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Short:Imagine object collection: Kitchen
Download:pix/3dobj/Kitchen.lha - View contents

   This Imagine 3D object comes from the Imagine collection, "Imagine PD
3D", published by Graphic Detail Inc.

    Imagine PD 3D contains thousands of Imagine 3D objects in many
categories including Anatomy, Animals, Aviation, Botany, Buildings,
Computers, Electronics, Furniture, Grocery, Household, Kitchen, Land,
Logos, Misc., Music, Phones, Robots, Space, Sports, Ships, Vehicles, Toys,
Tools, Video, Weapons and many others.

    Imagine PD 3D also contains the IFF & Targa textures (along with
thumbnail rederings) of Texture Gallery, a regular $44.95 value!

    Imagine PD 3D will be available starting August 1, 1996. The regular
retail price of Imagine PD 3D is $29.95 + shipping. If you mention the
Aminet special when ordering directly from Graphic Detail, you may
purchase Imagine PD 3D for only $20.00 plus FREE shipping to anywhere in
the world! You must mention "the Aminet special" when you place your order
to get the special $20.00 price.

    Contact info:

Graphic Detail Inc.
4556 South Third Street
Louisville Ky. 40214 USA
502-363-2986 - voice & fax                                              
  1-800-265-4041 - U.S. orders only - email address

All orders are shipped within 24 hours 

Mastercard & Visa are accepted

U.S. & International dealer inquiries are welcome.

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
   81390   25882 68.2% 17-Jun-96 16:07:54 +Kitchen.iff
   65274   24396 62.6% 19-Oct-94 20:06:20 +Bowl.iob
   14258    4226 70.3% 19-Oct-94 20:06:20 +Coffecp2.iob
    9278    3395 63.4% 19-Oct-94 20:06:20 +Coffecp3.iob
   92024   37482 59.2% 19-Oct-94 20:06:18 +C_maker.iob
     648     361 44.2% 19-Oct-94 20:06:18 +Readme
   26674   11382 57.3% 19-Oct-94 20:06:20 +Coffecup.iob
     279     168 39.7% 19-Oct-94 20:06:20 +Readme
   31556   14569 53.8% 19-Oct-94 20:06:20 +Fork.iob
   10274    3372 67.1% 19-Oct-94 20:06:20 +Fork2.iob
  112206   12876 88.5% 19-Oct-94 20:06:20 +Forkbrus.iff
   50400   19664 60.9% 19-Oct-94 20:06:20 +Fridge.iob
   51458   19426 62.2% 19-Oct-94 20:06:18 +Glass5.iob
    1281     722 43.6% 19-Oct-94 20:06:18 +Readme
   12878    4892 62.0% 19-Oct-94 20:06:20 +Goblet2.iob
   36842   14019 61.9% 19-Oct-94 20:06:20 +Knife.iob
    3240    1345 58.4% 19-Oct-94 20:06:20 +Knife2.iob
    4764    1823 61.7% 19-Oct-94 20:06:20 +Match.iob
    4734     175 96.3% 19-Oct-94 20:06:20 +Doorpic.iff
    3094    1135 63.3% 19-Oct-94 20:06:20 +Microwav.iob
   16690    1357 91.8% 19-Oct-94 20:06:20 +Panelpic.iff
  157892   72285 54.2% 19-Oct-94 20:06:20 +Palette.iob
   29136   11669 59.9% 19-Oct-94 20:06:20 +Saucer2.iob
   51084   21327 58.2% 19-Oct-94 20:06:20 +Spoon.iob
    1918     843 56.0% 19-Oct-94 20:06:20 +Spoon2.iob
  101292   39868 60.6% 19-Oct-94 20:06:20 +Wineglas.iob
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  970564  348659 64.0% 01-May-96 13:59:38   26 files

Contents of pix/3dobj/Kitchen.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                25882   81390  31.8% -lh5- 553f Jun 17  1996 kitchen/Kitchen.iff
[generic]                24396   65274  37.4% -lh5- bcfb Oct 19  1994 Kitchen/Bowl.iob
[generic]                 4226   14258  29.6% -lh5- f965 Oct 19  1994 Kitchen/Coffecp2.iob
[generic]                 3395    9278  36.6% -lh5- aea5 Oct 19  1994 Kitchen/Coffecp3.iob
[generic]                37482   92024  40.7% -lh5- 897a Oct 19  1994 Kitchen/Coffee/C_maker.iob
[generic]                  361     648  55.7% -lh5- 2fda Oct 19  1994 Kitchen/Coffee/Readme
[generic]                11382   26674  42.7% -lh5- 00a7 Oct 19  1994 Kitchen/Cup/Coffecup.iob
[generic]                  168     279  60.2% -lh5- b736 Oct 19  1994 Kitchen/Cup/Readme
[generic]                14569   31556  46.2% -lh5- 75f0 Oct 19  1994 Kitchen/Fork/Fork.iob
[generic]                 3372   10274  32.8% -lh5- 6642 Oct 19  1994 Kitchen/Fork/Fork2.iob
[generic]                12876  112206  11.5% -lh5- 999d Oct 19  1994 Kitchen/Fork/Forkbrus.iff
[generic]                19664   50400  39.0% -lh5- 0fac Oct 19  1994 Kitchen/Fridge.iob
[generic]                19426   51458  37.8% -lh5- 3e5b Oct 19  1994 Kitchen/Glass/Glass5.iob
[generic]                  722    1281  56.4% -lh5- f2bb Oct 19  1994 Kitchen/Glass/Readme
[generic]                 4892   12878  38.0% -lh5- 01fd Oct 19  1994 Kitchen/Goblet2.iob
[generic]                14019   36842  38.1% -lh5- 7fb7 Oct 19  1994 Kitchen/Knife.iob
[generic]                 1345    3240  41.5% -lh5- 599c Oct 19  1994 Kitchen/Knife2.iob
[generic]                 1823    4764  38.3% -lh5- 484b Oct 19  1994 Kitchen/Match.iob
[generic]                  175    4734   3.7% -lh5- 14d1 Oct 19  1994 Kitchen/Microwav/Doorpic.iff
[generic]                 1135    3094  36.7% -lh5- bf28 Oct 19  1994 Kitchen/Microwav/Microwav.iob
[generic]                 1357   16690   8.1% -lh5- 9e58 Oct 19  1994 Kitchen/Microwav/Panelpic.iff
[generic]                72285  157892  45.8% -lh5- 544b Oct 19  1994 Kitchen/Palette.iob
[generic]                11669   29136  40.1% -lh5- 0bf8 Oct 19  1994 Kitchen/Saucer2.iob
[generic]                21327   51084  41.7% -lh5- 9a0d Oct 19  1994 Kitchen/Spoon.iob
[generic]                  843    1918  44.0% -lh5- bdd0 Oct 19  1994 Kitchen/Spoon2.iob
[generic]                39868  101292  39.4% -lh5- e897 Oct 19  1994 Kitchen/Wineglas.iob
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        26 files  348659  970564  35.9%            May  1  1996
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