the
  samples one by one into memory. The player will not need the 260KB chip-
  buffers for all  modules  played  trough  fastmemory anymore, so the new
  "Chip Save" mode should be quite useful even for daily use.

- (Octa)MED(Pro) MMD0/1 4c and IFF-SMUS files are now supported trough the
  two new replaylibraries, SPlay_OMED.library & SPlay_SMUS.library.

- Useful Auto-Flush mode added for the SPlay_xxxx. replaylibraries. If the 
  "Flush SPlay_Libs" Flag is set in the configuration, all  used libraries
  will be detached from the system, and all memory will be freed on exit.

- The Volume and Balance knobs  are  now  really  working in Realtime. The
  volume is now more logarithmic, and will  fade  the samples regarding to
  the default volume of the used sample. This makes the Volume gadget more
  useful as the  music  now  will sound the same, not loosing any samples,
  when set at low volume.

- The .PRG programfiles can now be  loaded  from the PLAY button as normal
  modules. This makes it easy to  create  programs containing modules from
  different paths, and get fast access to them right from  the mainwindow.
  Several  programfiles  may  be  linked  together  by  inserting  another
  programfile as the last entry in a program.

- A position indicator, showing the amount of played positions added.

- PS=PUBSCREEN/K argument added to commandline.

- Improved windowposition handling.

- ST/NT/PT SONG files will now be properly loaded. The ST15 inst. identify
  routine fixed.

- Minor bug in the ProTracker/NoiseTracker identify routine fixed.

- Errors on first module will now continue program properly if requested.

- Annoying bug with the modulelist scrollbar (290+ modules in one program)

- The  modulename  &  author information  should  not  disappear at random
  intervals anymore.

- The old ForceFilter option is now replaced by an automatic routine.

- End-Of-Module detection improved.

- Module/Author/Played/Type cyclegadget text updateroutine fixed.

- Borders will not disappear anymore at ZoomUp using the ZOOM gadget.

- Only the first gadget will be executed if there are multiple gadgets
  pressed before SmartPlay is ready to execute them all.

- ST/NT modules used to end up looping the first pattern - fixed.

- Fixed some bugs in the !PM! PowerMusic decoding.

- Memory handling improved.

- CIA interrupts will now set all bits correctly on startup.

- Some replaylibraries got more/new volume/position functions.

- The L+R mousebutton stop/next function improved

- Removed the crap-text typed in the CLI window on startup.

- "Old Config found.." requester improved.

- Many other bugs, and  bad Enforcer hits removed. This version should run
  much more stable than the previous ones.

- Phew..

Contents of mus/play/splay31.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  542    1100  49.3% -lh5- cd82 Jun 22  1993 splay31/doc/distribution.txt
[generic]                 4210    9953  42.3% -lh5- 32a5 Jun 22  1993 splay31/doc/history.txt
[generic]                 8586   23505  36.5% -lh5- 2bce Jun 22  1993 SPLAY31/DOC/SmartPlay.DOC
[generic]                 4128    6076  67.9% -lh5- 0f8a Jun 22  1993 SPLAY31/LIBS/powerpacker.library
[generic]                24999   38104  65.6% -lh5- 217c Jun 22  1993 SPLAY31/LIBS/reqtools.library
[generic]                 1838    2920  62.9% -lh5- b2dd Jun 22  1993 SPLAY31/LIBS/SmartPlay/SPlay_BPSM.library
[generic]                  433     608  71.2% -lh5- 6a70 Jun 22  1993 SPLAY31/LIBS/SmartPlay/SPlay_DELT.library
[generic]                 1660    2740  60.6% -lh5- d58b Jun 22  1993 SPLAY31/LIBS/SmartPlay/SPlay_DSS!.library
[generic]                 3634    6620  54.9% -lh5- baa2 Jun 22  1993 SPLAY31/LIBS/SmartPlay/SPlay_FAST.library
[generic]                 2266    4656  48.7% -lh5- 4b96 Jun 22  1993 SPLAY31/LIBS/SmartPlay/SPlay_FC10.library
[generic]                 1998    3064  65.2% -lh5- 8094 Jun 22  1993 SPLAY31/LIBS/SmartPlay/SPlay_FC14.library
[generic]                  416     584  71.2% -lh5- fc10 Jun 22  1993 SPLAY31/LIBS/SmartPlay/SPlay_GMOD.library
[generic]                 1571    2632  59.7% -lh5- 9e16 Jun 22  1993 SPLAY31/LIBS/SmartPlay/SPlay_JAMC.library
[generic]                 5550    9852  56.3% -lh5- 35f2 Jun 22  1993 SPLAY31/LIBS/SmartPlay/SPlay_OMED.library
[generic]                  419     572  73.3% -lh5- 2f45 Jun 22  1993 SPLAY31/LIBS/SmartPlay/SPlay_PM18.library
[generic]                 1362    2208  61.7% -lh5- e05d Jun 22  1993 SPLAY31/LIBS/SmartPlay/SPlay_SF13.library
[generic]                  393     532  73.9% -lh5- 6dd5 Jun 22  1993 SPLAY31/LIBS/SmartPlay/SPlay_SM10.library
[generic]                 2139    3512  60.9% -lh5- 6435 Jun 22  1993 SPLAY31/LIBS/SmartPlay/SPlay_SMII.library
[generic]                 5677    8096  70.1% -lh5- 24f1 Jun 22  1993 SPLAY31/LIBS/SmartPlay/SPlay_SMUS.library
[generic]                 1291    2132  60.6% -lh5- 544d Jun 22  1993 SPLAY31/LIBS/SmartPlay/SPlay_ST15.library
[generic]                 7507   13456  55.8% -lh5- 4901 Jun 22  1993 SPLAY31/LIBS/xpkmaster.library
[generic]                 5906   10096  58.5% -lh5- c5c7 Jun 22  1993 SPLAY31/PREFS/ReqTools
[generic]                 1540    4753  32.4% -lh5- c860 Jun 22  1993 SPLAY31/PREFS/ReqTools.doc
[generic]                21081   35512  59.4% -lh5- b68b Jun 22  1993 SPLAY31/SmartPlay
[generic]                  516    1555  33.2% -lh5- cd04 Jun 23  1993 metsatahti
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        25 files  109662  194838  56.3%            Jun 28  1993
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