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While working on the Watering Hole project (search this server for files
that start with WatHo for details) I toyed with the idea of making octo-
gonal tables instead of round ones. Then I got the idea to make an octo
table with a square tablecloth draped over the edges. When I posted the
resulting picture on the forum and mentioned round tables, some of the
other members started discussing favourite pizzas (the connection is easier
to make if you know about Round Table Pizza), so I whipped up another
simple object and placed it on top of the other.
This file contains the object files for the table and the pizza. The table
uses the marble texture that comes with Imagine, and the pizza uses a
topping picture that I found on the web. It is not included here, so you
have to find or make your own.
A picture of the objects with 'my' pizza topping can be found at the
address ih the Short description.
Asker, March 2004
Ragnar Fyri
More info on previous works:
============================ Archive contents ============================
LhA Evaluation V1.38 - Copyright (c) 1991,92 Stefan Boberg.
All rights reserved. Not for commercial use.
Listing of archive 'Pizza-src.lha':
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
6660 2242 66.3% 08-Jan-03 23:04:44 pizza.iob
3884 1351 65.2% 16-Oct-02 07:51:52 tabletest.iob
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
10544 3593 65.9% 20-Mar-104 21:56:10 2 files
Contents of pix/3dobj/Pizza-src.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 2242 6660 33.7% -lh5- 34f8 Jan 8 2003 pizza.iob
[generic] 1351 3884 34.8% -lh5- fc86 Oct 16 2002 tabletest.iob
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 2 files 3593 10544 34.1% Mar 23 2004
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